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Old 30 December 2012, 23:30   #1
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clear the deck

Was thinking about re-routing all my cables and steering under the deck on my tohatsu one design.i understand this is not a popular rib.any advice of doing this would be what sort of deck fittings and conduate to use is it a worth while job? ????
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Old 31 December 2012, 09:48   #2
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Can't talk about that rib, but what I have done for the "across deck" version is instead of using one giant trip hazard diameter flexi conduit, I have used 4 30mm dia ones tie wrapped together in a row. Gives a flat and walkable-on "mat" for the cables, fuel hoses etc and as it is wide, is a huge less risk of a trip hazard than the "big bore" stuff that takes the engine cables up to the transom.

From memory one carries fuel, two carry a big battery cable each along with one the engine control, other the PT & the fourth the A- frame cabling (Lights, VHF etc)
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Old 31 December 2012, 11:54   #3
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by simon23 View Post
Was thinking about re-routing all my cables and steering under the deck on my tohatsu one design.i understand this is not a popular rib.any advice of doing this would be what sort of deck fittings and conduate to use is it a worth while job? ????
No idea on the Tohatsu but last time I did this I was able to use a hole that was under the seat to drop them down and brought them up through one next to the A frame at the rear. They were large 6" holes that then had a gland screwed over the top to keep the wet stuff out.
No idea if these were factory holes or previous owner drilled.

If I was doing it myself I'd use a short piece of water pipe to build the deck up at the exit point by a couple of inches as it'll help more than just a gland.

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