Originally Posted by John Kennett
Maybe we should form an official RIBnet club and have it affiliated to the RYA -- anyone know anything about the amount of bureaucracy involved in this sort of thing?
We could certainly try to build up the number of regular social meets, as these seem to have beeen very successful so far.
The reason behind my questions is i have an association with a club based in Brighton. (the Sussex Motor Yacht Club) loads of history to bore you with but the long and short of it is, it almost went bust some years ago but was kept alive by a few life members.
Now there are about 30 members who are trying to revive the club. i am fairly sure its affilated with the RYA and given the right encouragement i think it could be developed nicely (my Uncle is the commadore so i will ply him with booze till he sees the light!)
the other advantage is the club has a Royal warrent for members to fly an undefaced blue ensign. (fairly rare im told)
could be an opportunity to have an active involvement with a club to run it for members by members. (not that im suggesting some clubs are snotty and rib owners are unapproved of!!!
