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Old 12 December 2004, 10:57   #21
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Manos
Valiants I do not know.

They have bad reputation in Greece. No one buys them.

In particular a friend who had a 7.5 COBRA, his boat developed a huge vertical crack on deck. The boat was made in the UK. He had to cut the deck, glue another bit on it putch it all up and sell the boat ASAP. He never touched COBRAS again. A few other people with COBRAS that I met in the yard where my frind was fixing his their boats suffered similra problems. One had also developed a crack on the transom.

They are not that popular in Greece at all and you can understand why.

For that money and on the same size you can buy a Ballistic or Humber or Osprey or a Parker. All good boats.

Manos you say they aren't popular in Greece - why is it their biggest market then????
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Old 12 December 2004, 13:06   #22
Country: UK - England
Town: Gillingham, Kent
Boat name: Viper
Make: Cobra
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-rude Outboard 125
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Posts: 76
I have a 5.5mtr cobra and have found it a fantastic ride in all weathers.

However, a friend has a 6mtr and the last time I went out with him in the Solent, I found the ride appauling.

Seems strange that .5mtr makes such a difference.

Had a run in a 7.5mtr a few years ago and found that very heavy going in a large swell. I think I'll stick to the sub 6mtr category.

Build quality I have found to be excellent, no problems to date.... touch wood.

The only hyper critical thing I could say about my boat is that it ships water over the transom when bobbing about in a bit of weather, but that's what pumps are for I suppose...

Agree that Dave is a nice bloke, very helpful when you call with queries...



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Old 12 December 2004, 13:27   #23
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by simmons0
Vanguard - PVC tubes
DR - I forget, but its a bit tougher

Apart from that its the same boat, the only differences are in the fit out.
My 490 was a great boat, a great first boat at least but id say go for a PT if you want a valiant.

i agree the PT is the one to go for

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Old 13 December 2004, 05:32   #24
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Aberdeen
Boat name: Naja
Make: Cobra 5.2m
Length: 5m +
Engine: o/b, 100hp
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 10

I've had a Cobra for 2 years. I use it mainly for diving, it's fast even with 6 divers and kit on, I use a 100 Suzuki. She has a big drain well aft with a bilge pump and she's always dry. Good and beamy to so she's really stable. Build like a brick outhouse.
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Old 13 December 2004, 19:33   #25
Country: UK - England
Boat name: SOLD
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My consul was scewed in. Again if you are hyper critacal why do they put the battery in the stern when thats where the water drains? ,I being a true train spoter had it moved to under the front consul along with the isolation switch apart from that it was great, on the subject of split decks etc, I was told that Avon sent out a batch of 620s last year and forgot to put the stringers in woops.
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Old 13 December 2004, 20:01   #26
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
Engine: Cat3126 Yam 90 &70
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In 6.5 Metre lengths I have charter experience of about 5 types of 6.5 hulls. The cobra being one of em. I find it easy too stuff (and despite all the flak I get I can handle a boat well!) I have only ever stuffed a boat 5 times and three of em have been the Cobra.

The one we manage seems to be well built and the newer ones seem to be very well fitted out.

They don't drive like a deep V hull cos they ain't but they are safe enuff just a bit wet
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 13 December 2004, 21:04   #27
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin.
Boat name: Tender 2.
Make: Valiant DR 600
Length: 6m +
Engine: 150 Optimax
MMSI: coming soon !
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 443
Valliant DR 600

Well I've just bought a Valliant DR600 from Mike on this board so dont say anything bad about it now I collect it on Thursday and cant wait. Mike has been very easy to deal with.
Fast... Very feckin fast please.
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