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Old 11 December 2004, 16:07   #1
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Cobra & Valiant RIBS

Whats the general opinion on these 2 types of RIB. Are they any good? Is there anything I should particulary watch out for if purchasing either?

Brixham BSAC
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Old 11 December 2004, 16:31   #2
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can only comment on valiant

i would say avoid the vanguards they are not build for the british weather

the pt and dr range are very good just watch out of the bits the dealers fit as i have not found any that can fit things without trouble in the long term

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Old 11 December 2004, 16:40   #3
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You should also consider how far away your dealer is when you buy as if you have warenty work done it will be up to you to return boat valiant i know are good with warenty work cobra iknow nothing about
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Old 11 December 2004, 16:44   #4
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is there any reason you are only considering these two
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Old 11 December 2004, 16:56   #5
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Originally Posted by Daniel TD5
can only comment on valiant

i would say avoid the vanguards they are not build for the british weather

the pt and dr range are very good just watch out of the bits the dealers fit as i have not found any that can fit things without trouble in the long term

What do you think the difference between the vanguard and the DR is?
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Old 11 December 2004, 17:24   #6
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Originally Posted by tue
Whats the general opinion on these 2 types of RIB. Are they any good? Is there anything I should particulary watch out for if purchasing either?

Can't speak about Valiant but the Cobra I've been on was a nicely finished and kitted out RIB. However it is a medium V hull and not the best boat in any kind of sea - e.g. I was able to travel more comfortably in a 7.5m Scorp vs a 7.5m Cobra. This model also had a moulded in rear bench seat with insufficient drainage to enable water to be cleared from the deck in the event of a stuffing. This could be a real problem in an emergency and after stuffing it in the Thames Estuary the owner had additional drains put in.

Out of the fog......
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Old 11 December 2004, 17:39   #7
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I was recently told, although i hasten to add im not sure if it is true or just a blaitant mistake, that the build quality of Cobras on the 'inside' is pretty appauling........somebody that i know vistited them a short while back and said that outside the factory are hundreds of used packing crates which were apparently destined to be the stringers and keel etc for the hulls!!!

As i said, not sure whether to believe this but its worth being wary of!

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Old 11 December 2004, 17:58   #8
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Picton Cobra

I am going to have to diasgree Seb.
I ve driven a 7.5m Picton Cobra with a Honda 225HP on it. The boat was very well finished inside and out, the quality of the console, seating and materials used were all good, having said that the upholstery design i'snt to everyones taste. I agree about the drainage though!
The boat is a medium v but had a very smooth ride, ideal for long distance cruising. Performance wise they are not as quick as a scorpian, but probably similar, to the valiant. The 7.5m cobra I mentioned did about 50-55MPH 2 up with a laser II prop. The cobra is also very well priced compared to a scorpian, I would also look at Solent Ribs.

Nice choice to make!

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Old 11 December 2004, 18:12   #9
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Fair enough - like i said, its just what ive been told and as i have no personal experience with Cobras, i cant really agree or disagree!

I would however, after being told this, certainly go to the factory and check it out before buying one, just to put my mind at rest.

Driving one and looking at the exterior finish wont always be a reliable evaluation for internals and structural build quality.

Anyway, good luck with the hunt for a new boat should be able to haggle a bit at this time of year!!!

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Old 11 December 2004, 18:15   #10
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Well i have just sold mine a 7.5 Cobra and i collected it from the factory and watched it in differant state of build it look good to me. i have been out in some realy bad weather and i have always founds it to be a very good sea keeping boat i have to say that that if you want a go any where boat then there are many commercial type ribs out there but, I found that what ever you chouse its allways a compremise beteen comfort etc.. You cant knock the scorpions but boat for boat the differance in price was about 25% and they still have the rear bench seat like the cobra.
You only have to post a thread on one boat or another and there is always some one who has had a bad exspeance even scorpions.
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Old 11 December 2004, 18:36   #11
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Wont be paying attention to my 'source' again then !! Thought it may have been a bit far fetched but, you never know these days!! Cobra owners can now rest in peace
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Old 11 December 2004, 18:49   #12
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Why are you only considering these two?? Have driven a 7.5m Cobra Nautique/225 Opti. Nice boat, very comfortable. Dunno about its ability in a big sea though?? V.good leisure cruise boat though. Good at what it does.

If going for a Valiant I would only consider a PT. The DR is built a bit tougher (tubes, strakes, etc) but is essentially the same hull as the Vanguard which limits its potential as a rough weather boat.

This raises the question, what will you be using the boat for?? I would have said the natural progression from a Ribtec such as your own would have been towards a Ribcraft, Tornado, Valiant PT, Osprey, Redbay, Delta(£!) all tough with very deep V hulls. Or even a bigger Ribtec!!
Steve G
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Old 11 December 2004, 20:15   #13
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Originally Posted by simmons0
What do you think the difference between the vanguard and the DR is?
depends on what size the 4.0m to 4.9 share the same general purpose hull,
but the tubes are better heavy duty fitting on the DR range nice rubbing strake that works my new DR is a much better layout

i had the vanguard 4.5m from new they are very back heavy and find bumpy
water very hard to cope with. i had so much lead in the front locker the vicar would be checking the roof after seeing me they are more nice weather in shore day rib and the consul needs to be fixed so well as its very high and take a bashing but the good side was 30 knots with a 40 hp on the back

the 4.9 is a total waste of time as its only 200mm bigger deck than the 4.5 most of the size is tube

the PT and DR range are well the dogs nuts had a go on waynes pt520 very nice

valiant as the best warrenty ive come across they changed waynes pt over
for a new boat as it had a hull problems 18 months after he got it. and the problems i had with my one were fixed with out fuss

you must by a rib that suits your use i got a vanguard first which did not do what i wanted so i changed for a dr which works well for me

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Old 11 December 2004, 20:54   #14
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Originally Posted by Seb
Wont be paying attention to my 'source' again then !! Thought it may have been a bit far fetched but, you never know these days!! Cobra owners can now rest in peace
Glad to hear it!!!

Dave Picton has been in the boat building business for a very long time - far more experience than most of the new "upstart" RIB companies around!

Actually the reverse of what you were told is true - the Cobra range are prob far better made than most other RIBS.

Agreed they are more a leisure type boat - hence the clever sunbed and nice seats etc - the hull is pretty good from what I hear but can give a wet ride.

The resale on Cobras is very good - due to the build quality and Dave's habit of buying any Cobra that comes on the market too cheap - very shrewd!!!

So much so I tried to do a cash deal with him - he didn't want to know - his order books are already full enough. Having said that he was a really nice bloke and offered loads of free advice etc - made me feel very welcome - shame we couldn't do a deal.
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Old 11 December 2004, 21:17   #15
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For once I agree with Cod, if the reputation system was still around I would relieve him off his much discussed red blob!
The Cobra 7.5 received a good review in Rib Int. a couple of years ago, and I was under the impression that they are highly regarded. As Roy mentioned they are well priced compared to thier competitors. Definatly, worth considering Tue but you've only had your boat 5 mins!

Originally Posted by codprawn
Glad to hear it!!!

Dave Picton has been in the boat building business for a very long time - far more experience than most of the new "upstart" RIB companies around!

Actually the reverse of what you were told is true - the Cobra range are prob far better made than most other RIBS.

Agreed they are more a leisure type boat - hence the clever sunbed and nice seats etc - the hull is pretty good from what I hear but can give a wet ride.

The resale on Cobras is very good - due to the build quality and Dave's habit of buying any Cobra that comes on the market too cheap - very shrewd!!!

So much so I tried to do a cash deal with him - he didn't want to know - his order books are already full enough. Having said that he was a really nice bloke and offered loads of free advice etc - made me feel very welcome - shame we couldn't do a deal.
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Old 12 December 2004, 00:44   #16
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Originally Posted by Daniel TD5
depends on what size the 4.0m to 4.9 share the same general purpose hull,
but the tubes are better heavy duty fitting on the DR range nice rubbing strake that works my new DR is a much better layout

i had the vanguard 4.5m from new they are very back heavy and find bumpy
water very hard to cope with. i had so much lead in the front locker the vicar would be checking the roof after seeing me they are more nice weather in shore day rib and the consul needs to be fixed so well as its very high and take a bashing but the good side was 30 knots with a 40 hp on the back

the 4.9 is a total waste of time as its only 200mm bigger deck than the 4.5 most of the size is tube

the PT and DR range are well the dogs nuts had a go on waynes pt520 very nice

valiant as the best warrenty ive come across they changed waynes pt over
for a new boat as it had a hull problems 18 months after he got it. and the problems i had with my one were fixed with out fuss

you must by a rib that suits your use i got a vanguard first which did not do what i wanted so i changed for a dr which works well for me

Vanguard - PVC tubes
DR - I forget, but its a bit tougher

Apart from that its the same boat, the only differences are in the fit out.
My 490 was a great boat, a great first boat at least but id say go for a PT if you want a valiant.
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Old 12 December 2004, 08:48   #17
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No experience of the Cobra but check the hull warranty exclusions on there advertising leaflet!
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Old 12 December 2004, 09:01   #18
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Valiants I do not know.

They have bad reputation in Greece. No one buys them.

In particular a friend who had a 7.5 COBRA, his boat developed a huge vertical crack on deck. The boat was made in the UK. He had to cut the deck, glue another bit on it putch it all up and sell the boat ASAP. He never touched COBRAS again. A few other people with COBRAS that I met in the yard where my frind was fixing his their boats suffered similra problems. One had also developed a crack on the transom.

They are not that popular in Greece at all and you can understand why.

For that money and on the same size you can buy a Ballistic or Humber or Osprey or a Parker. All good boats.
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Old 12 December 2004, 09:19   #19
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We had the fortune of retubing two cobra's which were used out in Menorca, first as dive boats and now as tenders to large sightseeing catamarans, both boats have been given a serious hammering for well over 7 years now and they both look pretty healthy for it too! One of them had a 5ltr V8 chevy in the back which i think bears testimony to their strength!
Hypalon Tubes built in-house,retubing, repairs, Accessories
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Old 12 December 2004, 10:25   #20
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Originally Posted by swginn
Why are you only considering these two??
I have found a 7.5m Cobra at a reasonable price, and been offered a brand new 7m ish Valiant hull (Price as yet unkown). Are the Cobra consoles and seats screwed or bonded? as I would want to change it all around if I bought it
Brixham BSAC
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