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Old 05 October 2002, 09:36   #1
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Cobra Ribs

I currently have a Pacific 22 Diesel rib which i have been verv pleased with but i would like more length and a bit more speed.
i am looking at a 8.5m cobra with a 250hp mercruser diesel.
Could anybody give there experence with build quality, handling, performance and engine riliability
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Old 05 October 2002, 10:59   #2
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The Cobra range of ribs are OK if all you want to do is tootle around the Solent in F1/3. The hull is based on their Picton range of speed-boats, ie shallow V and is a pretty hard ride in anything resembling a slight chop. The finish is good, but I have seen better, lots of upholstery which comes apart in no time. I cannot comment on the engine - hope this helps?!
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Old 05 October 2002, 15:22   #3
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I have heard that that engine is v. noisy in comparison with some others.
Suggest you look at the Yanmar 300 (320hp) or the Yamaha 240(?)
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Old 18 July 2003, 20:28   #4
Country: UK - England
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Sorry to drag this thread up from the depths, we currently have a Avon 5.60 which we are pleased with, but are looking for something that bit faster and can handle the chop that bit better, looking for something no longer than 6m really, and no more than sort of £16 -£17k second hand. We were looking particulary at the Cobra Nautique 6m after being very impressed with it at the london boat show a little while ago, also recently saw one in Poole in fairly rough conditions and it seemed as you say Charles, quite a hard ride, but at the same time very stable and capable in the rough waters.
Would be interested to hear of any other RIBS in particaluar you would recommend, very much looking for a family boat, so nothing to commerical looking.

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Old 21 July 2003, 11:53   #5
Country: UK - England
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Cobra's are wide capable boats but they do give a very hard ride. Comparing a 6m cobra with a 5.85ribtec and the difference is more than a bit noticeable. Cobras do have much more space inside if being used for diving or safety boating. Not used one with diesel. The weight might make a difference.
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Old 22 July 2003, 10:59   #6
Country: Ireland
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Bought a 5.8 Cobra in March last year having done a lot of homework (including reading everything I could find on the web and talking to lots of people). As we do diving, the boat makes a lot of sense as the beam (1.5m internally) is fantastic for the length. I didn't realise the ride was hard until the dive club bought a 6.5m Ribtec. The ride of that boat is very comfortable and forgiving in heavy weather. I don't know how much the extra length influences the ride, or whether it's purely down to hull design. Still trying to figure that one out (opinions welcome).

I've had the Cobra out in F5 and she's behaved perfectly. No scary moments so far. Stable at rest also. The boat stays dry more often than not (unless the driver makes a mistake!). I went to the trouble of getting some heavy weather training and it helped a lot.

Hope this helps...

PS It's not a Cobra Nautique. It's the more basic model (I think it's called the's been superceded by a 6.0m now).
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Old 26 July 2003, 15:10   #7
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cobra rib hull was specifically designed by David Feltam for solent marine centre and then taken over by Dave Picton who also built a few ribs based on his speedboat hulls but these were called picton ribs ,and some were built by lencraft useing picton moulds
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