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Old 15 March 2005, 16:31   #41
Country: UK - England
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Well done Bruce.
Sounds like a lot of people are a lot wiser as a result of you honesty.

Just to put a bit more of the fear of God into you. Were you aware of and how close did you come to Brook Ledges, Atherfield Ledges, the overfalls around St Catherines Point (probably not there with the wind as it was), the isolated rocks off Dunose, Bembridge Ledge and the (recently removed) submarine barrier between No Mans Land Fort and Seaview?

More advice.
Planning need only be for the area you propose to go. Familiarise yourself with any hazards, look for landmarks in the vacinity and remember their relationship.
For example, when you see you have gone inside a line from No Mans land Fort and Ryde Pier, you will know you may be about to go aground. You do not need to spend days reading up the whole area, just the bit that will affect you.
Mark H
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" Douglas Adams
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Old 15 March 2005, 19:06   #42
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Firstly all credit to you for being honest and sharing your experience. Whilst it is easy to be self righteous we have all made mistakes the key difference with yours is that you have publically admitted it. The other difference is where yours occured and as Doug rightly states the Solent is often underestimated as the traffic levels are heavy, large craft move very quickly and unless you are experienced at night it is easy to become disorientated. Many of us have made nav errors at night but it didn't matter too much because of where we did it, in the Solent there is little room for error.

There have been a few observations in respect of what Level 2 does and doesn't seem to cover. I totally agree with Doug that Level 2 is fundamentally a basic boat handling course that aims to give you a grounding in boating and (generally) cannot be expected to cover things like exclusion zones (schools in the Solent may or may not but that is very much a local condition) in the limited time available - but would address the idea of "keep well clear of big boats!".

The overriding lesson has to be (as far as is practical) create a big safety margin between what you do and your capability/experience. Stu's offer of a trip on his tub boat is a great way to learn about boating at night (as driving, navigating & 'experiencing' in one go can be a bit much) as is accompanying anyone (so long as you are sure they know what they are doing) on a night trip in a RIB - even go down to Lepe or Calshot at night and just watch (you'll soon learn lights that way)

You will be a better boater for your experience but don't become so risk adverse that you don't learn and develop.

Paul Glatzel
Powerboat Training UK, Poole & Lymington & Aquasafe Powerboat School, Lymington,
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Old 15 March 2005, 19:14   #43
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Originally Posted by Paul Glatzel

Firstly all credit to you for being honest and sharing your experience. Whilst it is easy to be self righteous we have all made mistakes the key difference with yours is that you have publically admitted it. Paul
Well said Paul.

Hey Bruce we usually do round IOW spins in the warmer weather so if you'd be up for going round again we'll go for it and make Mark Halliday set the waypoints cos he's good like that!

Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 15 March 2005, 19:23   #44
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Originally Posted by Mark Halliday
Just to put a bit more of the fear of God into you. Were you aware of and how close did you come to Brook Ledges, Atherfield Ledges, the overfalls around St Catherines Point (probably not there with the wind as it was), the isolated rocks off Dunose, Bembridge Ledge and the (recently removed) submarine barrier between No Mans Land Fort and Seaview?

Funnily enough, hence the irony, yes I did, having read my namesakes excellent little book on Wight Hazards. We were well out to sea most of the circuit and had fun off St Catherines anyway. I think I got complacent when we rounded the corner and saw Pompey.... I was by then tired having run quite hard, given my level of helming expereince, from the Needles. I recognise that is no excuse, though
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Old 15 March 2005, 19:44   #45
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Originally Posted by Paul Glatzel

There have been a few observations in respect of what Level 2 does and doesn't seem to cover. I totally agree with Doug that Level 2 is fundamentally a basic boat handling course that aims to give you a grounding in boating and (generally) cannot be expected to cover things like exclusion zones (schools in the Solent may or may not but that is very much a local condition) in the limited time available - but would address the idea of "keep well clear of big boats!".
We and other schools that i know of who operate in the Solent do indeed teach the exclusion zone . I guess it boils down to your operating area and what hazards you have to make the students aware of . We also emphasize the rules of the road especialy when operating in the Solent .Its one of the reasons we don't teach during Cowes week it would be a nightmare for them flip side is we are busy on charters so we don't lose any income .
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 15 March 2005, 19:49   #46
exspyrd trayd membir
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Originally Posted by Paul Glatzel
as driving, navigating & 'experiencing' in one go can be a bit much
yus i bin owt wiv dat rowgwaiv an i drowve , navvigatid an eksperiensed orl att de saim tyme. i injoyed de dryvin an de navvigatin but de eksperiense cum az a bit ov a shokk. nekst tyme eyll maik shure hee sitts inn frunt ov mee.

Originally Posted by Paul Glatzel
a trip on his tub boat is a great way to learn
i noe itts an owld bote butt corlin itt a tubb iz a bitt ov a cheak.

luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
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Old 15 March 2005, 21:11   #47
Country: UK - England
Town: Nutbourne
Boat name: Renegade
Make: Porter
Length: 6m +
Engine: 140 Tohatsu
MMSI: 235022904
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 1,195
Originally Posted by brucehawsker
Funnily enough, hence the irony, yes I did, having read my namesakes excellent little book on Wight Hazards. We were well out to sea most of the circuit and had fun off St Catherines anyway. I think I got complacent when we rounded the corner and saw Pompey....
There you are Bruce, you had done some planning after all. Well done mate.
Mark H
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" Douglas Adams
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