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Old 21 December 2001, 11:31   #1
Country: USA
Town: Jacksonville, Florida
Make: Nautica / former Police boat
Length: 5.89
Engine: 115 Yamaha 4-stroke
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 28
Cold weather deflation

Living in Florida, I am fortunate to have warm, temperate weather most all year long. To my dismay, its starting to get a wee bit chilly, went to my garage and me boat was as deflated as a flat tyre. Now here is a good question...should I pump her back up ? The ambient temerature is approx, 30 degrees F , Now, there is a slight drawback, it could warm back up to 75 degrees f.( 24 centigrade ) the next day. I have no pressure guage to measure internal tube fill and I go strictly by how firm the tubes feel. Thanks for the feedback, I recon, you all being in colder weather would be the ones to answer ..................Thanks
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Old 21 December 2001, 14:33   #2
Country: UK - England
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The only person I have ever seen use a pressure guage to check the tubes was a racer in one of Fabio Buzzie's old boat. He was pumping them up in the rain when the forecast was for sun. When I asked him why he was doing this he said that he wanted the boat to perform to perfection while under race conditions. The fact that the race wasn't due to start untill the sun came out later in the day had no bearing on his judgement.....or statement..!
My advise is to pump the tubes up for shape and worry about how hard you want them when you next use the boat,

Have a good holiday

Alan P
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Old 22 December 2001, 02:55   #3
Country: USA
Town: Jacksonville, Florida
Make: Nautica / former Police boat
Length: 5.89
Engine: 115 Yamaha 4-stroke
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 28
Thanks, thats the plan............happy holidays
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Old 22 December 2001, 19:23   #4
Country: UK - England
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I asked this question of the manufacturer when i first got my RIB and was told that for light colors you dont have to worry to much and they have never had one which burst it;s tubes.

I always store mine with enough presure in the tubes to keep there shape but not hard. However mine is stored in a garage.
That way you dont have to wory about things when it gets hot.
(Yes it does SOMETIMES get hot in the UK)

The other option is keep then hard but fit pressure release valves.

Happy Christmas

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