Just a swift messasge to say well done to Lurcher on completing his refit on the Humber 7m "Long Dog". Today's maiden voyage was great and it all worked!!!
Thanks Colin you beat me to it ! Still smiling its been a long haul .Yes Robin saw you sorry I did not say hello but a little fraught on first launch etc , you missed us trying to get it off the trailer without releasing the rear ratchets straps then!
A few pic I hope in roughly the right order .
Many thanks to all who have helped advised and worked on this project. I have learnt one thing and that is to double the time you expect any job to take .
Ed Carter from Olmec did a brilliant job on the tubes and the after sales service I had with a couple of small snags were sorted out quickly .
Can you forward me the link for those guys you got to make the console covers? decided i need one for Zippy, specially if she is going to be kept on the water this summer.
Hi Howard ,
Starspring in Co Cork http://www.starspring.biz/contact.html This is a portion of their email to me.
'' We fitted your job in yesterday and will post today so you should get the covers in about three working days. Hope you like them, if you do another message onto the ribnet website would be very much appreciated particularly as we are now contacting them and trying to get a link to their site. We have had two orders including yours as a result of that customer recommendation so far which is great.''
I expect them here on Monday and will report back then .
I ordered mine last Friday and got them on Wednesday. Very high quality covers. They even made up a small waterproof dufflebag to keep them in. Very reasonably priced and convenient as you can just e-mail 4/5 measurements and they can make your cover from that!!
They're based in Schull, Co. Cork for any of the Irish members wanting to know. Will load up a few pics once I put them on the boat.
__________________ Steve G If In Doubt, Go Flat Out!!