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Old 26 July 2011, 20:09   #1
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Seabadger 2
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Considerring Re-tube...

I'm seriously starting thinking of re-tubing my 6.2m Chinook Sea Fury.

Pro's - I like the boat, seems very heavy build, handles rough sea well, hull seems fine etc

Cons - unsure of age - diferent engine options have been fitted in the past, now using twin 1989 Mariner (Yamaha) twin carb 40's. Old holes seem to be well filled and transom seems fine..

- doesn't have power tilt or trim
-I have re-wired but console will need some attention to properly fill in the old holes
- only a backrest fitted so loads of deck space but no comfortable seats for longer trips

Currently there are only 3 compartments (I think 5 would be better!) and the bow to port tube seam is leaking and hard to seal.

All the tubes have patches and have seen better days.

Happy with performance and handliing though and its too nice a boat to scrap..

See video's here ‪seafurydiving‬‏ - YouTube

Would welcome anyone else's opinion, likely costs and recommendations for re-tube companies near Poole / Southampton

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Old 26 July 2011, 21:07   #2
Country: UK - England
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Had my ribtec retubed at ribcraft.
now has 5 chambers which is a nice comfort feeling knowing ther are now 5 instead of what ended up being 1 big tube as the baffels went.

They did a good job. check ou my piccys on here.
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Old 26 July 2011, 22:00   #3
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Humber did mine..
Great job. looks well.
Wasnt worth patching mine. To have replaced all the baffles and fixed the seams would have been half the cost of new tubes. I would have had repaired old tubes - not the confidence you get from new ones.
Ask yourself, if I sold the Rib now what woud I reasonably get for it, and what would it cost to buy a replacement I would be happy with.
If that latter question means you would have to add more than around 3K (probably the cost of re-tube) on top of the money you could get for selling, then maybe best to get the retube done and spend a little cash cash on the little jobs that need attention.
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