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Old 26 November 2011, 21:24   #1
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Console placement?


I'm just wondering if there is difference in where the console is and where you sit on a rib. it seems on the more off shore based boats like the seariders you sit further foward then the familly boats where you sit further back. i am looking at the 5.4 seariders so what's the difference of sitting at the front rather than the back?

Many thanks

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Old 26 November 2011, 22:30   #2
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being further forwards keeps the bow down and really keeps the boat sure footed in heavy seas. a family boat is laid out so that the driver can keep a good eye on the kids in front whilst driving - this works well in calm waters but even a slight chop can lift the bow up into the air resulting in uncomfortable landings. this problem is worsened by the fact all the weight ie adults and engine etc are at the rear causing the boat to plough through the water with only lightweight kids up front acting as ballast!
one friend of mine has this exact problem and has now put 2 bags of sand in the anchor locker of his avon 4.5. another friend says his valiant 520 is impossible to drive on his own without anyone being sat in the bow. both say they are great for keeping an eye on kids, but both are disappointed with performance.
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Old 27 November 2011, 02:40   #3
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Sitting forward beats the hell out of the driver
Sitting aft beats the hell out of the passengers
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Old 27 November 2011, 07:46   #4
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Originally Posted by captnjack View Post
Sitting forward beats the hell out of the driver
Sitting aft beats the hell out of the passengers
yes but very often the driver has the confidence to stand up whilst driving, most crew especially novice ones just want to sit down - oh and then complain about having a bumpy ride
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Old 27 November 2011, 16:36   #5
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I have a Zodiac Pro II 470 which I am considering doing the same thing. Right now it has a small console a little back from midship with a bench seat behind it. There are no seats in front of the console. Passengers either need to sit on the tubes or on cushions on the floor (one can sit next to the driver). In rough water it can get a bit bouncy for them. Carrying two adults only (both seated on the bench) causes the nose to get quite high at mid speeds (not fully planning). Besides giving inexperienced passengers the feeling that the boat may flip over backwards, it is difficult for the driver to see what's ahead.

I have another bench seat. I'm considering moving the console forward to about 1/3 of the way back from the bow. I'll move the existing bench seat up to behind the console (same arrangement as now) and add the other bench seat near the back. I'll put the battery under the forward seat and the fuel tank under the aft one.

I realize that this will make the driver's ride a bit worse (but the weight in the front may help). The other advantage is that the driver will have a better view forward (a couple of people in the front on the tubes blocks a good part of the driver's view of the water ahead).

Another disadvantage to this set up is that it will make line handling a bit more difficult. It will be hard for one of the passengers to get to the bow to deal with the ropes while the driver is maneuvering for landing.
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Old 30 November 2011, 07:55   #6
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Also the further forward the console, the more space there is at the stern for working (e.g rescue boat)
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