10 October 2002, 11:20
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Contributions to RIB International
Back in the summer we launched a new series of articles entitled 'Hobby Horse' written by Robin Hamilton designed to relate the readers views on their boats and equipment. In the August Issue of RIB International on page 66 the invitation was given by Robin as follows:
"I'm interested in anything you want to say. if you want to remain anonymous that's fine by me and if there is a swell of opinion about something then I relish the opportunity to research the matter with great vigour. Think of all of this as that wonderful time when you find yourself leaning on a bar after a lovely day out on the water and we are all there comparing notes. So, grab a drink, relive the experiences and write or email me - I really look forward to hearing from you."
In the following issue, he repeated the invitation:
"I am looking forward to reading what you have to say and perhaps making contact to develop your stories into articles in their own right. So, please get to those keyboards, quills, ballpoint pens or whatever you use and let the dialogue begin."
Only one person has responded to the invitations!
It seems there are plenty of you out there with valid views and opinions and we have encouraged you to send them in, so why haven't you? As already requested, if you have something useful to offer the readers, then send it in!
10 October 2002, 11:39
Country: UK - England
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Send In Articles
Hugo is right. Its a poor effort that they have had only one reply to this offer. Between us all we must have hundreds of Views and interesting things that we have done throughout the year that we could present to Hugo. Even some of the adventures that have been posted on here would make good articles. The cruise last week to St Malo could be a start.
Thinking caps on and see what we can come up with.
Julian Lyas
10 October 2002, 13:03
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Aberystwyth
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If you're interested I could do a writeup of the BSAC Boat Handling course and the Diver Cox examination. Kind of RYA powerboat level2 with some dive boat stuff thrown in, and would also be kind of written from the view of a younger RIBer.
Probably won't be of much use to you, but if you do want it, then just let me know and I'll write it up, as I've got a bit too much spare time currently.
10 October 2002, 14:18
Country: UK - Scotland
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As I mentioned before I write for several magic magazines on a casual basis (ie. not a regular column). I also do a number of press releases regarding the mail order (Black Artefacts).
Do what I did (eventually) with RI. If you think you would like to write an article give the editor (in this case Hugo) a call and discuss it with him. You can 'float' your idea with him (oh, what a nautical pun) and discuss photos etc.
This is what you would do when writing for any magazine. If my article is any good and the photos are good, it will get used. If it is rubbish it will be binned. I could do this and have said nothing, thereby saving myself potential embarrassment. However in the spirit of encouragement I mentioned it in the RI poll thread.
As it happens I enjoy writing (you’d never have guessed) so I am happy to have a go. If my article is accepted, then Hugo and I will discuss ‘terms’. Now THAT will be between me, Hugo and the Inland Revenue.
Keith [[[[ just a few spare brackets to last me whilst away ]]]] Hart
10 October 2002, 15:18
Country: UK - England
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What is the going rate per thousand words + photo? Alan P
10 October 2002, 21:22
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I hoped that one of the big guns on Rib.net would take you on, but as they haven’t I simply can’t allow this to pass.
What you are saying to the readership of RI, in effect, is “ If you don’t like the current format, IT’S YOUR FAULT. You haven’t given me the articles that you want to see in your publication.”
It’s like a salesman complaining about poor sales figures because nobody’s phoned up to give him any orders.
Can you imagine Auto Express coming out with barebones copy and this kind of excuse. I think not. Auto Express is ahead of their readership and comes out with exciting & innovative features and reviews, that enthuses the readership and makes them want to go out and try the products under review.
I have already told you under another thread how I think RI could immediately become more relevant, but there has been no comment or acknowledgement that this might even be a possible avenue to explore.
I will toss in another item that you may wish to consider. As well as the Reader’s Page which others have suggested, there should be a “Confessional” where Ribsters can confess to occasions where they got it horribly and amusingly wrong. I’m sure that a monthly prize of £ 100.00 for the best entry (yes £100 ) would solicit a supply of amusing anecdotes from your readership around the country and indeed around the world.
Now that this issue is properly out in the open, I very much hope that I will feel that the publication has improved significantly to justify my renewal.
11 October 2002, 06:56
Country: UK - England
Town: St Mawes
Boat name: Magellan Zulu
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Posts: 483
Hugo, consider this.
The reason that you have not been inundated with ideas for the "Hobby Horse" feature is because the two articles that have appeared under that title are boring in the extreme.
I'll go further than that and say that after reading the second, as a customer of yours, I felt insulted.
The feature is flagged up as the second in a series of "Readers Experiences". Tosh. It was nothing of the kind. It turned out to be a barely disguised advertorial for Scorpion RIBS.
And if you would like me to substantiate that remark point by point I will be glad to do so.
And, by the way, Hugo, when forum members like Whiteshoes who seldom post, shoot back like that, I suggest that you spend some time considering the point he made. It was dead right.
Mike G
11 October 2002, 09:08
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Sadly I have to agree with both of Whiteshoes posts (on this thread and here http://rib.net/forum/showthread.php?...0&pagenumber=9 ). And restate my point on the other thread.
RIB International is a professional operation run to make a profit. I envy Hugo inasmuch as he has managed to combine hobby and business succesfully when most of us have jobs that are much less fun than mucking around in boats but are a neccessary evil.
As a professional, profit making organisation, RI should be about fulfilling its customers wants. That means being ahead of the game, researching and writing new articles, features, scouring the globe for information of interest and, forgive the expression, being "ahead of the curve". A subscriber or casual purchaser should open each issue and savour the contents, feeling happy that their £3.50 (or whatever) has been well spent.
Asking people what they want to see in the mag is justified. Attempting to justify the paucity of content because the consumers don't contribute is not. And let us not forget this is a bi-monthly magazine so the RI team only have to find sufficient content for 6 issues a year not 12!
I appreciate this all seems a bit personal Hugo and Jo but thems the breaks. When I get negative feedback on the performance of the business I run I have two choices. Take it personally and get upset or improve the performance of my business unit to address the concerns. The former course will ultimately end in unemployment so I choose the latter!
I recommend that you have a look at the forums on the www.ybw.com site for Motor Boat and Yotting, PBO etc. There is often very frank feedback on the quality of content, nature of features and closeness of the magazines to their advertisers. Perhaps if a similar mechanism to this forum was available via your own website (which promises much and delivers little) then the perceived harsh critiscm here would not have come as such a surprise.
I would love to return to the fold as a RI subscriber. I would love to read a RIB Magazine that I feel is worth the money. I am not alone. A point worthy of note?!
11 October 2002, 09:28
Country: UK - England
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From what I have seen of the magazine on the shelf, I chose not to buy it. I have learnt more on this site than a magazine could have given me in 2 years or more.
I say that the £3.50 or so would be much better spent in a donation to the lifeboat every month.
At least here you can escape the commercialisation that we get hounded with, it is more personal (especially when some people get the hump now and again!), and great value. New and interesting postings appear all the time, with the readers / viewers making it work with contributions.
I say that RIBnet has it all for me, good info, good fun, nice interesting peple (well most!), I don't need a magazine thanks.
P.S. I can give you a free story on boat buying horrors !!!!!!!!!!!!!
11 October 2002, 09:46
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Originally posted by Flanker
P.S. I can give you a free story on boat buying horrors !!!!!!!!!!!!!
In South Africa we have a cute little animal that looks like a cross between a mongoose and an aardvark! It is called a RATEL - once he gets his teeth stuck into something he NEVER lets go. You virtually have to cut his head off to free whatever his teeth have sunk into.
Give it a rest Flanker
11 October 2002, 11:25
Country: USA
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Posts: 244
Has anyone told the stiffy joke yet?
11 October 2002, 14:27
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 89
The 4x4 approach
As we have seen from the thread on RI and the 4x4 feature, its considered by the majority that a RIB mag will write about RIbs and 4x4 mags about 4x4.
What I would add though, is go look at something like Landrover Owner and you will find features about care + maintenance, but how about a rebuild project. (I accept that maintenance has been covered in RI over time),
Find a dog and rebuild it.
In this you could covering the purchase of a base hull, spripping it down to make repairs, common repair like re-gelling the hull that has been hit by a rock, step, trailer or worn away while used on slipways. Strengtherning the transom for taking a heavy 4 stroke, and best practice for fit out.
But do it for someone with DIY in mind. (I understand there are could be items beyond a standard DIY ability with safety concerns, but explain the process and stick a strong warning on it)
On a rebuild, you could raise issues with manufacture design, the structure types and materials used, the +/- of underfloor tanks, things to consider when buying a 10 year old rib that may have some good years left in it.
When you have to repair a boat you (sometimes) see the faults in the manufacture, its weaknesses.
You could push a bit on quality control in factories as some new boats i know of have been less than perfect in finish and I'm not talking cheap manufacturers.
Lets try to encorage the education of people knowing what they are buying and how to save money by buying a sound product.
11 October 2002, 15:56
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 231
Charles, 'lighten up' old chap, I have had counselling on that little episode at 'beware of dealers annonymous', it was difficult to stand up and admit 'My name is Pete, I trusted a main dealer, I was had over' but I have now fully overcome it. It was a light hearted comment to wake some of you up, and it worked! Now relax and chill out! it's all over.
Enjoy the Forum, you only live once,
12 October 2002, 16:06
Country: Ireland
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Magazine content
There are numerous organisations around the British Isles who use Ribs as workboats rescue boats etc,different makes of boats , boats which have manifested different problems.Some of these craft are used for passengers tours white knuckle stuff etc,some are used as fishery patrol boats dive club boats police boats customs boats,inland waterways survey boats, RNLI rescue boats Navy boarding craft etc.The vast majority of these boats have different equipment different motors and are used for different jobs,It would be good to see a couple of pages dedicated to a different organisations boat in each issue of the magazine detailing mainteance issues which have arisen , repairs made, gear fitted ,problems encountered with craft and electronics and prehaps a few pictures of the boat at work or carring passengers if thats its job,cover topics like fuel economy, load carrying capabilities,regulations the boat has had to adhear to, crews stories and let us see issue by issue the type of ribs used not as leisure craft and ,how they shape up to the environment they are used in.Talk to Greenpeace who have quite a few ribs for example see what organisations and charites like the RNLI require from their boats gavin
12 October 2002, 20:42
Country: Belgium
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Posts: 459
havnt studied this forum in detail but i beleive we are providing feedback for RI mag ?
I bought a copy a while ago when I was first looking for a RIB and relished the thought of having a great read in the bath with it, but was a bit dissapointed when having flipped thru a few pages there was little content other than ads ?
I am sure as mentioned there is huge scope for articles, which will appeal to JO average and not the top end market, dealing with maintenance, buying secondhand, clubs, readers boats / projects......
I guess a case of the TINA principle, there is no alternative
Would be nice to see it on bigger shelves, rather than having to subscribe
i'm sure it can only improve as a result of feedback and people offering input
15 October 2002, 10:23
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Still no answer on how much you are going to pay !!!!
16 October 2002, 07:17
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 483
...and I assume that without Hugo firing back at me, my bit about the Hobby Horse advertorial for Scorpion was right on target.
Mike G
16 October 2002, 15:59
Country: UK - England
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Mike, just a thought, your engine swop would make a good article. If you want to sell your soul though.
16 October 2002, 21:49
Country: UK - England
Town: St Mawes
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Make: Ribcraft
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Posts: 483
Pete, it's been done here for free. I'm always happy to write for money but it seems that there's no going rate in RIB International. At least, not as far as Alan P has been able to discover.
But here's hopin'.....
Mike G
16 October 2002, 22:19
Country: UK - England
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Maybe I should offer an article on my LPG gas conversion for my V6 Freelander - Maybe they would be interested in that?
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