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Old 21 March 2013, 06:32   #1
Country: Australia
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Converting an 18hp Tohatsu tiller to forward?

Hi I would like to convert my 2004 18hp tohatsu to forward steer for a new rib i want to get. The new boat is 3.3m centre console and i want to change from tiller to forward without buying a new motor.
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Old 21 March 2013, 06:58   #2
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Hi ,You need to ask a question if you want a reply
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Old 21 March 2013, 07:15   #3
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I think I would start by going to speak to the local tohatsu dealer armed with the motor serial number, as long as you can still get the bits cannot see it being a big problem to convert.
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Old 21 March 2013, 07:26   #4
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You can get the parts. See the below link


Any problems just give us a call.
Phone: 01489 556800 www.rib-shop.com
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Old 21 March 2013, 09:50   #5
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Firstly, Welcome to ribnet!

Reading between the lines I guess you want to know if it's feasible and / or howe to do it? The guys above have answered the first, so here's my take on the high level side:

things you will need:
1) a console or dashboard type arrangement to fit the steering wheel & engine controls to.
(I assume you have this on the new boat, hence your Q so won't say any more)

2) steering wheel & steering cable to connect it to the engine.
(Again, there;s a high chance this will be fitted to the new boat?)
2a) Something called a "drag link".
This is a bar that connects the end of the steering cable to the front of the engine, usually just below the case

3) remote throttle / gearchange - AKA "remotes". Probably habve a deadman switch built in, unless they are really old.
3a) If no deadman switch in remotes, a deadman switch.

4) Throttle / gear cables (bowden type - no electrical)
4a) if not "Tohatsu" or "dealer supplied" cables - you'll also need suitable end fittings to connect to engine's gears & throttle.

5) A couple of hours or so to connect them all up.

I would guess that as it's a new rib, the steering gear & cables may already be part of the package? If so, then you can either go to your dealer & pay a lot for the appropriate Tohatsu remote control kit, or find some used bits & cobble it together.

(The one good thing about remotes are that the cables themselves are a universal standard, so you can probably save a bit by using Ultraflex or Teleflex cables with their Tohatsu end fittings.

One thought - what is the max HP your Rib will take? If >18Hp, do you plan to upgrade? I ask because if you sddo think more gee gees could help, it might be worth future proofing, and get electric start / PT equipped remotes for when you upgrade the engine.
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Old 22 March 2013, 05:15   #6
Country: Australia
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Originally Posted by 9D280 View Post
Firstly, Welcome to ribnet!

Reading between the lines I guess you want to know if it's feasible and / or howe to do it? The guys above have answered the first, so here's my take on the high level side:

things you will need:
1) a console or dashboard type arrangement to fit the steering wheel & engine controls to.
(I assume you have this on the new boat, hence your Q so won't say any more)

2) steering wheel & steering cable to connect it to the engine.
(Again, there;s a high chance this will be fitted to the new boat?)
2a) Something called a "drag link".
This is a bar that connects the end of the steering cable to the front of the engine, usually just below the case

3) remote throttle / gearchange - AKA "remotes". Probably habve a deadman switch built in, unless they are really old.
3a) If no deadman switch in remotes, a deadman switch.

4) Throttle / gear cables (bowden type - no electrical)
4a) if not "Tohatsu" or "dealer supplied" cables - you'll also need suitable end fittings to connect to engine's gears & throttle.

5) A couple of hours or so to connect them all up.

I would guess that as it's a new rib, the steering gear & cables may already be part of the package? If so, then you can either go to your dealer & pay a lot for the appropriate Tohatsu remote control kit, or find some used bits & cobble it together.

(The one good thing about remotes are that the cables themselves are a universal standard, so you can probably save a bit by using Ultraflex or Teleflex cables with their Tohatsu end fittings.

One thought - what is the max HP your Rib will take? If >18Hp, do you plan to upgrade? I ask because if you sddo think more gee gees could help, it might be worth future proofing, and get electric start / PT equipped remotes for when you upgrade the engine.
It can only take a 25hp and the engine is actually 22hp but its classified as an 18hp
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Old 22 March 2013, 11:07   #7
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Cullen View Post
It can only take a 25hp and the engine is actually 22hp but its classified as an 18hp
Lots of 25s these days come with PT & electric start, hence my comment. 18s are generally sold as "portables" so don't have all the gubbins as standard.

Having said that, you may find if you do ever upgrade / replace the engine it's easier to sell the current one with it's remotes, and you just replace with suitable ones for your mythical new engine.
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Old 22 March 2013, 14:13   #8
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If it's a 2 strokes, how can an 18 HP be classified as a 22, 18 is 300 CC and next 25 HP is 420 CC, an 18 is an 18 and the max it will go.

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Old 22 March 2013, 14:19   #9
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Originally Posted by Locozodiac View Post
If it's a 2 strokes, how can an 18 HP be classified as a 22, 18 is 300 CC and next 25 HP is 420 CC, an 18 is an 18 and the max it will go.

Happy Boating
I think have read some years a go a boat magazine outboard test where the 18 hp 2 st Tohatsu was dyno tested to 21 hp. So actually its a 18 HO
fun on a boat is inversely proportional to size...sort of anyway
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Old 22 March 2013, 21:49   #10
Country: Australia
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Originally Posted by Locozodiac View Post
If it's a 2 strokes, how can an 18 HP be classified as a 22, 18 is 300 CC and next 25 HP is 420 CC, an 18 is an 18 and the max it will go.

Happy Boating
The engine was upgraded and tuned so it gives something like 22hp
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Old 23 March 2013, 04:56   #11
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Sorry to disappoint you but you can't upgrade an 18 further, it's already factory upgraded. To understand, 9.9, 15, 18 all 3 share same block, you can update a 9.9 into a 15 as both are 250 CC, the 9.9 is just carb restricted.

Although the 18 shares same block, has slight bigger pistons that it's younger brothers rising it's CC to 300 which is the max the block will go, anyway the HP is measured at the prop, if it were a 22 HP, would be shown with that number at the cowl.

Plainly in agreement it's a hell of an engine with oustanding punch and performance...

Happy Boating
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