Originally Posted by LURCHER
Not sure about the pics yet as other half still in the dark re latest flight of fancy , still getting over Landrover other RIB too many other toys !!Will post b4 and after pics as we go . Also looking for a trailer .
She's not in the dark anymore! After I telephoned Saturday morning to congratulate you

Still...I expect you know that by now!
Well done anyway. A good purchase at a great price! And once the Ribcraft goes, the wonga could cover the cost of a new trailer for this baby.
Oh and don't worry about speed. After sticking 2 heavy batteries and 2 extra pods on mine, she doesn't go as well as she used to. C of G is in the wrong place now and she sits too low in the water at the stern. She really needs all pods and console shunted forward 18 inches. However it'll be close when we do the first comparitibe run!
Give me a shout when you get her home and I'll come up for a look see. Always here if you need a hand with any bits 'n pieces on the tidy up.