Cowes Fireworks speed limit
This might be of some interest to anyone going to the fireworks this year.
The trouble is, the idiots who will be there won't have seen this.
No 32 (T) of 2005
Cowes Week Firework Display – 2130 hrs Friday 5th August
Temporary 15 knot Speed Limit
This notice is issued jointly with QHM Portsmouth and the Harbour Master, Cowes to advise mariners that a speed limit of 15 knots will be temporarily introduced in the Solent and Southampton Water to ensure safety of navigation for the Cowes Firework display on Friday 5th August 2005. .
The 15 knot speed limit will be in force between 2130hrs and 2300hrs, 5th August 2005.
Mariners are advised that this measure has been introduced to reduce the risk of collision between the many hundreds of small craft, which gather to view the firework display. In previous years collisions have occurred, particularly after the event, which have resulted in serious personal injury to passengers and crews of small craft.
Mariners are reminded of the importance of displaying the correct navigation lights, maintaining a good lookout at all times in all directions, and proceeding at a speed consistent with safe navigation, particularly at the conclusion of the display as spectator craft get underway and return to their home ports.
This notice will be self-canceling on 6th August 2005.
Mark H
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" Douglas Adams