LNTM 39/06 04/08/2006 - 12:14:43
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN jointly by the Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth, Harbour Master Southampton and Harbour Master Cowes that a speed limit of 15 knots will be temporarily introduced in the Solent and Southampton Water to ensure safety of navigation for the Cowes Firework display on Friday 4th August 2006.
Seeing as the notice was posted 9hrs before it comes into force, it's not exactly gonna do much good..

If QHM, Harbour Master Southampton and Harbour Master Cowes were that interested in public safety, it would have been mentioned a week or so ago, and more widely circulated. How many of the people going over to Cowes will be aware of the temporary speed limit? I would guess the above mentioned three, are covering their asses in case of a serious accident..
And just out of interest, how many "enforcement" boats will be out there, and how many people will be stopped? Prolly very few, and even less..