17 February 2009, 18:14
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Crompton Rib
Hi guys,
Does anyone have any info on this Crompton rib (other than they are good for drug smuggling!)
You probably have seen this one on flea bay and might be just what i am after?
A few questions for you good gents to answer please:
1. How do they rate quality wise compared with other makes?
2. Are the tubes likely to be Hypalon?
3. What is the maximum rated engine for this size boat?
4. How much would a power tilt cost (approximately) to be fitted to the Yam 60?
5. Is the trailer suitable for the boat (looks a tad flimsy to me?) and would rollers be better?
6. Is it a deep hull and suitable for rough sea going?
Apologise for so many questions but just doing my homework.
17 February 2009, 21:10
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Quite unusually for a Crompton, it has "RIBCRAFT" written down the side in big letters. U might want tread very carefully around this one! 
I have asked the seller to explain, will post his reply here if I get one!
17 February 2009, 21:49
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To my non-expert eye.
The hull could maybe be a ribcraft... ...but I think it has been retubed:
1. the glue "marks" underneath the tubes is not the standard I would expect from ribcraft
2. the ribcraft logo isn't in the normal position or style for a recent ribcraft
3. the lifelines look odd! (rear one hangs lower than front!)
Also doesn't look like ribcraft console, and I think ribcraft normally have cables etc under deck rather than in a "conduit", and in the photos the deck finish isn't the "attention to detail" everyone here raves about for ribcraft.
Perhaps it was a DIY finish? Not suggesting its a bad boat necessarily - but it would ring alarm bells for me. Especially since the vendor is implying it is nearly new.
In answer to some of your specific questions:
3. What is the maximum rated engine for this size boat?
It should be plated with a CE mark that includes that info. If not its dodgy, or way older than 2007 so walk away. 60HP is probably about right.
4. How much would a power tilt cost (approximately) to be fitted to the Yam 60?
General conclusion here is it is not normally economical to retrofit - unless you find an identical dead motor going cheap.
5. Is the trailer suitable for the boat (looks a tad flimsy to me?) and would rollers be better?
Again it should be plated for its maximum load. The boat, engine, fuel etc will probably weigh something like 350-400 kg. Bunks v's rollers depends on various things like steepness of slip, but it is adequate.
17 February 2009, 21:51
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Does it actually say ribcraft? Looks like it, but I can't tell for sure.
It could have been re-tubed by ribcraft, or maybe the sellers made a mistake and its actually a ribcraft 4.8????
Edit: oops missed polwarts post.
18 February 2009, 16:09
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Looks very much like a Ribcraft 4.8 hull to me. The tubes look like Ribcraft tubes, but as has been said they look like they've been fitted quite badly underneath. Thats not a normal Ribcraft logo either. The console isn't a regular RC one, and again, RC normally put the cables under the deck. Very odd indeed!
18 February 2009, 17:54
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Reply from seller:
"Hi, its a crompton. The stickers have been put on as it is reputed to be from the same mold as the other well known make shall we say! Any questions please feel free to give me a call, Thanks James"
18 February 2009, 18:29
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Originally Posted by martini
Reply from seller:
"Hi, its a crompton. The stickers have been put on as it is reputed to be from the same mold as the other well known make shall we say! Any questions please feel free to give me a call, Thanks James"
I wonder if Ribcraft are reading this - there is splashing and there is "ripping off" - if ebay don't pull the ad then I would expect the seller might get a lawyers letter...
18 February 2009, 18:34
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Why is it the sellers fault?
18 February 2009, 18:52
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Can't see why it would get pulled. He's not really done anything wrong. The boats not advertised as a Ribcraft.
18 February 2009, 18:59
RIBnet admin team
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So if I buy a copy of a "Prada" handbag, with logos etc and then sell it simply as an unbranded (or other brand) of handbag would that be OK? Its certainly not within the ebay rules. The only reason it won't get pulled is if no one reports it or ebay don't understand that it is in effect being passed off (either by the current or a previous seller) as something it is not.
18 February 2009, 19:22
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Course its ok, your not advertising it as something its not.
18 February 2009, 19:55
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Originally Posted by chewy
Course its ok, your not advertising it as something its not.
Well - ebay don't agree with you:
Counterfeits, unauthorised replicas (such as counterfeit watches, handbags,
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It is illegal to sell unauthorised copies of media.
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Breaches of this policy may result in a range of actions, including:
- Listing cancellation
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What about replica coins for collectors?
Any "reproduction" "replica" or "copy" coin (UK or foreign) must be plainly
and permanently marked with the word COPY.
And from elsewhere:
Sellers may not disclaim knowledge of or responsibility for the authenticity
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18 February 2009, 20:34
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I understand where your coming from but its like buying a car thats "sold as seen".
Anyway back to the RIB.
18 February 2009, 20:40
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polwart, why did u choose to use a prada handbag?
18 February 2009, 21:23
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Heart-trouble
polwart, why did u choose to use a prada handbag? 
why do you want to bid on it
18 February 2009, 21:56
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not if it's a fake!!
19 February 2009, 00:40
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Originally Posted by Heart-trouble
not if it's a fake!!
But it matches the colour of his eyes
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19 February 2009, 09:14
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crompton were NOT building ribs in 2007
19 February 2009, 09:40
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by paul tilley
crompton were NOT building ribs in 2007
Good point-After a quick search of my stored docs their disposal auction was in Feb '07. There wasn't a mould or hull anywhere near as small as 4.7m listed in it either.
Apparently there was a lot of stuff that went missing between the company being closed and customs selling it all off. I wonder if that and the Norfolk location of the seller might provide a clue as to it's origins and the dodgy badging?.
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19 February 2009, 09:43
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