27 January 2004, 20:17
Country: Netherlands
Town: Utrecht
Boat name: ACHTUNG!
Make: Ribcraft 7.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki DF-300
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 47
crossing the channel > holland to england.. TIPS wanted
He Guys,
I currently own a joker clubman 20'' flatfloor (rescue version) with a Yam F100 at the transom..
It is CE certificated so I had this idea to take it to a trip to England..
As I spend some time on the water but do not have to much experience in crossing the open water for a longer period of time, I would be very happy with tips on this subject..
• What equipment is needed minimally..
• How much fuel ?
• time ?
• what to take into account
any tips are appreciated !
look at the photo to see get an idea what boat I own..
28 January 2004, 08:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Midlands
Make: Nautique
Length: 6m +
Engine: PCM 5.7l
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 1,082
• What equipment is needed minimally..
GPS, VHF, Chart(s), Insurance and ownership documents
• How much fuel ?
As much as you can carry really, you know how much the engine uses and allow for the weather turning and the crossing taking twice as long as it should.
• time ?
Depends on the weather.
I dont pretend to have even crossed the channel myself but we spent the whole of last summer waiting for a friend to buy his rib so that we could do it in company the first time, then we decided we'd buy a new boat ova the winter so still havent got round to going to france.
Set yourself a weeks holiday to do the trip, or at least a long weekend so that hopefully you will get a weather window to do the trip.
28 January 2004, 11:22
Country: UK - England
Town: London
Make: Humber Ocean Extreme
Length: 8m
Engine: Optimax 225
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 313
The shortest route x channel for your area would be Ostend - Harwich about 80 miles;if your range is better than than that come straight across from Flushing etc. Note that 10 miles down the coast from Ostend at Nieweport you can refuel dockside.
Harwich is an all tide all weather port and there are 3 marinas in the Orwell river not too far from the entrance .Suffolk Yacht Harbour has dockside petrol.
There are no nav hazards in the crossing itself but there are 2 separation zones which you must cross at right angles
Both the coasts have sand or other banks which should not cause a problem in terms of depth except at very low water BUT the shallowness will result in uncomfortable conditions in a wind against tide situation.Having said that the Southern North Sea is rarely flat in any event.There are sufficient deeper water approaches on both sides to avoid the worst of this but I would not expect you to cross without a reasonable weather window.
If for some reason you preferred to stay coastal as far as possible then run down to Calais where your x channel distance will be only 22 miles to Dover
If you have any other queries I will try to help
28 January 2004, 18:13
Country: Netherlands
Town: Utrecht
Boat name: ACHTUNG!
Make: Ribcraft 7.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki DF-300
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 47
Hi Simmons and Phil,
Thanks for your reply ! very usefull..
some further questions based your replies..
(warning: there could be some stupid questions..)
- What are seperation zones ?
- If in go in the summer, on a day with not to much wind, what could be a realistic cruising speed (min/max)
- How important is the time of crossing in relation to the tide ?
- For the first time it could be a good idea to try the calais / dover crossing first..
- Phil: did you ever did de X-ing with your Humber (if your profile is still up to date..)
29 January 2004, 10:18
Country: UK - England
Town: London
Make: Humber Ocean Extreme
Length: 8m
Engine: Optimax 225
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 313
To be honest if you do not know what a separation zone is then you would not appear ready to cross.They are in fact areas where shipping is separated in relation to their direction of travel just like a motorway with a notional central reservation;take a look on a chart of the channel or southern north sea and you will them depicted.You can be heavily fined if you proceed in the wrong direction;have a look at:_
www.mcga.gov.uk; go to newsroom - prosecutions - 2002 and scroll down there is a diagram attached to the description of the case against "HoneybourneIII
What navigation and safety equipment do you have?
As far as speed is concerned assume your normal cruising speed on the basis that the conditions are good and adjust accordingly.
Tidal drift obviously depends on speed and distance-in a fast boat for a couple of hours it will be fairly minimal
I have made a number of crossings in the Humber
29 January 2004, 11:02
Country: UK - Isle of Man
Town: Peel, IOM
Length: no boat
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,511
Hi Mervyn,
I appreciate your sense of adventure but as Phil says it seems you might not be quite ready for this crossing just yet.
Will you take on board a more experienced person?
Will you first get some boating instruction and qualification from a properly qualified instructor?
Will you set out on this journey in the company of another boat/crew who have done this trip before?
We would love to see you come to England but we would hate to be responsible for tempting you into trouble because of your lack of experience.
To coin an old phrase:
" There are many old ribsters
and there are many bold ribsters
but there are not many old, bold ribsters"
29 January 2004, 16:17
Country: Netherlands
Town: Ermelo
Make: Zodiac pro open 650
Length: 6.5
Engine: optimax 150
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 15
Where do you launch your boat in holland?
I just send you a PM
29 January 2004, 18:22
Country: UK - England
Town: London
Make: Humber Ocean Extreme
Length: 8m
Engine: Optimax 225
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 313
to give you an idea of the crossing and separation zones
29 January 2004, 19:19
Country: Netherlands
Town: Utrecht
Boat name: ACHTUNG!
Make: Ribcraft 7.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki DF-300
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 47
thanks all
Phil (especially  , brain,
Thanks again for your feedback..
Think your both right about me being not
ready at the moment the cross the channel..
(at least not with my own boat..)
But what I do know now is what to 'work' on
and keep in mind.
My plan now is as following:
> first get my VHF (marifoon it is called in Holland) license..
> First try some serious runs along the dutch coasts
> Then do a crossing to on of our own Islands
(texel if you ever heard of that )
> Then find some company to make the crossing .. ( Somebody already contacted me on this subject.)
Phil, thanks for the nice picture of map,
Brain, thanks for your 'cautious words'
Amazing how much 1 little post helps !
Good ribbing to you to ! I'll come back to you in case of !
see ya,
grtz. Mervyn
29 January 2004, 19:38
Country: Netherlands
Town: Utrecht
Boat name: ACHTUNG!
Make: Ribcraft 7.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki DF-300
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 47
FOR RENE (in dutch.)
Hoi Rene,
Ik woon in Utrecht, dus ik vaar veel op de lek..
De prettigste helling vind ik Ameide, zo'n 20 minuten van Utrecht, richting Rotterdam..
Soms ook loosdrecht bij een camping daarzo, echter niet zo interessant, want overdag snelheidbeperkingen...
Almere Haven is ook OK, vooral als je het IJ, markermeer en ijsselmeer wilt verkennen !
Laatst een tochtje gemaakt naar Volendam,
zo'n 40 minuten varen vanaf Almere,
Mail me als je meer info wilt !
Trouwens op www.vaartips.nl staat een overzicht van alle trailerhellingen in nederland, erg handig !
Hoe bevalt je zodiac ?
grt. mervyn
29 January 2004, 20:41
Country: UK - Isle of Man
Town: Peel, IOM
Length: no boat
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,511
When you get to England, and you will, let me know and I will shake your hand, and buy you a beer.
Good luck with your ribbing.
30 January 2004, 13:37
Country: Netherlands
Town: Utrecht
Boat name: ACHTUNG!
Make: Ribcraft 7.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki DF-300
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 47
make it 2
..Beers !
I'll give you a call.. (hopefully not for helping me while I am floating somewhere between England and Iceland...)
see ya
grtz. Mervyn
31 January 2004, 01:54
Country: Netherlands
Town: hoorn
Boat name: red october
Make: ribcraft 6.8 offshore
Length: 6.8
Engine: honda 225
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 15
Hi Mervyn,
When and where are you planning to cross the channel. I am also from holland and we ( some friends and me ) are planning the same. Maybe we can meet for a trial version to for instance the WADDENEILANDEN please let me know!!
best regards,
01 February 2004, 09:07
Country: Netherlands
Town: Utrecht
Boat name: ACHTUNG!
Make: Ribcraft 7.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki DF-300
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 47
whenever !
Hi Arne,
Zal maar deze maar ff in het Nederlands doen..
Het lijkt me erg leuk om samen een 'testrun' te doen naar een van de Waddeneilanden ! Ik zag dat je in Hoorn woont, dit lijkt een goede uitvalsbasis
voor dit idee..
Ik weet alleen ff niet wat een handige periode is.. zat zelf te denken eind maart/april, als het weer een beetje OK is..
Zou eventueel ook eerder kunnen (maar dan met ski-pak..)
Kreeg nog een mailtje van iemand uit scheveningen die het ook een leuk plan leek.. Moeten maar even kijken, wel leuk (en veilig) om een keer met meerdere boten de -X-ing te maken..
mijn e-mail adres = mervyn@lostboys.nl,
dus je kan me ook rechtstreeks mailen
02 February 2004, 17:05
Country: Netherlands
Town: Hoorn
Boat name: skip
Make: revenger 25
Length: 7m +
Engine: mercury 250 pro xs
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 129
he arne
leuk joh
ga jij ook naar engeland met de boot? ik ook! gaan we lekker samen! haha.
hé Mirvijn, Arne en ik gaan dus naar engeland varen met 3 ribs.
maar we gaan daarvoor vast nog wel even naar terschelling of zo om een testritje te maken met Arne zijn nieuwe boot en mijn nieuwe motor. Leuk om dan ff af te spreken.
Groet Niels
Sorry people This is now a dutch forum.
02 February 2004, 17:42
Country: UK - England
Town: Pinner, Middlesex
Length: under 3m
Engine: 5 hp yam
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 97
My old Dutch
I dont care EDAM if you CLOG up this forum!!!
07 February 2004, 15:40
Country: Netherlands
Town: Utrecht
Boat name: ACHTUNG!
Make: Ribcraft 7.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki DF-300
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 47
Hallo Niels,
Begint inderdaad een dutch onderonsje te worden hierzo.. jij gaat dus ook mee. da's leuk hoe meer zielen etc..
Ik zal met Arne contact onderhouden.
grtz. Mervyn
25 February 2004, 11:35
Country: Netherlands
Town: Amsterdam + Rotterdam
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 2
He Mervyn,
Wanneer je met meerdere mensen gaat is het niet zo belangrijk maar wanneer je alleen gaat zou ik dit niet met 1 motor doen.
Als je niet te ver van te voren hoeft te plannen zou ik wachten op af landige wind. De zee is het eerste stuk dan mooi vlak. Afgelopen zomer ben ik tijdens zo´n dag in 5 kwartier van de jachthaven op Texel naar IJmuiden gevaren.
Hou me svp op de hoogte misschien ga ik wel mee.
29 February 2004, 13:53
Country: Netherlands
Town: Utrecht
Boat name: ACHTUNG!
Make: Ribcraft 7.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Suzuki DF-300
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 47
extra motor
Hoy Bas,
Tnx voor de tips!
Extra motor lijkt me inderdaad een goede,
ben al aan het kijken voor een kleintje ergens..
Eerst even meten of ie wel bij op de spiegel past !
Zal ff een bericht posten als de plannen wat concreter..
Er blijken aardig wat 'ribbers' in Nederland te zijn met een soortgelijke interesse, leuk, kunnen we in een colonne !.
5 kwartier ijmuiden - texel = best OK !
GRT. Mervyn
29 February 2004, 14:59
Country: Netherlands
Town: Amsterdam + Rotterdam
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 2
Hi Mervyn,
Als er een colonne is, is de noodzaak van een extra motor wat kleiner. Zoals je kan zien zijn wij (ik) een dealer van Zodiac, Bombard & Avon. Mij lijkt het leuk om een overtocht te maken.
Ik wil wel mee helpen met de organisatie het lijkt mij leuk een soort race ervan te maken ala quote challenge.
Wij hebben contacten met enkele reddingsmaatschappijen en de KNRM dus we kunnen het gelijk goed aanpakken. Ook hebben wij een plek om de boten te water te laten met directe toegang tot zee.
Als het je leuk lijkt gooi me dan een lijntje dan kunnen we de schouders er onder zetten.
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