I believe there is a floatilla planned in Torbay. Or if you can get to Normandy there are HUGE celebrations on the beaches with period vehicles, costumes etc. If the French authorities will let us drive from camp site to beach

Taken from MVT website
3 to 8 Gold Beach 60 Years On. A WW2 living history camp based at
Ver sur Mer, Normandy. Over 60 British WW2 re-enactors have already
signed up. Desperately needed are WW2 medium trucks to transport the
troops either from Portsmouth or Ouistreham the 20 miles to the camp. Fuel
expenses met and fares arranged at a vastly reduced rate.
Geoff Leese 01782-318322 or Phil Webb 0208-660-3924 - or -
goldbeach60yearson@yahoo.co.uk - or - an excellent website at
Taken from d-day museum
Saturday 5 June: Crossing of the English Channel by a Royal Navy warship and a Brittany Ferry, echoing the crossing made by the Allied fleet 60 years ago. A new D-Day website will be launched during the crossing. The website will highlight key sites in the twin cities of Caen and Portsmouth relating to D-Day.
Symbolic Crossing of the Channel
Brittany Ferry Flagship ‘Normandie’ in convoy with the Royal Navy, Allied warships, an RFA Auxiliary Oiler, RFA Wave Knight and other historic boats sails to France to symbolise the crossing made by so many craft 60 years ago. Come and wave them off from Southsea Seafront, Gosport and Portsmouth Harbour from 8.45 am. Full commentary and the Band of Her Majesty's Royal Marines will play from 8.30 am. Visit the re-enactment groups and military vehicles on display in Broad Street between the Square Tower and Round Tower.