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Old 05 September 2005, 16:12   #241
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by timw
The picture shows one of the boats in Soho outside the club which will be launched in time for the rally tommorrow
Now, that one WILL do 85 knots!
(Bottled out at 60 when I drove it)
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Old 05 September 2005, 16:31   #242
Country: UK - England
Town: Chelsea
Boat name: Cincimino
Make: Aqua Star
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The Chelsea girls made it to Deauville in style!! The rally was one of the most unbelieveable adventures of the year with adrenalin on full flow throughout! We had the time of our lives and are pleased to report that it was a complete and utter success - no injuries or serious problems, just super happy participants. It couldn't have been better. We're definitely on for next year and by all accounts so are most of the entrants this year. Thank you to all who supported the event and I hope we've proved that despite some minor negative responses to the possibility of such an event, not only can it be done, but with great success! BIG THANKS to Ed and the other organisers!
By the way, all the teams, including Rupert's, made it excellently.We can't wait for Deauville Rally 2006 and hope to see some of you there.
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Old 05 September 2005, 16:37   #243
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by rib_babe
The Chelsea girls made it to Deauville in style!! The rally was one of the most unbelieveable adventures of the year with adrenalin on full flow throughout! We had the time of our lives and are pleased to report that it was a complete and utter success - no injuries or serious problems, just super happy participants. It couldn't have been better. We're definitely on for next year and by all accounts so are most of the entrants this year. Thank you to all who supported the event and I hope we've proved that despite some minor negative responses to the possibility of such an event, not only can it be done, but with great success! BIG THANKS to Ed and the other organisers!
By the way, all the teams, including Rupert's, made it excellently.We can't wait for Deauville Rally 2006 and hope to see some of you there.
Pathetic, just Pathetic
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Old 05 September 2005, 17:19   #244
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Scary Des
Pathetic, just Pathetic

Why are you so bitter?

They have just posted saying what a great time they had. They were out in a Rib for the first time on a longish trip and really enjoyed it.

Can't you be pleased for them?
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Old 05 September 2005, 17:36   #245
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The Chelsea girls

now thats very refreshing , a Chelsea girl thats got a fishing boat , many a happy hour on a aqua star 20

not like the Chelsea girls i used to know although she did work in spermint rhino
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Old 05 September 2005, 18:07   #246
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by timw
Why are you so bitter?

They have just posted saying what a great time they had. They were out in a Rib for the first time on a longish trip and really enjoyed it.

Can't you be pleased for them?
I’m not bitter I just hate people trying to manipulate me and I have got spin fatigue from people promoting ‘fantastic events’ that are far from fantastic
These Chelsea girls sound faker than a very fake thing and sound so stereo typical of who they claim to be they have to be fake and even if they are not fake they should do the world a favour and become fake before someone starts believing in them
15 boats is hardly what the organises said would happen and as for Elton John buying a RIB, although a bloody funny thought, is so far from reality it is ridicules

If you think this was the best adrenalin rush all year you should get out more and stop trying to spin this into something it isn’t

Still Jolly hockey sticks, chin-chin and all that don’t you know. Spiffing good news, wouldn’t want to let Ed down now would we Des
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Old 05 September 2005, 18:20   #247
Country: UK - England
Town: Chelsea
Boat name: Cincimino
Make: Aqua Star
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Engine: 150 petrol
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Posts: 4
Scary Des, We're sorry you aren't quite in the spirit of things, but you really should try and loosen up a bit. No one is trying to "manipulate" you - we're just excited and pleased that it all went well. This rally has a lot of potential and we're simply excited with what this could turn into. It's a fun thing that's not intended to put any noses out of joint so you should stop being so paranoid about people trying to upset you and maybe give some constructive criticism, if you really feel you have to give any.
The rally was fun, and all we're saying and if anyone is interested in taking part at some point they may like to hear that it went well this time. Of course if you're not interested, you don't have to read the posts.
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Old 05 September 2005, 18:24   #248
Country: UK - England
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Spot on Rib babe. have sent you a pm
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Old 06 September 2005, 11:38   #249
Country: Belgium
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agree with Des . I think 'rib babe' is non existant. Its funny when you look back a bit, there were quite a few "so called members" who joined when all this started. Its a lot of hyped rubbish. Ok Rib babe

- type/ name of boat SSR if you got it?
- Engin(s)
- time to cross to Deauville
- Sea Conditions

We would all like to share in this breathtaking achievement.........

By the way who won??

so we have "specte racing "alias rupert bonham -smith
"rib babe " "alias rupert bonham -smith

who else I wonder?

Rupe, your great, great, great .great.great grandad would not be over enjoyed by the carrying ons of his 5th generation grand child - or was that a load of hype as well?

Jonathan f
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Old 06 September 2005, 12:30   #250
Country: UK - England
Town: Buckinham Palace
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Traffic Warden of the Year

I have been asked to present the award to the Traffic Warden of the Year, based on the posts on this thread. The votes have been coming in from many people based on comments before and after the Rally.

As it is now widely known, the Rally was an enormous success and will become a permanent fixture in the boating calender.

So, on to the awards....

The nominations are

1) Scary Des, for being highly envious (despite trying to disguise it), and trying to criticise the event at any opportunity. Best to eat humble pie now Des.

2) Pete 7, for getting very cross that others could have fun.

3) Alan, the "expat Rib Pundit", sitting in some frozen wasteland with obviously nothing better to do than pass unhelpful comment. A bit of a Victor Meldrew.

4) Eupa

and the Winner is EUPA!

Mr. Dull from Belgium, a most suitably dreary country for this traffic warden to live in. His posts just about sums up this individual, absolutlely could not stand the fact an adventurous group of people were planning to have fun...tried to find every bit of red tape and regulations to damage the event, wanted to drive his boat across the bows of the participants, wanted to tip off the French authorities.
Well Mr. Eupa, you failed. The event was an outstanding success. It will happen again every year. This is likely to be very dissapointing for you.

You may collect your prize at the celebration party in Chelsea.

To all the other posters on this thread. The organisers have recognised that apart from the people nominated above and of course Eupa, that many of you have an excellent sense of humour, and were willing the Rally to be a success. It was and they thank you for that.

The organisers will welcome you to join in next year now that they have proven what an excellent event it is.

HM The Queen
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Old 06 September 2005, 12:45   #251
Country: Belgium
Length: 9m +
Engine: Ob 2*250/2t yams hpd
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Posts: 885
Well Mr. Eupa, you failed. The event was an outstanding success. It will happen again every year. This is likely to be very dissapointing for you.

Well quite frankly Rupe, not at all. To be called dull and dreary from some stuck up git , is indeed an honor. My only regret is that I was too busy and could'nt afford the gas to come down.

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Old 06 September 2005, 12:55   #252
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Your Majesty, kind though it is of you to frequent this humble forum to dish out lashing of condesension and spin, I beg to differ with the following point:
Originally Posted by HM The Queen
As it is now widely known, the Rally was an enormous success and will become a permanent fixture in the boating calender.

The organisers will welcome you to join in next year now that they have proven what an excellent event it is.

HM The Queen
On saturday, I arranged a visit for 20 kids at my sailing club. We visited a certain un-named RNLI station. While the kids were being shown round, I had a very entertaining chat with a full time helmsman of the RNLI, about recent shouts, foolishness in boats, and water users that endanger their own lives, and those of the people around them, and the people that give up their time to come and rescue them. Guess what cropped up? Only this rally!

It seems that he would most emphatically not agree with your assertion, and that of rib babe, and Rupert Bonham-Smith, that the aforementioned rally was a success. Would you care to clear up once and for all (as I'm sure the my esteemed RNLI friend, having spent several years working on the river including helping out at many such events will obviously be trying to deride this rally by telling me his opinions) exactly how many of the seriously unprepared boats that entered your rally with little support from the organisers turned back, and where?

Would you also care to comment on the entrant to your rally who radioed a distress message to say that he couldn't go anywhere and he thought his engines weren't running right? Apparently he'd lost 90% of his power, and couldn't go forwards or backwards. Sounds like a relatively run of the mill problem I agree, however when this chap was intending on going to Deauville with you, you would have thought he'd have enough knowledge to recognise when he had RAN AGROUND!

I have no beef with anybody trying to have fun, anybody trying to promote boating in any form, high entry fees for events, slightly shaky pasts or anything like that. What I do have a major issue with is people who go out on the water for an official event such as this, with no idea, and perhaps insufficient information from the organisers, as to what they are letting themselves in for. The reason for my antipathy here is because it is not just themselves they are endangering. People such as the Coastguard, the RNLI, volunteer lifeboat organisations, and indeed other boat users regularly put themselves at extreme risk to aid others. They don't have to do this, but they do. Every time they go out to rescue someone operating well beyond their limits or without ANY safety gear, they put themselves in danger.

Doubtless this post will now be dissected, argued with, and I'll get branded a killjoy etc, however I really do suggest that having found yourself in a canyon size hole, you stop digging. Your Deauville rally has happened, with varying success, amid of a lot of mistrust, coupled with a lot of helpful suggestions. If I were you, I would take on board anything constructive that people on this forum have suggested, and use it to ensure that next years rally clears up the skepticism, and runs with more success. I await details of next years rally, and who knows, if your teething problems are cleared up, I may even join you.
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Old 06 September 2005, 13:19   #253
Country: UK - England
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well put
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Old 06 September 2005, 14:10   #254
Country: UK - England
Town: nr Lymington
Boat name: JU-JU
Make: Halmatic PAC22
Length: 6m +
Engine: 140.5 Mermaid
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Originally Posted by HM The Queen
1) Scary Des, for being highly envious (despite trying to disguise it), and trying to criticise the event at any opportunity. Best to eat humble pie now Des.
Envious, yep I suppose I am, in fact I have always envied the simpleton that takes everything at face value, that believes that by simply saying something it is true and believes that all his fellows are less that him.
A simpleton has it all worked out, never questions anything. Joins the army, follows orders. Joins the class structure follows the herd. Buy an Audi, have your 2.5 kids, but never question why. Wish I could.

Originally Posted by eupa
.....Rupe, your great, great, great .great.great grandad would not be over enjoyed by the carrying ons of his 5th generation grand child - or was that a load of hype as well?

Jonathan f
I think you are wrong eupa, Ruperts GGGGGF would be proud of the fact that a distant relation of his, who was still dining out on his achievements, was helping to prove one of his theories:-
Originally Posted by Darwin
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much etc etc.
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Old 06 September 2005, 14:25   #255
Country: UK - England
Town: Mayfair, London
Make: RibEye/Ferretti 881
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Engine: Yamaha 25/Twin MTU
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Posts: 691
Originally Posted by Jimbo
It seems that he would most emphatically not agree with your assertion, and that of rib babe, and Rupert Bonham-Smith, that the aforementioned rally was a success. Would you care to clear up once and for all (as I'm sure the my esteemed RNLI friend, having spent several years working on the river including helping out at many such events will obviously be trying to deride this rally by telling me his opinions) exactly how many of the seriously unprepared boats that entered your rally with little support from the organisers turned back, and where?

Sorry Jimbo...just plain wrong.

The only boat that turned back was mine at Gravesend and I was not taking part in the Rally, but carrying the PLA Harbour Master. Any other boats that turned back later were never intend

The Harbour Master had no such concerns about safety, and commended the entrants on their responsibility.

I also know the RNLI stations at Chiswick and Tower Bridge, and those on duty who I know thought it to be a great fun and successful event...no safety worries.

In addition, the journalist on the rally I spoke to today, was so enthralled by the rally and the success of it, is going to be writing a 2000 word article in Motor Boats and Yachting.

That is going to reach a very wide audiance, and ensure the growth and future success of this event.
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Old 06 September 2005, 15:10   #256
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It seems to me that some people just don't know when to stop having a go. All those people who said the event was a rip-off, wasn't going to happen are just plain wrong and still appear to be so far stuck up there own ***** that they can't hear what people are saying.

There is a great cross section of people in Ribbing and we all enjoy being on the water. Just because someone organises something different it appears we want to shoot them down.

The only people who can comment on the cost are the people who went on it and I don't hear them piping up. In fact I know of a participant and he intends to enter again and thought it was a great weekend.

I have no doubt that the event was better organised than many BIBOA cruises that I've been on. Even a RibNet channel crossing I organised a few years ago failed because 3 or the four boats broke down due to poor preparation and one of those was a RYA instructors boat!!

There are few people on this forum, including me, that could organise a BIBOA cruise let alone the Deauville Rally so why knock even after the event was a success!!!



P.S. I have a nice boat for sale that would go down a treat for Deauville 2006!
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Old 06 September 2005, 16:14   #257
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Mark, I dont think people are knocking the event at all - fair play to anyone who attempts to organise something a bit different and manages to make a go of things (I know one who took part and one who was involved in some of the pre-event parties and both gave some positives and negatives) albeit with a few hiccups and I'm sure with the benefit of this year's experience, future events will improve. I said weeks ago that if some of the grey areas were clarified, I'd think about putting a boat in for the event this and hope that next year's goes on to bigger and better things...

What I think has wound people up is the attitude of organisers and as I've said before, if rib.net users were approached with a bit of honesty, transparancy and humility, there would I'm sure have been a more positive response. If I were the organisers, my opening gambit would have been along these lines:

"LOPC are looking to run an event from London to etc etc...we'd love your support, what advice could you give us for attracting rib users and for managing the event in general."

(and when asked about links between dodgy charter companies and the event organisers, told the truth.)

Instead,fairly reasonable questions were evaded, pr hype covered a lack of substance in organisation and it became obvious fairly early on that there were a few grey areas - none of which were answered when I and others posed the questions to spectre (just pointed back to the website)....

The cost is a case in point - when many asked what the charge included, the questions were igonored or again pointed to the website that was / is wooly to say the least. Mark, as for the only people being able to comment on the cost being those who went on the rally - horseshit. I know what value for money is - £900 on ifs, maybe's and could be's on a rally isnt. £900 on a decently organised cross channel trip with parties and accomodation could have been and that's the problem - not enough detail and too much spin left people non the wiser.

In short, great idea, fairly well executed, organised by clowns.
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Old 06 September 2005, 16:15   #258
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Originally Posted by timw
...growth and future success of this event.
This, as I said, can only be a good thing.
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Old 06 September 2005, 16:17   #259
Country: UK - England
Town: Mayfair, London
Make: RibEye/Ferretti 881
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Engine: Yamaha 25/Twin MTU
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Posts: 691
Originally Posted by eupa
so we have "specte racing "alias rupert bonham -smith
"rib babe " "alias rupert bonham -smith

Jonathan f

I have met Rib babe and she is very much a real person. She is a charming lady who took part as crew on the Deaville Rally.

next question?
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Old 06 September 2005, 16:27   #260
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It appears the Gumball Deauville Rally is also being discussed here: http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/sh...ad.php?p=16266

Interesting pics of the competitors screaming under Tower Bridge, looks as though they were having fun.
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