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Old 24 August 2005, 10:54   #81
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Originally Posted by spectre racing
Firstly the boat was perfectly safe.
Is that so? I think, perhaps, the MCA have a different view point on your definition of "safe", don't you?

"On the 29th June 2004 the licence was suspended by Eastleigh Borough Council following recommendation by both the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and The River Hamble Harbour Master as a result of their safety concerns."

Captain Amir Esmiley, Principal Surveyor with the MCA Marine Office says,

“This prosecution illustrates that unlicensed operators which are putting the public’s lives at risk on the water, will be prosecuted.
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Old 24 August 2005, 10:58   #82
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Originally Posted by spectre racing
Typically in this age of claims direct everyone always looks for a scape goat and not wishing to involve the other syndicate members I took the brunt of the charges.

Like the Kieron French episode it was clear that the authorities wanted to win whatever the argument just to try and make an example of someone and the magistrates would just kowtow to whatever was desired.
Interesting claim from someone who posts his occupation as "Solicitor"...I presume you represented yourself? If so, you didn't do a very good job, did you?
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Old 24 August 2005, 11:53   #83
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Originally Posted by Scary Des
Although a good technique I would strongly recommend investing in my new invention
Des, thats desparately close to a pyramid scam do you know of any Hamble based venturers who might be up for this sort of thing, someone willing to turn a blind eye to the law for a quick buck?

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Old 24 August 2005, 12:03   #84
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Originally Posted by Pete7
Des, thats desparately close to a pyramid scam do you know of any Hamble based venturers who might be up for this sort of thing, someone willing to turn a blind eye to the law for a quick buck?


..but we would have to separate it from the Midlands “Cucumber enterprise” in case anyone who got hurt in the famous Halesowen Harvester incident of ’04 reads this and thinks that Des and I may be in partnership! I hearby go on record as once, having lent Des a bowl to use in his scheme, he, without my knowledge, may, or may not, have rented it out to someone who thought it would be safe to use in the Little Chef…..with dire consequences, I can tell you… sweetcorn everywhere…. So please be assured that, despite me appearing in his adverts, I am in no way connected with Des…
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Old 24 August 2005, 12:07   #85
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Originally Posted by Pete7
Des, thats desparately close to a pyramid scam do you know of any Hamble based venturers who might be up for this sort of thing, someone willing to turn a blind eye to the law for a quick buck?

Never thought of that but I like your thinking I have an opening for a marketing manager do you think you could sell Super Dooper Des Bowls

Stop press!!
I’ve just spoken to ‘Rupert Venture Capital (2005) Ltd’ Hamble division, and they said that the deal is too kosher for their tastes

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Old 24 August 2005, 12:22   #86
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Originally Posted by Jono
..but we would have to separate it from the Midlands “Cucumber enterprise” in case anyone who got hurt in the famous Halesowen Harvester incident of ’04 reads this and thinks that Des and I may be in partnership! I hearby go on record as once, having lent Des a bowl to use in his scheme, he, without my knowledge, may, or may not, have rented it out to someone who thought it would be safe to use in the Little Chef…..with dire consequences, I can tell you… sweetcorn everywhere…. So please be assured that, despite me appearing in his adverts, I am in no way connected with Des…
PM to Jono: yeh that should put them off the scent, they’ll never guess we really are still working together: Des
End of PM
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Old 24 August 2005, 12:55   #87
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Originally Posted by Jono
Little Chef…..
likkul shef.......likkul shef...... likkul theef morr lyke. ayt fkin kwid forr a mingin brekfasst wiv a reeconsteetewted eg an a sossij smorler dan codsporns nob.

i fink dat dat rewpirt mite bee de manajin directer

luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
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Old 24 August 2005, 14:09   #88
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Originally Posted by spectre racing
Firstly the boat was perfectly safe. It was an under-powered ex. SBS searider which is designed for offshore work.

Secondly the boat had been surveyed and licenced by Eastleigh Borough Council. The syndicate which owned her never acknowledged the revokation of licence by Eastleigh Borough Council as the wrong criteria had been applied.

The boat had been profeesionally re-wired and fitted by BHG marine in Bucklers Hard.

Steve Hall admitted in the posts that the boat was not unsafe.

Steve Hall stated in his threads that he wanted to go around the Isle of Wight which would not be covered by a local council licence.

He had the qualifications to qualify as a skipper and was put on the insurance as such. We had a verbal contract that he would take the boat at his own risk and he would be entirely responsable. What he did with it was upto him as long as he brought it back in one piece.

Typically in this age of claims direct everyone always looks for a scape goat and not wishing to involve the other syndicate members I took the brunt of the charges.

Like the Kieron French episode it was clear that the authorities wanted to win whatever the argument just to try and make an example of someone and the magistrates would just kowtow to whatever was desired.

As a result of all this I set up and established the London Offshore Powerboat Club to cater for those who wanted easy and cheap use of ribs. This as written in an article by James Cracknell in the telegraph and at the time was established with Edward Balme.

However with Ed being in London and I being on the Hamble it was clear that it would make more sense to seperate the two ventures and I would concentrate on the club and he would devote his energies in London to getting the rally off the ground.

Sorry to quote the whole lot but reading this makes me so mad the water is not a safe place at the best of times and running a rib charter company is a big comitment not to the boats but to the clients who pay good hard erned money to enjoy somthing that you and I somtimes take for granted ( I Know i do sometimes ) They expect to get a nice clean boat and most of all feel safe.

I take it that steve was a comercal skipper to be able to be put on the insurance as a skipper if not then you would have had insurance for bareboat rib charter.

I will now step off my soup box and hope that spectra get out of the tade or start doing it properly cos I think that they are bad for the whole boating comunity.
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Old 24 August 2005, 15:38   #89
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I agree Simon, it is an expensive undertaking to do it right and when a bunch of cowboys come alomg it tars us all with the same brush.

whether or not the syndicate just how many people does it take to buy a boat by the way the license was granted by the local council and if they revoked it then it is revoked surely regardless of what the bunch of nobbers that own the boat think.

A local license covers thirty miles from point home port I think youll find the Isle of wight comes within that range of Hamble.

Insurance If the local council revokeed the commercial license than what was the insurance companies view when you informed them of this decision. I would not have thought it was insured as a hire and reward vessel.

Kieron French is a good friend of mine, but make no mistake he acted reckleslly endagered lives, seriously damaged some people and I think it is right that he was sentenced. Having said that I will be happy to stand by him when he returns to society, if he wants me to!
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Old 24 August 2005, 15:42   #90
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Originally Posted by timw
...but Rogue Wave feels that people would be bored with the Pics.
That was a reaction to your Snide Harvester comment...but as you were big enough to apologise the I will retract the comment about being bored, pictures of boating events are always welcome on this Forum
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 24 August 2005, 16:12   #91
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
That was a reaction to your Snide Harvester comment...but as you were big enough to apologise the I will retract the comment about being bored, pictures of boating events are always welcome on this Forum
Well I apologised because it came across as me being a bit snobby which I'm not. Anyway, people seemed to have rather enjoyed elaborating on the Harvester Salad Trolley theme.

I've had run-ins with you before Rogue Wave about Ribeyes, so hopefully the pictures I plan to take from the back of the Ribeye will prove that it's still capable of staying afloat.
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Old 24 August 2005, 16:20   #92
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local licence

sorry to be anal but I think a hamble (eastleigh) licence covers you from
"Within a line from Calshot Castle to Hook Beacon" in smooth water or an area from "inside the I.O.W. within an area bounded by lines drawn between the church spire, West Wittering to Trinity Church, Bembridge, to the eastward, and the Needles and Hurst Point to the westward" in choppy stuff

agree with sentiments tho...
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Old 24 August 2005, 16:29   #93
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[QUOTE=donutsina911] sorry to be anal but I think a hamble (eastleigh) licence covers you from
"Within a line from Calshot Castle to Hook Beacon" in smooth water or an area from "inside the I.O.W. within an area bounded by lines drawn between the church spire, West Wittering to Trinity Church, Bembridge, to the eastward, and the Needles and Hurst Point to the westward" in choppy stuff

QUOTE=spectra racing
He had the qualifications to qualify as a skipper and was put on the insurance as such. We had a verbal contract that he would take the boat at his own risk and he would be entirely responsable. What he did with it was upto him as long as he brought it back in one piece.

Did Mr Steve Hall Know this if not he should of been told.
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Old 24 August 2005, 18:30   #94
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Originally Posted by spectre racing
juvenile delinquants who make his discussion forums resemble the insides of a school toilet.
Just read this quote and wondered if the writer recognises the person described in this article..?

Young Mr X spent an entire month when he should have been studying for A-Levels making an Evil Edna costume for the school Halloween party. The costume was not for himself however, but for the mildly retarded girl Helena who he tortured at any given opportunity. The genius of the design (and hence the man hours required) lay in the "hidden compartments" later to be filled with Camembert cheese (only the finest would suffice). The cheese was left to "mature" on school radiators and the costume was gratefully received by the girl thinking it a peace offering from Youg Mr X. One extra feature were ropes inside, ostensibly to "help keep the costume on" but in reality to bind Helena fast inside the costume, preventing escape and causing hideous rope burn. Time well spent

Mr Angry.... AKA Jono... or "sanctimonious fat bastard" to his friends....
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Old 24 August 2005, 21:43   #95
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The Mr Angry? Or is Steve Wright gonna be after you for breach of copyright??
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Old 24 August 2005, 22:19   #96
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I actually feel for Kieron as it could have happened to anyone and those unlight buoys are bloody dangerous in Southampton water.

Also the passengers should have been keeping a good look out and if they felt he was driving recklessly should have had the strength to force him to slow down.

When I was a member of Oxford Dangerous Sports Club I went on a trip to the Human Catapult in Somerset and during the fourth fling a bulgarian student called Dino Yankof tragically missed the safety net and died that evening in Hospital.

There was a big manslaughter case in the Bristol Court at which I was a witness. However the judge sensibly ruled Death by Misadventure.

It was of course reckless to organise or take part in such a sport and Dino tragically swopped a promising career as an Oxford Undergraduate for a Darwin award. But most concluded that if you are in search of the ultimate you may have to pay the ultimate price.

If you compare Kieron's mishap to this or even shooting a Brazilian on a tube then you will see what disproportionate justice has been dished out.

Any adventurous activity has its inherent risks and people should not try to blame people everytime they get hurt or just think they can avoid them by piling more red tape into the system.

Today school children cant even go on trips as their teachers fear of being sued. That village fireworks displays cant happen due to astronomical premiums which councils insist upon. Each day the tide of authority creeps that little bit closer to prevent anyone doing anything remotely adventurous whilst school kids get fatter and fatter.

Those who want to discuss Icom radios and the finer points of Health and Safety law should muster at the Harvester in Richmond.

For those who want to embrace the spirit of the gumball then I look forward to seeing you on the Belfast on Thursday and sharing the mission of a lifetime.

Bonjour for now
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Old 24 August 2005, 22:24   #97
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Glad living over here as we can do heck of thingies without having solicitors on our regular payroll

RIBs and ribbing is my life
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Old 24 August 2005, 22:39   #98
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..and who can we blame for this state of affairs then, Roops? The greedy, money grabbing Solicitors, perhaps? No.. wait..don't you claim to be amongst their ranks? If that's tue.. then you're gonna be burned as a heretic...

...anyway.. did you recognise the person in the article above, or not?
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Old 24 August 2005, 23:04   #99
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playground law

A slight exaggeration by some of my former comrades from my school days. Still makes for an amusing read.
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Old 24 August 2005, 23:14   #100
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Everyone is missing the point

this is so typical of British pessimism....find it far more appleaing to knock other people's ideas down rather than thinking that this is a great idea, and will raise the profile of the sport as a whole....

As for people that slate the rally, I would like to know what the last event that they organised that was anything but a failed cocktail party
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