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Old 22 July 2008, 19:06   #1
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Deck coverings

I need to get some non-slip deck covering glued down pronto. I have used diamond Treadmaster in the past and its very hardwearing, if a bit hard on the knees when kneeling down on it. its also vary pricy at about £45 a sheet (I need 4-5 sheets to do the deck)
I have also come across a very similiar material called Technix which looks very similiar but is £10 a sheet cheaper. It is also much softer and seems to be more rubber in it than treadmaster. I am not sure how it will wear.
Anybody got experience in using it compared to treadmaster when it comes to wear resistance or is there another product I should consider and can get easily enough?
It will be glued down as a full deck covering so not really wanting tiles or plain rubber mat.
Any suggestions or helpful hints?
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Old 27 July 2008, 10:07   #2
Country: UK - Scotland
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I have 4 sheets of Treadmaster diamond on order, still need the glue though.
On the Tiflex site it says one 600g can of epoxy does two sheets but everywhere else says 1 can = 1 sheet.
I can't remember as it was so long ago I did the old boat, can anybody recall how much glue is required?
I don't want to buy more than necessary at £20 odd a can
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Old 14 August 2008, 08:30   #3
Country: France
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I would suggest TBS : it is a polyurethare sheet, several colors available, 2mm thick, sold in 0.90 x 1.28m sheet.
Can be glued with a good polyurethane like Sikaflex, or equivalent like MSpolymer.

I used it to make the non-slip deck of a pair of new semi-rigids, very comfortable - feet and knee either
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