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Old 29 June 2005, 18:50   #1
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deck leak

hii, all i was just wondering what peoples thouhts are on on sealing a rib deck so we=ater doesn't enter the bilge. i have uncovered a problem that occurred when i lifted up the elephant trunks and filled the deck with water. 7 hours klater the bilge compartment was. full of fresh water... hence i hacve a deck leak . although there are the a frame, seat bases and console bases screwed into the deck the only thing that looks like it would cause a leak is the area where the petrol tanksa have been placed under the deck. there is an outline of the tank perimeters. i have two 200 litre tanks. the seal of the material above.. i think its fibreglass seems to be breaking up. the boat is only 9 months old. should this be happeng? should i be able to see the underlying tanks perimeter outline. what do i seal it with now? should i glass the whole thing over again? obviously the manufactureer will pay fpr this as its still under guarantee. any help much appreciated
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Old 29 June 2005, 20:33   #2
Country: Other
Make: FB 55
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Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 1,711
Firstly, clean the area thoroughly using white spirits. Wait for it to evaporate and then apply sikaflex directly into the area affected (much like caulking) . Sikaflex 'flexes' as the name suggests and lasts for many years. I would not glass anything as this could crack and you will end up with the same problem all over again. Furthermore, once glassed access to the tanks will cause an awful problem.
I would also consider a professional to do this properly if you are not capable of doing it.
Also give some thought to communicating with Parker Ribs and request their advice
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