22 July 2004, 14:56
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i have to agree with you all about the most humane way to kill something but take a Lobster for instance..... the most humane way and the quickest way to kill it is to cleve it in half straight down the middle, this way the central nervous system is cut and the thing dies instantly, but try getting hold of the poor creature and pinning it down and then positioning the knife along the lenght of the shell, its not easy ! so you put it in the fridge for a few hours and it half freezes to death slowing it down thus making it easier to kill, so is this really humane after all, i suppose it must be akin to tortouring a death row prisoner before his execution !!
The other way to kill a lobster is by placing it in boiling water, bring the water to the boil in a very large pan with a lid on, let it come off the boil and drop the lobster in and close the lid, slowly bring the water back to the boil, if you drop it straight into boiling water the shell opens and water gets into the meat, by bringing it just off the boil the shell wont open and the meat wont absorb any water, boil for approx 7 minutes per pound. Alternative is to steam the lobster, but i think you need to double the cooking time.
22 July 2004, 16:01
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Not done the fridge but have put crabs in the freeze they just shut down & go to sleep not to wake up! Well this is what I was told.
Manos when I was a boy & my mother bred sheep we always new which one we where eating! They where given names & then butchered they ended up in the freezer with the name on the bag!
Fish you get in the supper Marquette has not bean fished for its been dragged up from the bottom with dirty big nets brining every thing up wanted or not!
I do not think that fishing by line can ever compare!
22 July 2004, 16:07
Country: UK - England
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Manos...you have to remember that the meds been over fished for years and there is absolutely nothing left, you guys eat the entire lot.
Besides this cow hunting is a national past time in the UK
22 July 2004, 17:10
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Have to agree that any dispatch must be humane and quick - whether this is a fish, bird or animal. I would rather eat a fish, bird or animal that I have humanely despatched as I will know how this has been done and how the food item has been prepared. How do you know how a cow has been treated at the abbatoir? Standing there whilst its companion has disappeared first! I would rather eat a phesant/ pigeon/ rabbit/ deer/ that had a good life and was then humanely dispatched!
Slight change from original question - but looking forward to some fishing off cornwall in August. (and eating!)
22 July 2004, 17:13
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*&^% off
I guess our harpooning method has outraged a few of you: it is done the world over. Sorry for being a barbarian. Yes, I certainly believe in killing things as quickly as possible, but sometimes it does not happen. Halibut harpooned through the head/gills do not last long. They can be shot, but that has its problems, too. "GO TO THE SUPERMARKET FOR MEAT?" Wake up! Those fish are landed and lie in the hull till they sufficate. "You don't shoot cows, do you?" Yes, as a matter of fact I do. You just let someone else shoot yours; big difference. As far as "fishermen depleting the resources" that is pretty emotional and senseless. What difference does it make who catches them? Ever eat turkey? I used to work on a turkey farm; I had the unpleasant job of slitting the throat of about 3000 turkeys every Tuesday during harvest season. Chickens get their heads chopped off; no anesthetics.
Ever see wolves kill a moose? They start eating before the thing is anywhere near dead; pretty gross, but that is the cycle of things. Nature is pretty brutal; I do the best I can to minimize the suffering of anything that has (unwillingly) given its life for me. "What size?" The largest so far has been 115 lbs. Now, let's get back to talking about RHIBS. john
Life is a grizzly experience.
22 July 2004, 17:16
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115lbs! Now I see why you don't just pull it in!!
22 July 2004, 17:36
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Originally Posted by Jklingel
I guess our harpooning method has outraged a few of you: it is done the world over.
..and that makes it right, does it?
Originally Posted by Jklingel
Sorry for being a barbarian. .
..and so you should be.
Originally Posted by Jklingel
Wake up! Those fish are landed and lie in the hull till they sufficate. .
Firstly, you condescending buffoon, I am pretty much awake. Secondly if you read my post, I said that I would prefer to be able to choose meat/fish/fowl that has been humanely despatched, but we, as consumers, are yet to be offered the luxury of that choice.
Originally Posted by Jklingel
Ever see wolves kill a moose? They start eating before the thing is anywhere near dead; pretty gross, but that is the cycle of things. Nature is pretty brutal;.
Yes, "nature" can seem very savage indeed. But, since the Wolf doesn't have the luxury of having any other way of killing and feeding itself, what do you expect? Or you arrogant enough to compare you harpooning a Halibut to a Wolf hunting?
Originally Posted by Jklingel
I do the best I can to minimize the suffering of anything that has (unwillingly) given its life for me.
How? By letting it die slowly trying to free itself from your bouy and harpoon trick? I was always taught, if you haven't got the "firepower" or tools for a quick despatch, don't take the shot....must be different these days, huh?
If you hadn't been so crass as to title your post *&^% off, I might have just ignored you.... but .........
22 July 2004, 23:50
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a tad testy, are we?
I guess some folks have a tad of a hair trigger, and also take a broadcast statement too personally. I did not mean to offend anyone, especially anyone in particular; if I had I would have called him/her on the telephone and spoken it. "*&^% off" can be interpreted in various ways, btw. Take a chill pill (that is just American slang for "relax"). Good boating. j
Life is a grizzly experience.
23 July 2004, 11:26
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Jklingel
..... "*&^% off" can be interpreted in various ways, btw.
23 July 2004, 12:12
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Originally Posted by Bilge Rat
...for this reason its better to dispatch the prey quickly before it knows its about to die....we really should get Phil Davies input on this as he kills things quite oftern, though does shooting them out of the sky count in this case, i'd suggest harpooning a fish and letting it swim around dragging a bouy till it either dies of exhaustion or blood lose would make for a pretty horrific way to die, image killing a cow in this way ? 
Good points, Rich. All I would say is that it behoves any member of the shooting or fishing fraternity to despatch one's quarry as swiftly and humanely as possible, and with the minimum of suffering - which is why if you can't use a shotgun with any reasonable degree of marksmanship or don't have a trained gundog, you shouldn't be allowed out with a gun.
Funny how shooting has always attracted much greater opposition from the anti-fieldsports lobby than fishing, and yet in reality fishing invariably inflicts a far slower death on the quarry than shooting. I eat what I shoot or give it away to people who enjoy eating fresh game. If the hypocritical public ever knew the extent of the suffering endured by animals in slaughter houses, they'd think twice about slagging off fieldsports. My girlfriend lives opposite a butcher's in Anglesey where they slaughter on the premises. Yes, the use of bolt guns effects an instantaneous despatch, but what is not generally realised is that the animals are kept in pens the night before they're killed. If you've ever heard the crying, squealing and wailing of distressed livestock who can smell the blood of the slaughter house, you'd never touch a neatly sellophaned pack of meat in Tesco's again.
23 July 2004, 13:00
Country: UK - England
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Thanks for your valid input Phil as always and i have to agree with your points, i to shoot but mainly clay pigeon these days which tend to be a bit chewy to eat  , however i do know that regulated shoots breed free range birds specifically for the purpose of game shooting, these birds are allowed to live as normal birds should and are fed and protected from shooters until its time for them to be released, i've been game shooting and found it a lot harder than sport shooting, the odds are strongly in the birds favour especially when its mean behind the trigger
23 July 2004, 13:27
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Originally Posted by Bilge Rat
mainly clay pigeon these days which tend to be a bit chewy to eat 
Nonsense, Rich - you're clearly not accustomed to dining in the finer eating establishments of the UK. As Jamie Oliver will tell you, the secret to success with any dish of wild clay pigeon is the preparation. Particular attention should be paid to selecting a freshly shot clay and preferably one that has not been too badly fragmented by pellets. I would recommend a hanging time of no less than one week to allow the clay to develop its optimum texture and maturity for the table. Secondly, one should always marinade the clay overnight in salt water in order to dispel the taste of tar and pitch, which can taint the flesh of the clay and render it inedible. Cook under a medium grill for 20 minutes and serve with a fresh side salad garnished with game chips. Enjoy!
23 July 2004, 13:28
Country: UK - England
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Well put Phil -
Can't beat a freshly caught mackrel or bass! ("Beat" as in "better" before anyone gets upset!  )
23 July 2004, 14:09
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Meat etc
Get Hugh Fearnly Whittingstall book on meat it is really an eye opener , You are wrong about clays they need at least a months hanging b4 even attempting to cook !
23 July 2004, 14:33
Country: UK - England
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No it would be no good as when i hit those babies they fragment into millions of tiny pieces, suppose i could make a clay pie or use in a curry or something
23 July 2004, 15:34
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Originally Posted by Bilge Rat
Manos...you have to remember that the meds been over fished for years and there is absolutely nothing left, you guys eat the entire lot.
This is the reason I;m saying this. I went diving the other day to take some photos on a wreck that USE to have many fish on it (not the day before yesterday). It was completely empty. Even the resident concar had gone  SHAME!
Originally Posted by Bilge Rat
Besides this cow hunting is a national past time in the UK 
I know I live in Gloucestershire and my wife hunts but never catches anything. Not even a big cow
23 July 2004, 16:19
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Nobber? Which means? Anything as endearing as "condescending buffoon"? Hmm. Gentlemen: No one but a complete jackass advocates the slow death of anything, cows, fish, or flies, for that matter. Anyone with whom I venture out will dispatch his game as quickly and "humanely" (if killing something can be humane...) as possible. However, as a practical matter ugliness sometimes happens; even the best of shots cripples a pheasant or deer now and then and it pains me to think of the beasts running about with his buttinski full of buckshot. Big halibut can be shot, and that is often cleaner, but bouncing around in a boat with a pistol is not recommended in the safety books. Ever shoot a hole in your tube, or worse yet your fishing partner? Yikes! Life is just not a perfect place, though we do have our responsibilities to make it as much so as possible. Forward and onward. john
Life is a grizzly experience.
25 July 2004, 22:59
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Originally Posted by Manos
I know that you will probably have my head for this but my question is this (and I'm not a conservationist or any thing like that):
ISN'T SEA OVERFISHED BY ALL THE IGNORAMOUS FISHERMAN WITHOUT US ADDING TO THE DISTRUCTION? If you want to eat fish why don't you use the supermarket. Is got plenty there and you are not in danger to damage your boat in the process When you want meat you don't go around killing cows? Do you?
This is the reason I;m saying this. I went diving the other day to take some photos on a wreck that USE to have many fish on it (not the day before yesterday). It was completely empty. Even the resident concar had gone SHAME!
Manos - Isn't sea overdived by all the ignoramous divers without us adding to the destruction? If you want to get a photo of a conger why don't you use the library. Is got plenty there and you are not in danger to damage your boat
My point - it's more fun to do things yourself, some fish some dive some take photo's. I do all three but don't judge others.
Anyway if god hadn't wanted us to kill and eat animals he wouldn't have made them out of meat.
26 July 2004, 02:54
Country: USA
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never pollution, is it?
Nope. The depletion of animals in areas of the sea never has anything to do with pollution, encroachment by mankind (and subsequent loss of habitat and food), global warming, etc. It is always those nasty individuals who go get their own fish once and a while. I wish someone would outlaw those individuals, or harpoon them. Instead they could stay home and *(&^, making more little mouths to feed, who would need more materials for them to consume, etc. Hey! Maybe we could then outlaw *(&^*%#, too, so the humans would disappear and then all would be fine again; just like in The Beginning. What a plan!
Life is a grizzly experience.
26 July 2004, 07:11
Country: Greece
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Originally Posted by woot
Anyway if god hadn't wanted us to kill and eat animals he wouldn't have made them out of meat.
This is the reason we have super markets  I think we passed the stone age a few million years ago
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