Originally Posted by Alzi
Just to sidestep a little , on the original post there was a list of possible makes , , What material do you want it made from , beaing in mind Divers do carry things like knives and buckles so does the material have a deciding factor ? , Hypalon , Pvc OR PU. and do all the makes offer a choice?
After Repairing Both in the past , I personally would opt for Hypalon Everytime.
it is a little bit of a sidestep from the original topic - the material not really affecting handling in rough seas (until I stand corrected) but still interesting to see if people can add it to their recommendations, and perhaps saved for a different thread. (in fact, I see a new thread today about Tornado in PU or Hypalon - XS ribs make both for the same cost apparently)
PU advertises itself as more hard wearing, so less likely to fade and scratch in the first place with all those tanks/portholes being dragged over the side by the diving crowd, but much more difficult to repair (especially welded PU seams if I read correctly). I'd rather do my own repairs, so Hypalon wins for me, especially on a 2nd hand boat that doesn't justify re-tubing just yet
cheers for the reply