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Old 23 April 2005, 19:43   #1
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Deflated Tubes

I have a problem with my 5.5m rib. When i am not using it, i leave it ashore, inlfated, under the sun, after a few days the tubes start to appear deflated and after a couple of weeks are completly deflated. Is this normal?
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Old 23 April 2005, 19:49   #2
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I m no expert but would say its NOT normal....

My old searider lasts several weeks before going soft.

Also I would think the sun would make it harder, unless you ve got some pressure relief valves? Then when it gets hot the excess vents off and when it cools it goes soft maybe?

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Old 23 April 2005, 20:35   #3
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It's definitely not normal, but it may not be a real problem.

As SDG says, pressure relief valves could be plauing a part in this, but they shouldn't end up completely deflating the tubes.

As the tube should have several independent sections it is surprising that the tube goes doen completely. It's not unheard of for valves to leak, but I wouldn't expect them all to. Another possibility is that the tube fabric may have become slightly porous, but I have only seen this on very old inflatables (like 20 years old). Leaking seams or multiple very small punctures are also possible, but not very likely.

How old is the boat? What sort of valves are fitted? Have you tried spraying it with soapy water to see if yoiu can find any trace of air leaking?

In the meantime, just pump it up each time you use it and don't worry too much!

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Old 25 April 2005, 14:05   #4
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I'm no expert, but I have sailed a 3 or 4 different Mako boat's they handle great, but they all have pressure relief valves, and they are no good. They are leaking (I know that they are meant too), but they do it all the time, even in the winter time, when it's getting colder.

It's easy to spot if you have relief valves. if you have 2 separates grey things on each chamber, and only the one is for putting air in, then the other is for letting air out. (Sorry for the technical description)

I can only think of 3 solutions.

1) Live with it.
2) Change the reliefe valve.
3) Take it off, and put a patch in it.

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