07 September 2021, 12:06
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Dft consultation on leisure craft
Seen there is a deft consultation on leisure craft
The title is misleading https://www.gov.uk/government/news/g...sojymgc_l5AzXk
The consultation will bring recreational and personal watercraft, such as jet-skis and speedboats, under the same laws as those who operate ships, meaning tougher sentences for those caught driving dangerously.
07 September 2021, 13:09
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Originally Posted by HDAV
Seen there is a deft consultation on leisure craft
The title is misleading https://www.gov.uk/government/news/g...sojymgc_l5AzXk
The consultation will bring recreational and personal watercraft, such as jet-skis and speedboats, under the same laws as those who operate ships, meaning tougher sentences for those caught driving dangerously.
If it means a nationally recognised registration scheme, rather than the ad-hoc money making schemes that are being introduced by different councils around the UK, then it could be a good thing. We could call it something like “The Small Ships Register”, how’s that for an idea?
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
07 September 2021, 13:10
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I've scan read it and at first reading seems OK. No extra regulation as such for the private leisure user but greater responsibility/sanctions for accidents and rule breaches should they happen.
They are headlining jetski and speedboat use but the act is proposed to include any craft... powered or unpowered... over 2.5m capable of carrying one or more persons on water.
Edit: Seems registration will voluntary and not mandated.
07 September 2021, 18:08
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
If it means a nationally recognised registration scheme, rather than the ad-hoc money making schemes that are being introduced by different councils around the UK, then it could be a good thing. We could call it something like “The Small Ships Register”, how’s that for an idea?
I like playing by the rules, I don't even mind paying a decent price to use a slip, but I too am fed up of the council money making registration schemes. I'd vote for "The Small Ships Register"
Unfortunately it's unlikely to happen, look at dog licensing - too costly and unenforceable, or so they say.
07 September 2021, 18:28
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It's already there - I think that's what PD was hinting at.
07 September 2021, 20:52
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Originally Posted by GuyC
Quite and 2.5m is very small…….. it’s a consultation more people Who respond the better
10 September 2021, 18:11
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Presumably this is to close the loophole in the merchant shipping act where jet skis were not considered “vessels” and so unable to be prosecuted? That makes sense, however there will be no more enforcement / resource so don’t expect to see any prosecutions except in the very rare cases where someone is killed or seriously injured (and there are already laws like manslaughter/culpable homicide and reckless endangerment etc) various local bylaws that do apply to jetskis and other small craft which get little enforcement. This is government reacting to “something must be done” headlines not actually fixing a problem.
10 September 2021, 22:38
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Seems bonkers that powered leisure craft aren’t all categorised the same perhaps this will solve the issues at least everyone then gets to play by the same hopefully enforced rules being an eeejit is not dependant on the on the method of propulsion (or shouldn’t be) it should be dependent on the eeeejit ness of the individual
11 September 2021, 07:42
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Agreed HDAV re treating all leisure craft the same. I have a jet ski and a SIB at the mo and it would be great to have a single unified registration system for both.
I can't believe how much more thoroughly regulated the jet ski is for solent use. Need a licence from the navy, which requires up to date data tag and insurance (and possibly RYA training, can't remember if I had to send in my slip or not). Would a visitor to the area know they needed to have registration via the navy? Whereas my sib has no requirement to prove anything. Doesn't seem right, there are idiots on all sorts of boats and piecemeal legislation just leaves too many loopholes and areas of confusion.
I would like to see a single registration for all leisure craft over say 2.5m/10hp so that everyone knows where they stand.
How practical and enforceable any of that would be remains completely up in the air though.
11 September 2021, 07:45
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For the avoidance of doubt I don't think the regulation of jet skis in the solent is a bad thing per se, but my friends 300hp bayliner doesn't require the same and is every bit as fast and arguably a larger hazard if it is coming right at you!
03 July 2022, 21:52
Country: UK - Wales
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Disappointing there has been no updates on this……
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