06 February 2008, 08:30
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: mach1
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Did i waste the RNLI's time???
After fitting my new stainless windscreen from XS to my rib i decided to try it out in the solent yesterday! after the thrill of the bigger seas of the solent, i ambled back up Southampton water now in a more relaxed state. Dont ask me how but i must of hit a small wave wrong and smashing my face into the new stainless grab handle on the top of the windscreen, blood everywhere, pain, dizzy just what you need when no ones about. I turned towards the Hamble worried about the initial dizziness and the sheer quantity of blood.
I then after a 3-4 minute run ran into the sandbank to the right of the entrance to hamble river, thankfully at slow speed and came to a gentle stop. It was at this point i realised i was not thinking straight and figured i might be worse than i thought. (speacially as i know exactly where that sandbank is)
I sent out a PAN PAN and was acknowledged, the hamble authorities arrived first puling me easily of the sand bank back to the jetty, The CALSHORT LIFEBOAT very soon followed to access my injurys where i spent another hour in a back of an ambulance.
I couldn't thank everybody enoth, HOWEVER i felt very guilty at calling them out, at one point because i had potentially struck my head, the helecopter was on standby!! for what turned out to be bent teeth and cut up mouth and gums i had put 13-15 peoples life on hold, you cant help but feel incredibly guilty!!!
Its not that i think i did it wrong, i would say to anyone if they felt dizzy or disorentated to do exactly the same, but i just thing these guys and girls of the lifeboats need to be thanked for all the times they rush out for the little incidents as these at times must be quite demoralising for them.
I will be sending a letter or email to calshot lifeboat station and a donation. I just wanted to let people know of a reallife situation that can happen to even the most prepared and safetycontious of Ribbers
06 February 2008, 09:13
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Ian, thats just the sort of thing everyone put money into the collection boxes for, so don't feel guilty. Put it this way if you hadn't raised the alarm you might have gone overboard next then you really would have been in the incident pit. Recon it was a good call. A couple of letters to the RNLI and Solent Coastguard always goes down well.
I sent John at Quinquari Ribs in Wales a bottle of Scotch after he recovered a couple of divers for the club one year. When I spoke to him a couple of years later he still remembered us.
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06 February 2008, 09:15
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I see nothing wrong in what you did. You called a Pan-Pan rather than a Mayday, which was wise, and you left those in charge decide what resources were suitable to task.
If my own knowledge of SAR crews (RNLI and Heli) is anything to go by, most of these guys love 'the call' !!
06 February 2008, 09:26
Country: UK - England
Town: bicester, Oxford
Boat name: mach1
Make: avon SR5.4
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Posts: 177
I put in a call to calshot lifeboat station and spoke to the coxain and one other, they are quite chuffed with tmy call and mentioned that they rarely here from people after the event.
It did bring home to me the fact that i go out a lot on my OWN and if i had of gone unconscious and ended up bobing around in the solent! what would of been the outcome!
We should all consider the worst possible outcome when planning any trip but we should perhaps on dwell on them too much!!!!!!!!
06 February 2008, 10:04
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Ian, I'm pleased you are fine and you had the wherewithal to call for help...what are you going to do about that windscreen surround which is plainly too close? You'll no doubt confirm the amount your body lurches about particularly when you are not expecting anything. I suspect there are many ribs waiting for the opportunity to break some teeth.
06 February 2008, 10:06
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Ian - you didn't waste anybody's time; accidents happen.
It's worth remembering that no situation is black and white - one skippers distress could be something a different skipper would take into his stride, it all depends. Had you not been on your own, your situation may have been different, as it was, you were injured, and by your own admission not thinking clearly enough to avoid the sandbar.
With a head injury, it will have been treated as serious until proven otherwise, so I wouldn't feel at all guilty you had the chopper on standby etc - that's what it's there for!
06 February 2008, 10:17
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Trust me, from someone who knows through working SAR.
You got your call spot on, the pan pan was the ideal level to shout to the CG. Units make best speed and as with all head injuries CG flight is put on immediate evac stand-by.
Furthermore, with a head injury at sea, you are also in the region of MayDay, especially with you reporting dizziness and being on the vessel alone.
If you had passed out, there is no-one there to take over your comms or look after your well being and then your life would/may have been in serious danger.
Good comms mate, good post on here too.
P.S. You got a real perty smile now?
A boat is not truly yours until you start fixing the things that you have personally broken.
06 February 2008, 10:46
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I'm quite impressed that you managed to keep it together enough to call a pan-pan when you were that messed up.
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06 February 2008, 11:31
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May I suggest you go to B+Q and buy some pipe cladding - NOW!!!
Of course you did the right thing. Head injuries are very strange beasts - one minute you can be fine the next you can be reciting the National Anthem in Swahili.......
And as Blimp says they love a shout - that's why they volunteer - your incident is far more real than the stupid fake maydays they get.
06 February 2008, 11:48
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Yes, excellent stuff. Don't feel guilty at all. Don't forget that all the people involved in your incident volunteer to help people in trouble. It's what they like to do and for some it's their job.
When the incident's over and they've helped someone, they are pleased. When the job is to someone in real difficulty or is hurt through an accident, well there's even more satisfaction. And if that person gets in touch afterwards to say thanks, well, that's the icing on the cake.
From the accountant or van driver on the lifeboat, the helicopter crew who got ready but didn't need to lift, to the Coastguard on the radio co-ordinating the job, they all felt good at a job well done, believe me. They really appreciate the thanks and after a genuine accident such as yours, there's no way they would want you to feel guilty.
Good story.
06 February 2008, 12:57
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06 February 2008, 13:25
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You did the right thing. Well done for remembering the correct procedure too.
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06 February 2008, 13:27
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Speaking from a background of almost 30 years with the RNLI, I can assure you that you did the right thing. Most people leave it too late to call, and that can make the job so much harder when the boat arrives. Better to find out we're not needed and be stood down than arrive too late.
Well done.
But get that steel moved or protected while you've still got some teeth?
06 February 2008, 13:55
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
We want gore
A boat is not truly yours until you start fixing the things that you have personally broken.
06 February 2008, 14:12
Country: UK - England
Town: bicester, Oxford
Boat name: mach1
Make: avon SR5.4
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Engine: 90hp yamaha
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Posts: 177
i would post pics but i didn't want to get the camera bloody!! seriously though i have NO radio license but keep a submersible handheld attached to the life jacket for emergencies, the only reason i had any knowledge of what to say and i assume i said it right would be mostly down to the intemediate powerboat traing course i did at powerboat training uk (poole) i actually got on the radio without even thinking about it and blirted it out.
And yes im getting some roll cage foam to go around the top of the steelwork, and a gum shield and a helmet and airbags??
thanks for the replys RNLI now set up on monthly DD, instead of occasional pound in the bucket, i think there worth it!!
Also the harbourmasters on hamble great job will pop in and thank them!
06 February 2008, 14:43
Country: UK - Scotland
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Good idea to do the VHF course ......
06 February 2008, 15:21
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"Did I waste the RNLIs Time?" No!! spot on call mate. Glad your ok and the outcome was good. better to call than wait and fall deeper into the incedent pit.
How's the windscreen?
06 February 2008, 15:31
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I have criticised the "authorities" on here in the past for being a bit over their top in their response sometimes - but I think you and the CG were spot on. You might have been able to limp home - but if you had crashed your car and smashed up your face and knocked yourself dizzy you probably wouldn't (shouldn't) have driven home/to the hospital so why do it at sea.
06 February 2008, 16:30
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I'd have to agree with everyone, YOU did what you thought was necessary.
I would also second.third etc regarding the VHF course. It is so worth doing, as is the First Aid course.
Slightly Off topic - I called the ambulance after my girlfriend sprained/broke her ankle at home. WHY? Because we live on a Canal Boat during the week, how was I going to get her off was my only thought.
I had no regrets, Paramedic agreed and didn't mind at all. I ended up driving her in my car following him. I now know why I pay my National Insurance!
06 February 2008, 17:06
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Good Post!
Also Raises the question of how many of us use a "Tango Romeo" when leaving alone or accompanied and how important they could be??
Im personally guilty of rarely doing it and we get some pretty rough seas on the West Coast of Eire.
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