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Old 04 January 2006, 06:36   #21
Country: USA
Boat name: The Boot
Make: Avon SR5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF70
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 270
Well I took delivery today of the 5.4. The trailers got to go as its too large and heavy. It should be no problem as it is in top condition with new tires. Fortunately we have a good market for used trailers here in Los Angeles.

Anyways its got a 1996 Johnson 70 with power tilt. The tubes need some tlc here and there but otherwise hold air fine. The hull is sound. I can't believe how much thicker this hull is from my sr4! Hitting the hull with my fist sounds like hitting a brick wall! The original center console isn't the best layout but it should work fine. I'm excited to see how she goes in the ocean. She isn't the best looking but everything looks in good working condition. A little tlc here and there and I think I'll have a solid rib. I will post photos tomorrow.
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Old 04 January 2006, 08:34   #22
Country: UK - England
Make: Avon 5.4, Avon 3.4,
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look forward to seeing the pics
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Old 04 January 2006, 14:47   #23
Country: USA
Town: Marblehead, MA
Boat name: Bouncy Pumpkin
Make: Avon Searider 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Evinrude 90 E-TEC
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 390
Originally Posted by boatster_sr4
Well I took delivery today of the 5.4. The trailers got to go as its too large and heavy. It should be no problem as it is in top condition with new tires. Fortunately we have a good market for used trailers here in Los Angeles.
Congrats and welcome to the 5.4 club Sounds like the same trailer story when I got mine. Good luck and enjoy the new RIB!
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Old 04 January 2006, 17:15   #24
Country: USA
Boat name: The Boot
Make: Avon SR5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF70
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 270

Mine isn't as nice as yours. This is the boat you posted a few months ago from Ebay. I purchased the boat outside of Ebay with the previous owner and paid a good price. Considering that alot of other sr5.4s were way too far away for me to even consider, this one fit the bill nicely. Mine is all ready for use but I do need to do some clean up and regluing to get her to where I want.

The sr5.4 is a big step up from the sr4 in length, girth as well as heft I think.
I'm hoping great things for the sea trial.

I will try to get photos up today or within the next few. I want to make a slidestory of this .
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Old 05 January 2006, 01:27   #25
Country: USA
Town: Marblehead, MA
Boat name: Bouncy Pumpkin
Make: Avon Searider 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Evinrude 90 E-TEC
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 390
Yes, I remember it. The trailer is a bit of a beast. Glad that RIB found a good home with someone who will clean it up and put it to good use. How's the OB on it? Appeared from the photos that it was likely the original USCG. I suspect that boat will actually clean up reasonably well. Not perfect, but good enough. It's actually sort of neat to see it in what appears to be something very close its original USCG layout. That "splash shelf" on the transom was removed from my boat, along with the original fuel tank, before I got it. There have been times when I wished I had that! It does look like it takes up an aweful lot of room though.

Looking forward to seeing more photos.
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Old 05 January 2006, 07:22   #26
Country: USA
Boat name: The Boot
Make: Avon SR5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF70
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 270
The outboard is very clean. Its a 1996 so the boat was definitely repowered. The motor probably had 1-2 years use before it went civilian. The boat itself had some good use so the hull and console have faded a little. I washed the tubes down this evening and they look significantly better. I found only 2 pin holes. The strake on the bow needs replacing and some seams could use regluing. I'm going to get a new trailer and check out the wiring. I'll probably run through the oil system and impeller next.

I have high expectations for how it'll handle the ocean. My sr4 has set the bar high I think.

It looks like photos will have to come in a few days.
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Old 06 January 2006, 19:53   #27
Country: UK - England
Town: Warwick
Make: Avon - Searider
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Engine: 75hp mariner
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Posts: 134
Maiden voyage on new years day! the 5.4 feels a much bigger boat on the water than the 4m - very smooth by comparison and still easy to launch/ recover - sadly I didn't get a long voyage as the carbs proved to need cleaning out - lots of boat for the money
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Old 07 January 2006, 01:54   #28
Country: USA
Boat name: The Boot
Make: Avon SR5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF70
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 270
I did manage to sneak the 5.4 out lastnight in the dark. The Johnson 70 is
amazingly quiet and smooth. It literally started on the first crank and never died. I couldn't believe how quiet a 2 stroke this motor is. The extra 5.4 length was an all together different ride than the sr4. I'm not sure what the pitch on the prop is but I gps'd a top speed of 34 mph. I didn't get to properly trim the motor as the trim gauge isn't working. A few little things need attention here and there. So far 2 thumbs up!!
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Old 07 January 2006, 05:04   #29
Country: USA
Town: Marblehead, MA
Boat name: Bouncy Pumpkin
Make: Avon Searider 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Evinrude 90 E-TEC
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 390
I'm jealous! I want to get out on the water!! Unfortunately it's only been in the low 30's F here, with wind chill there wouldn't be much left of me! Haven't had an invite to go sailing yet this winter. I suspect that must be due to sympathy for having a new baby in the house, but it would do me good. Must remedy that soon.

Looking forward to a regatta in St. Pete, FL next month. I've got to sort out a way to build a rack of sorts bolted to the trailer to carry a 16' sailboat above the RIB. I've seen it done with smaller boats, should be able to work it out. Sun, shorts & tee-shirt... that'll be more like it!

What are your upgrade plans once you get the boat cleaned up, or is it too soon to have figured that out yet? How do you find the bow rise/hull draining/hole shot without the SmarTabs? Plan on installing them on the 5.4 too? What else? Inquiring minds want to know!

Must at least go spin the steering wheel on my boat to keep the cable loose, charge up the battery and such. Maybe Sunday, it's supposed to be warmer then!
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Old 07 January 2006, 07:29   #30
Country: USA
Boat name: The Boot
Make: Avon SR5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF70
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 270

I'm going to rewire the console, put 2 patches on, replace some bow strake, repair the bent steering rod on the outboard (it snags), and replace the trailer among many other little things. I intend to have a windshield fabricated out of SS eventually. With regards to the Nauticus tabs I haven't really got a good feel of the boat just yet. It doesn't shoot skyward on hole shot so maybe not. Time will tell once I get things squared away. I must say I'm really falling in love with Seariders though. I might one day put a smallish A frame on too.

I'm very happy so far!
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Old 07 January 2006, 08:43   #31
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
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Originally Posted by boatster_sr4

I'm going to rewire the console, put 2 patches on, replace some bow strake, repair the bent steering rod on the outboard (it snags), and replace the trailer among many other little things. .

I'm very happy so far!
well that's the morning taken care of you could knock up the A frame in the Afternoon
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 18 January 2006, 07:39   #32
Country: USA
Boat name: The Boot
Make: Avon SR5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF70
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 270
I wish I were that quick Rogue Wave lol. Unfortunately I'm very slow so things will take time.

Well I took the boat off the trailer and put it on blocks in the garage floor.
I have 2 small pinholes that I need to patch as well as replace the front strake and get a new trailer. I found some pics my brother took when I was buying the boat

I'm trying to take more photos but its hard to get decent ones with junk piled all around the boat in the garage

Hopefully she'll be on a trailer and out on the water by May.
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Old 18 January 2006, 15:23   #33
Country: USA
Town: Marblehead, MA
Boat name: Bouncy Pumpkin
Make: Avon Searider 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Evinrude 90 E-TEC
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 390
Originally Posted by boatster_sr4
found some pics my brother took when I was buying the boat
Truely remarkable how different that boat looks in those photos compared to the ebay listing. Some trees in the background make a tremendous difference vs the scrapyard setting it previously appeared in! Some people just don't get basic marketing... which is good for you!

You live in sunny California and won't get the boat done before May?!? Simpy unacceptable, while I'm stuck looking at my SR in the snow!
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Old 18 January 2006, 16:22   #34
Country: UK - England
Town: Dorset
Length: 4m +
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Posts: 1,410
Looks it good shape Boatster, would I be correct in saying you now have 3 Avons!!
When you fitting the smart tabs
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Old 18 January 2006, 17:49   #35
Country: USA
Boat name: The Boot
Make: Avon SR5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF70
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 270
Hi DcTucker,

the seller was an extremely honest person. All the unflattering photos on Ebay were highlighting all the damaged areas. The boat has a few patches and will need 2 more as well. I agree he probably could have sold it for quite a bit more had he taken better photos though. Overall it a very nice boat I think. The johnson runs like a charm and is extremely quiet contrary to my expectations.


for a brief few days I actually had 4 inflatables!! The 13' sportboat, the 13' searider, 10'sib rollup, and the new 18' searider. :O I just sold the sportboat the other day. It was such a nice boat. She will be missed.....

I haven't run the 5.4 around enough to determine if she needs trim tabs. The hole shot seemed fine and she didn't have any porpoising or problems getting onto plane. maybe when I get more hours on the water I'll probably figure out if she needs them. I imagine eventually.

You must trade your sportboat in for a Searider! It is a completely different boat, way more capable. The sportboat was fun but the sr4 is loads more capable I think.
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Old 18 January 2006, 18:02   #36
Country: UK - England
Town: Dorset
Length: 4m +
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Posts: 1,410
Originally Posted by boatster_sr4
Hi DcTucker,

You must trade your sportboat in for a Searider! It is a completely different boat, way more capable.
I am considering a change to a searider, I would love a 4.7m but theres none around. A 5.4 is probably the way to go though, do love the sport boat though, will out accelerate most things.
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Old 18 January 2006, 19:55   #37
Country: USA
Boat name: The Boot
Make: Avon SR5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF70
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 270
Your probably right about going straight for a 5.4 but it is a much bigger boat than the sr4. I love how small and capable the sr4 is. I wouldn't consider selling it. Over here we can park the sr4 at dinghy docks and leave it for up to 3 days in most all of the ports. It makes shooting out to the islands uncomplicated. Plus for the conditions I prefer to go out in the sr4 has handled beautifully. I wanted a sr5.4 for that extra safety when we go surfing out at the islands. Since the conditions could change considerably the extra capability would be a good thing. I would think if it didn't matter for you to store a 5.4 vs a 4 meter I'd probably just go for the 5.4. It seems they're all over the place in the UK. I'm jealous.
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Old 18 January 2006, 21:25   #38
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
Engine: Cat3126 Yam 90 &70
MMSI: 42
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Posts: 6,562
have you done those blotches yet

Kieron from the Ribshop dropped off some of his Rib Revive. It's good stuff send me your address and I'll send some of it over for you to try.

Did I ever mention I had an Avon 4.7 The beauty of a 4.7 is it fits in a standard ish garage
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 19 January 2006, 00:01   #39
Country: USA
Boat name: The Boot
Make: Avon SR5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki DF70
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 270
Do you mean blotches on the strake, hull or the tube patches? I've yet to source the right hypalon for repairs. There are so many little things that need addressing.

Thanks for offering the revive stuff. I'd love to give it a shot.
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Old 19 January 2006, 14:26   #40
Country: UK - England
Town: Warwick
Make: Avon - Searider
Length: 5m +
Engine: 75hp mariner
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 134
Did I ever mention I had an Avon 4.7 The beauty of a 4.7 is it fits in a standard ish garage [/QUOTE]

It may have come up in conversation Rogue...

Speaking of garages - I have just managed to store my 5.4 in a friends garage fully inflated had to push the drawbar in, and the tips of the cones just touch the metal of the door but fits!

Even with limited sea time in the 5.4 I already prefer it to the 4m in the Solent chop much smoother riding - it's not going to accelerate as quickly as a 4m with a 50, and can't stash in the tender mooring at yarmouth but still easy to launch and recover solo and has that pleasing 'action man' kudos
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