A topic close to my own heart....... one year in the Marina, the next year out
The pros vs the cons : Marina:
No trailering
No launching
No trailer which rusts to buggery
Queues on the slip! People invariably doing their annual maintenance whilst you are in the queue to launch!

This drives me nuts.
People who cannot tow a boat = reversing down slips.
Normally no 'holding facility' once launched (pontoon, wall etc)
Retrieval in nasty conditions is not pleasant
Potential for damage on the trailer
Other traffic on the road, might crash into your pride and joy. (as happened with Phoenix of Portsmouth)
Require a proper towing vehicle. This will invariably rust as well if dunked in the water.
All sorts of rules and regulations whilst on the road.
Parking facilities of trailer and vehicle are often a problem once having launched your rib.
Family domestics(you know what I mean) when you ask your wife to help.
Pros of Trailering:
You are often not bound by tides as in a tidal marina.
Have your Rib at home to stare at when bored

You do not collect goaty beard weed all over your hull and possibly tubes.
You can flush the engines and hose the boat down after using your rib
Easy maintenance as you do not have to lug tool-boxes down to the marina as well as a host of other crap.
She is not at the mercy of the elements as in the water(the Rib, that is!)
You can potter on your rib when she is home
You can launch and retrieve almost anywhere where it is safe and allowed.
Cheaper than in a marina - save your money for fuel!
Bad drivers in the marina cannot bump your boat!
There are probably many things to add - this will differ from person to person. Individual circumstances dictate. If you are fortunate enough to have a space at home and are not too far from a slip, I would recommend trailering above a marina berth anytime.