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Old 11 March 2002, 17:08   #1
Country: Other
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Disadvantages to have a rib in a marina


To have a rib in a marina seems to me to be very confortable. It is just to go there, go inside rib, and go on. Not to tow rib, put it in a ramp, etc.

In addition to cost money, is there any more disadvantages to have the rib in a marine (covered), like earlier aging, problems with oxidation, glued jonctions, etc...

Thanks in advance for your comments
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Old 11 March 2002, 17:16   #2
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Two main problems spring to mind........

1) UV discolouration of the tubes. (I'm talking about Hypalon ones, dunno about PU). Not a specific marina related problem as it can be avoided using a cover but getting a cover to fit over the tubes (& fastening it down) whilst afloat might be tricky.

2) If your RIB's tubes sit in the water at rest (like mine does) then you will get weed growing on the tubes. You can antifoul the hull but not sure about the tubes!

Only other disadvantage in this country at least is that you then have to buy expensive marina petrol rather than filling up at the superstore on the way to launch!

HTH, Alan.
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Old 11 March 2002, 17:59   #3
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Marina vs Trailering

A topic close to my own heart....... one year in the Marina, the next year out
The pros vs the cons : Marina:
No trailering
No launching
No trailer which rusts to buggery
Queues on the slip! People invariably doing their annual maintenance whilst you are in the queue to launch! This drives me nuts.
People who cannot tow a boat = reversing down slips.
Normally no 'holding facility' once launched (pontoon, wall etc)
Retrieval in nasty conditions is not pleasant
Potential for damage on the trailer
Other traffic on the road, might crash into your pride and joy. (as happened with Phoenix of Portsmouth)
Require a proper towing vehicle. This will invariably rust as well if dunked in the water.
All sorts of rules and regulations whilst on the road.
Parking facilities of trailer and vehicle are often a problem once having launched your rib.
Family domestics(you know what I mean) when you ask your wife to help.
Pros of Trailering:
You are often not bound by tides as in a tidal marina.
Have your Rib at home to stare at when bored
You do not collect goaty beard weed all over your hull and possibly tubes.
You can flush the engines and hose the boat down after using your rib
Easy maintenance as you do not have to lug tool-boxes down to the marina as well as a host of other crap.
She is not at the mercy of the elements as in the water(the Rib, that is!)
You can potter on your rib when she is home
You can launch and retrieve almost anywhere where it is safe and allowed.
Cheaper than in a marina - save your money for fuel!
Bad drivers in the marina cannot bump your boat!

There are probably many things to add - this will differ from person to person. Individual circumstances dictate. If you are fortunate enough to have a space at home and are not too far from a slip, I would recommend trailering above a marina berth anytime.
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Old 11 March 2002, 20:37   #4
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Me thinks we need more of the pros and cons here. I have experience of both marina and non marina.
Marina: Same old water, same old faces, same old trip. Nearby shop, nearby everything, too many Princess owners plauying hell about wash (role reversal?) sorry Princess others apply but my experience is in area in which sales were obviously good.

Other site: Learn more from launch, tidal lottery until you learn to read tables. Different people. bar room experts alays on watch(for the fool that is).

I have to agree, launch sites any day, that is until I need an overnight berth!

Don't go looking for bad weather, it will find you soon enough!
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Old 11 March 2002, 21:00   #5
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I usually keep my rib at home and trailer it and keep my sons Searider in the marina in the summer, but this winter I kept the big rib in the marina for a few months, so I've tried both.
A few more pros and cons:
You are probably much more likely to use the boat more often when its in the marina (providing its close to home) - just walk down, step on and go out. It gets many more short runs this way.
BUT they usually are shorter runs,as when you are trailering you tend to go on more organised (and therefore longer) runs, often with other ribs.
The weed problem is a pain in the marina, and whilst you can get flexible antifouling for the tubes, it is still unsightly compared to clean tubes & hull. (by the way the flexible stuff works quite well - available from Inflatable Boat Supplies Ltd. and others)
BUT if you just drive the boat (fast) regularly, say 2-3 times a week, plus lift it out once a month for a powerhose, then you dont need to bother with antifouling.
STOP PRESS - Johnsons Baby Oil actually works - having liberally brushed the rib and engine with the stuff it is still cleanish after 10 weeks in the marina, plus it powerhoses off so much easier and it is much cheaper than antifouling, although you do have to redo it after each clean.
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Old 11 March 2002, 21:10   #6
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How about

keeping the RIB ashore at a marina . I do this at Chichester and it is a lot cheaper than being in the water all the time. No probs with weed growth; overall cover easily put on; handy flush & hose point; large pontoon kept just for slip launchers. OK I'll agree that you do get the odd p***t who wants to hog the slip for maintenance, etc. but a quick word to marina control soon sorts them out .

I chose this options as I do not have room to store the beast at home (so "the management" told me ) and, at the moment do not have a big enough vehicle to legally tow to other launch sites, although she will cope with launch and recovery on the marina slip
Peter (nick, nick) T

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! Bullshit and brilliance only come with age and experience.
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Old 12 March 2002, 06:16   #7
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My contribution to the marina debate…………

Buy a house in a beautiful part of the country where you can launch your boat from the bottom of the garden!

Talking of marina fees (were we?) (Yes we were actually!) (Oh no! I’m actually talking to myself inside my computer!!!)

The village next to Hilton of Cadbol (where our house in Scotland is located) is Balintore. It is about 2 miles away, so not far. One of the local fishermen was complaining about the cost of keeping his boat there. £32.00 per YEAR!


Keith (biggest thread starter in the world ever) Hart
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Old 12 March 2002, 07:29   #8
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I would say a disadvantage of keeping your RIB in a marina is you don't have the joy of recovering your RIB in a 70MPH wind and 12 knot tide pushing on the side, while you is being smacked against your trailer - Like saturday.

Keeping a RIB in a marina would be to easy.

Baximar where do you live? We have a family apartment in Vilamoura(up for rent if ya fancy it). I was looking at keeping my RIB there as flights are so cheap now. I'm now thinking i'll get a new RIB and keep my YAM out there - best of both worlds.
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Old 12 March 2002, 09:08   #9
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Interesting debate because if you look at the Rib Gallery you will see my Humber just put in a marina;my main reason was to get some use as its a bit of a handful to launch alone.My previous boat was a Ribtec Freeway and even though I could launch alone I often didn't bother.

I agree that you are less likely to undertake longer trips but I have a large family so even a short time afloat is better than none.

Anyway the weeks ahead will indicate whether the decision was correct
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Old 12 March 2002, 09:41   #10
Country: Other
Town: Lisbon
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Thanks for your comments.

I live near Lisbon. The marina I am talking about is in Belem.

Vilamoura is a nice place to have a boat. Check the prices because I think that it is expensive to have the rib in the marina, at least in summer.

Petrol price here is the same, in marina or in road: Very expensive everywhere

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Old 14 March 2002, 16:12   #11
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One other problem with marina's........

is that you are then "forced" generally to have to buy expensive marina petrol (usually around £1 a litre!) as opposed to filling up at Tesco's etc etc. That is if you are fortunate enough to be in/near a marina that does actually sell petrol!

My preference is for storage at a convenient location be that home or possibly at the marina or nearby & within convenient trailing distance of a petrol station.

I actually have a problem inasmuch as I don't have any room at home (on street parking) and the nice secure and cheap place I have to keep the RIB is 25 miles away IN THE WRONG DIRECTION! (I leave approx 8 miles away from the nearest practical slipway.)

So this is a really, really long shot but anyone know of a farm/caravan storage park/kind person with a big drive in the Maldon Essex area who would like to make a modest income storing our boat for us!

In hope rather than expectation! Alan
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Old 14 March 2002, 20:28   #12
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Ask around...

I live a 100 miles from the place where I launch my boat...
I went around asking farmers (with big barns!) for a place to keep the boat! Found one as well, 2 miles from the slipway!

I pay him 100 Euro a year and he feels bad about accepting it! Now I can combine launching the boat with buying vegetables, making him and my girlfriend happy and probably save the very same 100 Euro I gave him...

In short: Go there and ask around! Lots of people with lots of unused space and not afraid of a bit of loose change...

Eddy (who's looking forward to his veggies for the first time in his life!)
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Old 14 March 2002, 23:14   #13
Country: Portugal
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i live in Cascais and during this winter i´m leaving my rib in the marina in Cascais .The price(not as cheep as Lisbon) during this time of year is afordable (during summer i think it almost triples) my house is 3km frm the marina so i get there real fast (not on sunny sundays) this alows me to go for a quick ride any time ,and even alows me to go to Lisbon or Sesimbra for the nigth because i dont have the problem of the time table of the winch for recorver.of corse i had to put the anti-fouling on the hull (someone forgot the ballons but it is beeing taken care of now).before this i use to launch it in Sesimbra and leave it there for the weekend, but it was p****s on sundays the way back and for more i dont have a place for it at home.My only problem at the moment is to go to the marina when it rains to take the water out ,but i prefer like that

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Old 15 March 2002, 06:32   #14
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Ola Andre & Baixamar,

Last year I met some people from Lisboa when I was diving near Lagos.
They told me how nice it was to dive in Sessimbra. Now I am thinking about trailering the boat to Portugal next year (I am almost every year a month or so in Portugal ) to dive and cruise.

Can you tell me where I can find a slipway to launch the boat in Sessimbra? I am not sure wether you are also divers, but if so then maybe you could also give me a few dive spots there or the name of a good dive operator?

Looking forward to your reply!

Obrigado adiantado e cumprimentos dos Paises Baixos.

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Old 15 March 2002, 09:11   #15
Country: Other
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Hi Eddy!

Sorry, I do not have any practical information for you, because this will be my first boat (it is already ordered ).
I am planing to go to some marinas near me, to make a survey and to have a look with "ribster eyes"!

Meanwhile I can give you some links (most of them in portuguese, sorry):

Sesimbra marina (Portuguese)

Clube naval de Sesimbra (Portuguese)

Berlengas (Portuguese)

Diving Information (English / Portuguese)

Nautilus Sub Diving Club (Portuguese)

Berlengas are a nice small island to dive (it is near Peniche, at north of Lisbon). But you have to be lucky to have a nice sea to go there.

Thanks for your help. It seems that Cascais marina is made only for persons with a lot of money. Even the use of slip is expensive

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Old 15 March 2002, 09:46   #16
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A handy site that translates text, and web pages is

This is free - once you register - I havn't recieved any annoying e-mails from them and it seems to offer the widest range of language options that I've seen

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Old 15 March 2002, 09:51   #17
Country: Netherlands
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Indeed a good site!

I know it Jools, it is excellent! I have a business partner in Italy who now believes I speak Italian.....


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Old 15 March 2002, 10:55   #18
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You could try a small electric bilge pump wired to the battery (via a fuse) and sited in the rear well with a hose discharging over the transom. This would pump out the water after rain.
Peter (nick, nick) T

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! Bullshit and brilliance only come with age and experience.
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Old 18 March 2002, 21:32   #19
Country: Portugal
Town: Cascais
Make: zarco
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Engine: outboard envirude150hp
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Posts: 4
to baichamar any marina charges for the use of the slope although to exist some still free slopes of taxes no mine case the marina of cascais in the winter not and face because and to the side of house and the work/cost of any another one does not compensate
eddy I costumo to take divers of the school of a friend mine in sesimbra and cascais thus that tempimho will have one extra give to you to the names and the coordinates of gps of the best places for diving or hunting-submarine and where to launch the boat (4,5m).
to peter I nao me expremi correctly ,eu has a electrica bomb (nao and automatica), but taste to go to see the boat and takes off it to it agua when it rains.
it stows to try the tadutor we go to see if it results.

I just had to put it the way it is its very funny.if any of you guys don`t understand i will translate it later. hehehehe

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Old 24 March 2002, 17:14   #20
Country: Other
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Boat name: fliper
Make: SACS (Italy)
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Engine: Honda 50HP, outboard
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See some pictures of Sesimbra fishing port and marina. Yes you have a slip!

The marina...
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