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Old 09 February 2005, 08:19   #1
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Dispute with RIB International Magazine

< Edit: The original message claimed that Hugo Montgomery Swan had reneged on an agreement to pay for an article to be used in RIB International Magazine. I have been assured by his solicitors that this is not the case, and have deleted the statement which in their opinion is defamatory. JK 5 March 05 >
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Old 09 February 2005, 13:04   #2
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Originally Posted by Fjordrafting
< Edit: Quoted text deleted JK >

What is mean't by 'work with the article'? I would guess that if you brought this fellow along specifically as a reporter, he would be well trained & experienced at writing magazine articles. Why would HMS be altering the article (assuming the submission was within the agreed upon length)?

I think it's great that HMS has spearheaded the creation of RIB magazine and I enjoy reading it when I can get copies of it here in Winnipeg. Nonetheless, I have never seen such poorly written articles as those submitted by HMS in any magazine that I have ever read. I find his articles almost incomprehensible and ususally resign my self to looking at the pictures in the article.

Hopefully HMS himself does not edit/alter the submissions of other writers, since he does not have the expertise to do this properly.
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Old 09 February 2005, 13:37   #3
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Originally Posted by prairie tuber
I find his articles almost incomprehensible and ususally resign my self to looking at the pictures in the article.
......I've had this very conversation with a pal of mine. Both of us feel let down and dare I say "ripped off" by so many of these monthy magazines. I myself subscribe to several (M.B.U.K - Mountain Bike U.K, Cycling Weekly, Yachting Monthly, R.I.B International of course and something from the R.Y.A) and upon receipt I find I've digested the entire content of article copy within one or two evenings of bedtime reading. For the remainder of the month I spend my time - much to my wifes amusement, staring at the pictures. In fact, I have contemplated submitting an article myself, however I fear I'd simpy be fuelling the drivel that already appears, rather than enhancing it. That said, let's not be to hard on the likes of HMS as I for one am greatful for anything R.I.B related. If you dare to take a look at M.B.U.K you'll find that more than 80% of the mag' is taken over by advertisments, 10% by "Where to Ride" (bloody useless if you ask me) with the remaining 10% devoted to new bike trials. Needless to say, I will not be renewing my subscription to that one. So what would interest me ? Well, hows about a "How to" section, e.g. How to winterize - How to Change.... - How to Repair... etc. I'm sure you get my drift. Ah well.........
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Old 09 February 2005, 13:49   #4
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To be honest, most magazines are quick reads - I get through Private Eye in 1-2 hours at most, and while its a thin publication, it is mostly articles with a few adverts - the information in it is a lot more comprehensive than Rib International! (ok FHM has 100+ pages, but you arent really reading the articles!)

The things I like to read most are trip reports - e.g. cruise information, or in the dive magazines, expedition reports.

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Old 09 February 2005, 14:08   #5
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We’ve been here before, criticising RIB Int. But none of us came up with an alternative except starting a magazine ourselves. I for one have ideas but no time.

The main issue as I see it is that most of us on Rib.net are practical types who do most things ourselves, on a budget, and want a RIB magazine more like Practical Boat Owner, and without the constant badly written £50K RIB tests and repeated content.

I have already written some short stories about my early RIB experiences with my Father when I was a teenager, but have not managed to find time to continue with them into my more recent experiences, but do have plenty of topics. I also have a list of technical articles I could write given the time, and have started some of them.

I’m hoping to spend more time on this in the next couple of months and was considering sending them to RIB Int. to see what reaction I got. If not I’ll pass them on to Practical Boat Owner to see if they wanted them.

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Old 09 February 2005, 14:13   #6
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If you have a issue with Hugo I would take it up with him rather than start a bun fight on here. Unless Hugo was going to come on here and put his point across we will only hear one side.

All you will gain from a post like this is resentment towards yourself.


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Old 09 February 2005, 14:31   #7
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Originally Posted by MarkWildey

All you will gain from a post like this is resentment towards yourself....
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Old 09 February 2005, 14:46   #8
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Even after my comments above.

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Old 09 February 2005, 14:54   #9
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Well, there is another way, we poll forum members for what we do want to see and then get Mr Kennet (if he is agreeable) to forward a sensible and productive suggestion to HMS at RIB INternational.

I read it and am aware of some of its shortcommings, however I also write myself, so I can sympathise with some problems. There are indeed features which I would love to see but so far have never come to light in the mag.
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Old 09 February 2005, 15:59   #10
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Originally Posted by MarkWildey

If you have a issue with Hugo I would take it up with him rather than start a bun fight on here. Unless Hugo was going to come on here and put his point across we will only hear one side.

All you will gain from a post like this is resentment towards yourself.


Good Point. If there is an actual contract dispute here (verbal or written) Rib.net is not an appropriate conduit for to persuing the issue. Nonetehless, RIB International does need major improvements in the editing department.
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Old 09 February 2005, 16:08   #11
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Originally Posted by Simon B
Well, there is another way, we poll forum members for what we do want to see and then get Mr Kennet (if he is agreeable) to forward a sensible and productive suggestion to HMS at RIB INternational.
One members issue does not require RIBNET to take up the cause. If individual members don't like Rib Int then write to Hugo and tell him. I'm not 100% sure but when RibInt has been discussed before I'm sure that one of the staff came on here and asked for us to send them feedback.

I'm sure if Hugo was losing sales he would spend time to work out why and then address the issue through the mag.

As it happens I don't get RibInt and that has got nothing to do with Hugo chucking up on my boat .

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Old 09 February 2005, 16:09   #12
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Originally Posted by jwalker

i rezent dat reemarrk yew nobbur

luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
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Old 09 February 2005, 16:19   #13
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Calling him a <Edit: Offending word removed JK > is a bit harsh and probably best left for private correspondance. The pro's, con's and inadequacies of RI have been discussed endlessly before here and I believe the response was something along the lines of if you want to see it change then submit articles. My observation would be that if Fjord Rafting's story is true then it would not encourage folks to submit articles for publication would it?
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Old 09 February 2005, 16:26   #14
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Mebbe HMS himself should come on here to discuss anything involving RIBInt. Or maybe he is already a member, as this is the largest rib forum in the UK, (I think.. ), and being the editor of the largest Rib's only magazine in the UK, you woulda thought he would take an interest in the things discussed on RIBnet..

As for the original post, I think if fjordrafting has found out about other occasions where RIBInt weren't above board when it came to fee's for articles, then peeps on this forum should be aware of it.. Saves anyone else from having future problems.. Forewarned is summat or other.. If fjordrafting is wrong, I would expect HMS to post his objections to the accusation..

As for the other RIBnet author's.. Instead of offering them for publication, why not post on here? I reckon this forum is just as, (if not better), informative as RIBInt..
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Old 09 February 2005, 16:58   #15
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Well it was only a suggestion! if we did post articles here who would have copyright? I'm glad RIB int is porduced but I dont think HMS is going to actually wait till he sees his sales figures go belly up before making a change now is he?

Being completely frank, I buy RIB int to be informed and to learn, as was previously suggested, I may indeed contact him however this would be only one voice and that is all to easy to ignore.

Finally, increasing content does lead to higher cost and a consistant format is what most editors strive toward, its no good starting something if sustaining it can prove difficult. Equipment reviews for instance, very useful but time consuming to put together etc etc.
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Old 09 February 2005, 17:35   #16
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well done

Well done Fjordrafting for coming on here and putting across this view, you got some excellent coverage in the magazine, and I trust it wouldnt be in your interests to come on here and make a story up, I take you at your word , and I feel that if its the case , then this is very poor indeed.I now purchase my bimonthly copies of RI its gets to my local shop ages before it did to me in the post, I have never had as much as a letter as to why I stopped my subscription.I have had dealings once with Hugo, submitted an article , he edited it, asked was I happy , I was , the article got printed, no money was ever offered, nor did I ask for it, or indeed expect it.However if an agreement was made with your reporter, and this is the issue then it should be honoured.I am sure Hugo reads these forums, he has posted here before, maybe he will reply in time , and we will have a chance to hear the other side of the argument. In my opinion if the magazine makes money and uses articles submitted to it to do so, it would be fair to pay for this content, this would encourage contributors, hopefully sell more magazines a win win situation

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Old 09 February 2005, 17:41   #17
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Originally Posted by Simon B
Well it was only a suggestion! if we did post articles here who would have copyright?
You would, as an author of an original piece of work. You wouldn't even need the © symbol.. All though the use of it would let others know.. As ribbing is such a smallish community, you would find out fairly quickly if your article had been plagiarised elsewhere..
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Old 09 February 2005, 20:32   #18
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A poor standard

I'd like to add my voice to this thread.

I do find it disapointing that the articles very very rarely say anything negative against any manufacturers. Its not really very fair reporting.

You cannot tell me that HMS has never liked how a rib or engine performed but his articles are "ooh is this new boat wonderful!"

It is more an advertising forum that offers very little practical advice. I'd like to see more OBO style articles on mods and navigation.

In the last article the captions did not match the photos and every single flipping magazine rants on and on and on and on about RIBEX

Why do I constantly need reminding about a small boat show on an inaccessable island with limited berthing and a poor number of exhibtors?

Hope some people agree
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Old 09 February 2005, 21:04   #19
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Originally Posted by CJL
I do find it disapointing that the articles very very rarely say anything negative against any manufacturers.

Hope some people agree
I think Adam Younger might take issue with you on that.

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Old 09 February 2005, 21:28   #20
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Originally Posted by CJL
Why do I constantly need reminding about a small boat show on an inaccessable island with limited berthing and a poor number of exhibtors?
With 4 ferry routes (with ferries every 30 mins or so) and a hovercraft route, the Isle of Wight can hardly be called 'inaccessible' IMHO! It's also very quick and easy to get to from the mainland side of the Solent with your own boat.

Personally, I thought last year's RIBex was a pretty good show with plenty of RIBs to see. The on land concourse was not as well populated but I suspect that will improve this year as exhibitors regain their confidence in the show. Berthing was not a problem for us thanks to Kevin (Aging Youth)!
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