10 January 2004, 19:45
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At least I never resorted to questioning your job Jono. Then again I obviously dont take life as seriously as you. Sorry if you felt insulted by what I said wasnt aimed at anyone in particular just those who spend their lives trying to spoil others' enjoyment.
Still got to go out now to measure how far from the kerbside the neighbours are parking!!
Live every day as if its your last and one day you will be spot on!!
10 January 2004, 19:46
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I dont take life that seriously, its just when someone starts a thread "get a Life" and then call someone insulting it gets me started
10 January 2004, 19:55
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Originally posted by Jono Garton
it gets me started
We haven't had our tongues in our cheeks long enough then, have we Sir.
10 January 2004, 21:29
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Re: Jono
Originally posted by Noddy
I dont expect people to agree with me but I would never resort to the tone of the previous two replies in order to try and win an argument.
I wasn't trying to win an argument. Just making an observation . . .
10 January 2004, 22:37
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Is it safe to let off flares in, or even near a rubber dinghy?
10 January 2004, 22:51
Country: UK - England
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Have just got in and read davidmanning's reply which is offensive in the extreme. Seems you have a problem with the police David and wonder what you use your Rib for?? Say what you like now because i will no longer lower myself to reply!!
Live every day as if its your last and one day you will be spot on!!
10 January 2004, 23:09
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We had couple of police officers in our workshop tonight and I showed them this thread andd asked for their opinion how they would react. Over here there is legislation allowing general public to use fireworks including distress flares from Dec. 28th through Jan 6th every year from 8 in the morning until midnight except on New Years Eve when is allowed all night. Apart from this allowance fireworks are not allowed for the general public however organisations can apply to have shows or using flares on special occasions but general public are in no way granted such permission. So back to the police officers if the would spotting anyone offensing distress flares it would be reported.
11 January 2004, 00:26
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Originally posted by Jonny Fuller
Is it safe to let off flares in, or even near a rubber dinghy?
Well, I would shoot mine skyward. How would you do it?
More seriously, I've bounced welding spatter of me tubes a few times with no ill effects. I wouldn't imagine flare sparks to be a problem.
Actually, I've just lied because on one occasion a big white hot gloop fell and lodged itself against a side rope and the tube. It melted deep into the rope but just left a wee black spot on the hypalon. I didn't even burn down to the fabric.
So there, smartie pants.
11 January 2004, 00:27
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Could let the flares off indoors. Indoor fireworks were very popular in the 70's.......Not sure the Fire Brigade would be too happy though!  (Any fireman apply below)
Seriously though, I hadn't given much thought to setting off flares during celabrations and before reading this thread would have been happy to have launched a parachute flare at midnight New Years Day (from land). But won't be doing that in the future! Pin point flares inland not really a problem in the back garden, is it!
11 January 2004, 00:33
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Re: Jono
Originally posted by Noddy
Then again I obviously dont take life as seriously as you.
I think you might.
11 January 2004, 07:37
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Originally posted by jwalker
Well, I would shoot mine skyward. How would you do it?
LMFAO This is a really good thread.
I think the White flares are a good idea, or even why don't we have special I am a Nobber and want to celebrate yellow flares.
Anybody know what Steve Curtis does when he wins a world championship. Probably just cuts another notch on his belt I expect
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
11 January 2004, 07:49
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Originally posted by Noddy
Have just got in and read davidmanning's reply which is offensive in the extreme
Who takes life to seriously?
11 January 2004, 11:05
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Originally posted by Noddy
Seems you have a problem with the police David and wonder what you use your Rib for??
I do actually. I've done some work for them recently and they haven't paid me yet. You're obviously not CID because if you look in my profile to the left you'll see my boat is used for cruising/fishing.
11 January 2004, 18:08
Country: UK - Wales
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Hello, Hello, Hello
Originally posted by Noddy
Say what you like now because i will no longer lower myself to reply!!
You have the right to remain silent..............
11 January 2004, 18:26
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Just got back from LBS after meeting with some GREAT people. You will see the photos tomorrow and see who these people were too. Is a supprise!!
Had a look at this thread and supprise, supprise it looks like things have got heated up once again!!
It is a panishable offence in EUROPE (at least) as far as I know to set off distress flares without any valid reason at any time. This is the law!!
But I cannot see any harm done if in a special event flares are fired and the authorities are aware of it. It happens in many places i.e. Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece Turkey and from what I see in the UK too O.M.G!!! that is the 1st!!
14 April 2004, 19:45
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remember a sad incident at one Cowes week firework display some fool let off a rocket and hit someone in the crowd now police and harbour authority
very strict about flares at this event
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
14 April 2004, 20:04
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as dave hickman mentioned, "the authorities tend turn a blind eye to handheld flares being fire at certain celebrations". It's not ideal for people to see them used this way but it's hoped that boat owners that have flares would understand the reason they are being used and the possible repercussions of firing them off.
My main annoyance are the people that fire off the rockets, it does not matter what color it is, it will be investigated. I have been called out countless times to red flare reports and only a handful were for real emergency's.
Even on firework night if a red flare goes up on or near the coast, and there is the slightest chance it may of come from seaward then the pagers start to go off and everyones evening is ruined.
If anyone has the urge to fire off a flare I believe the RNLI can arrange a flare firing evening.
14 April 2004, 20:15
Country: UK - England
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NOBBY the police respond (sometimes to 999 calls) the coastguard/rnli respond to distress flares it is a bad habit but should not be condoned these guys put their lives at risk by going to sea to save lives they are run by volunteers and rely on donations to keep going any false alarm is awaste of valuable resourses on the question of responding reminds me of a friend of mine saw some lads breaking into his shed so phoned police sorry no one available was the reply so my friend phones them again tells the police not to worry i've just shot one of them and the others have run off guess what armed response their in 5 mins when they arrived my friend said i thaught no one was available but thanks for coming they ran off when thet heard your sirens bet they were pissed off what do you think (oh and he was nicked for wasting police time)
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
14 April 2004, 20:23
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Tim why this doesn't surprises me. Police is the same everywhere. I live in both the UK and Greece and have to say that in both countries police have the same attitude
In Greece had to get a licence and get a MOSBURG MARINER pump action shot gun with single bullet shells just in case I'm attacked during the winter at night. This is because where I live is very remote and the police does not bother AT ALL.
14 April 2004, 20:26
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Whilst this is probably going to provoke even more threads, I think I am going to have to side with the policeman. Surely the majority of boat people (as has already been said) would know what flares are for, and when to use them. In my opinion, a person letting a few flares off after winning a race is not going to make loads of people go out and let flares off. There will always be stupid people who let them off for no reason and wait RNLI resources etc. but I don’t think their actions will be greatly affected by what the see on TV at the end of a race.
PS. Can we not have a bit more respect for each other on here <ie. End the policeman jokes>
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