Why is that relevant? The thread is about whether to put a vent in a console!
Agreed that is what the thread was about
I think advice from experience is of a better quality, But I guess in the kingdom of the blind then the one eyed man is King
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
Any space in which a battery is stowed should be ventilated.
A conventional "wet" lead acid battery will gas when charging producing hydrogen. It doesn't matter what the source is.
Hydrogen is lighter than air and and explosive when mixed with air and so a battery compartment should be vented at high level to prevent any build up of Hydrogen.
Sealed batteries do not gas under normal conditions but when your alternator regulator and your battery is being charged at 18 volts fails plenty of Hydrogen will be produced.
Petrol vapour is heavier than air. Any space where petrol is stowed should be vented at low level to allow the vapour to escape to atmosphere. If not vented the space should have a hydrocarbon detector to warn of presence of vapour.
Petrol vapour is heavier than air. Any space where petrol is stowed should be vented at low level to allow the vapour to escape to atmosphere. If not vented the space should have a hydrocarbon detector to warn of presence of vapour.
I hope this helps.
I have a built in tank, dose this mean that I have to drill a hole in the bottom of my Hull?
I've got my fuel tank in the Jockey console and there is evidence that the battery was once fitted in there as well. I have no vents! And the switches and fuses and everything is in there . I guess my RIB is over 10 years old and hasn't blown up yet!
That's like saying "I've doused myself with petrol but no-one's smoked near me yet"...
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