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Old 03 November 2002, 15:50   #1
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
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Does any one know a RIB club near Gloucesteshire??

Dear All,

I will be having my new racing Formula 2 (BIBOA rules) RIB delivered by beg of April 2002.
I am planning to race it in the UK (specially COWS 2003) and then will take it for racing in Greece.
However, as per RYA and BIBOA one has to be a club member to join any race in the UK (in greece you just join and any body holding a power boat driving license is wellcome).
I have asked RYA and got a list of Sailing Yachts and Motor Boating clubs but NOT RIB clubs.
Can any one assist me in advising if there is a RIB club near Gloucestrshire and how I can join it??
Also any idea about fees??

Many Thanks
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Old 03 November 2002, 15:58   #2
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 2,100

There are only two dedicated RIB club in the UK and that is BIBOA and RIBex (Rib expeditions, not to be confused with the RIB show). Both are national organisations. There are other clubs such as the Pathfinder Powerboat club that run cruising events at which RIBS are welcome but BIBOA is the only organisation as far as I know that runs RIB racing. BIBOA is the national authority for RIB racing as recognised by the RYA and yes you need to be a member of BIBOA and have an RYA racing licence to participate in any of the national RIB series, including the RIB world cup at Cowes.

BIBOA membership is relatively cheap (£35) compared with the price of a racing RIB so why the problem? A RYA racing licence is more expensive I think but again in the scale things any kind of powerboat racing is an expensive sport!

The chap to talk too about RIB racing is Chris Strickland, BIBOA Chairman and Racing Coordinator (at least until next months AGM!) PM me and I'll give you his details should you need them.

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