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Old 13 September 2004, 13:06   #21
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I had much the same experience at Ribex - Scorpion in particular were very unhelpfull.

I remember once speaking to a guy at Aston Martin who said they instructed all their dealers to treat everyone the same - he said he had lost count of the number of people who had come in as starry eyed teenagers but had then gone on to buy one of their cars!
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Old 13 September 2004, 14:15   #22
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The Garden Shed!

Originally Posted by Andy
I enjoyed a good day at the Southampton Boat Show yesterday. A good day out.


Almost no RIB stand seemed keen on talking to me. Most made no effort to sell their products, even ask if we needed help etc. Revenger completely ignored me, the stand was empty apart from me. I pottered about their stand for over 10 mins .... was glanced at by two people in their cabin and ...
I'm sorry to hear you were left out in the cold at the Southampton Boat Show yesterday but I really hope you came and had a chat with us on the RibQuest stand. We not only talked RIB's to our customers but also provided them with shelter from the wind and rain inside our "Garden Shed" (very cosy). Despite the rain everyone we chatted to seemed to be enjoying the show. So if you want to talk RIB's and need shelter from the weather come and see us on stand J607 in the new "Solent Park" area.
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Old 13 September 2004, 18:15   #23
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We arrived at the Rib-X stand and were greeted immediately with a very warm welcome and friendly conversation, in fact it lasted for about an hour, we had to drag ourselves away. The stand was extremely busy with people showing a lot of interest.

We're going again on Saturday, I'll report back then!

"Exiled from Boatmad"
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Old 13 September 2004, 19:57   #24
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I do a lot of exhibitions in my line of work - and we get a shed-load of tyre kickers (and our products even have tyres!!). However, going to an event costs the company a fortune - but being polite and interested doesn't.

I find that by trying to engage as many people as possible, you talk to the interested potential buyers, the interesting browsers, and the 'snubbers' or 'just browsers'. If they say there just browsing - just let them. At least you asked.

HOWEVER - the most important reason for talking to punters is entirely selfish. After a while exhibitions are REALLY boring. Talking to potential punter or even interesting non-purchasers makes the day fly by. When it boils down to it, it's just PR - although I accept that it is probably dependant on what you sell!!

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Old 13 September 2004, 20:13   #25
Country: Greece
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RIB-X guys are a very friendly and helpful bunch. I cannot see why they will not take time to talk to any one.

Any way it sounds pretty cold and misrable to me from the weather description. Not a good time to be outiside buying a RIB.

By the way 3 FALCONs 650SRs fully equipped with main and aux engines/vhf/gps/trailer/full heavy duty boat cover/all life saving equipment with 33, 6 and 0 hours respectively and also have spare 17" pitch props are for sale in October at BARGAIN PRICES inc delivery if any one is intrested
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Old 13 September 2004, 23:28   #26
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I normally go to the show and see how I am treated, as it can be a good sign of how you are treated when you are buying. Then go see the manufacture in question immediately after or later to talk properly. Even though they get lots of tyre kickers, there is no excuse for not engaging with punters on the stands in a helpfull, friendly and proactive way. We are talking about these guy's brand and reputation, but some don't seem to care. I work in sales also, and the first thing we do is "qualify", and for that you have to engage. Most did not seem to notice us.

15 years ago at the London show I was ignored by Revenger. I persisted and returned twice, eventually talking to a sales guy. He fobbed me off and told me if I was really interested to go see them down at Cougar Marina on the Hamble ... which I did the following week. On arrival they kept me waiting about for over one hour, despite me making an appointment, until I had a strop, then they started to talk. They eventually took me out for a spin, in the boat, a Revenger Monza. However the whole experience put me off buying. It's a shame that 15 years later I feel the same way!

Anyway getting off my soap box, I did enjoy the show, however I still think that most manufactures (not just targetting Revenger) could do better for themselves by looking interested in you.

Also Revenger are still on my list as a poss for the replacement boat!! So I am not that pissed off with them.
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Old 14 September 2004, 04:30   #27
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Originally Posted by Rib Runner
I'm sorry to hear you were left out in the cold at the Southampton Boat Show yesterday but I really hope you came and had a chat with us on the RibQuest stand. We not only talked RIB's to our customers but also provided them with shelter from the wind and rain inside our "Garden Shed" (very cosy). Despite the rain everyone we chatted to seemed to be enjoying the show. So if you want to talk RIB's and need shelter from the weather come and see us on stand J607 in the new "Solent Park" area.
See you wednesday afternoon then!!
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Old 14 September 2004, 09:11   #28
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Originally Posted by timboli
See you wednesday afternoon then!!
I'll be there - come wind rain or shine!!! cu 2 morrow afternoon
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Old 14 September 2004, 09:44   #29
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Originally Posted by Manos
with 33, 6 and 0 hours respectively
Hmm, I see the "rib hire" business is booming!
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
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Old 14 September 2004, 11:23   #30
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I have a friend who went to buy 2 X 7 series BMW for him and his partner, He had just got off his boat and had a little salt and mud on him, they would hardly talk to him let alone let him have a test drive. The next day he went and bourght 2 exuivelent mercs and took one to the BMW garage to show that they were serious buyers. (wish I had seen the sales mans face)!!!
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Old 14 September 2004, 12:38   #31
Country: Greece
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In Greece we have a say roughly translated goes like this
'A holly robe does not make one a priest but a holy priest makes the robe holy'
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Old 14 September 2004, 14:17   #32
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Went yesterday too - dragging better half with me trying to convert her to RIBs from horses...

Haven't been to Southampton for a good few years and at £12.00 for a ticket, (we got 2 for 1 but ticket face value is still £12.00), probably won't bother again for similar time.

Sign posting to the park and ride was awful from town centre... then £7.00 to park in muddy field and 15 min bus ride each way.

Ticket colllection and entry was instant - no queuing but just went down hill from there...

First hall and a lot of the show was clothing! A lot of the other products offered seemed to bear no connection to boating at all... maybe its the lifestyle and image and not the boating thats important these day?

The majority of the 'stores' were so tightly packed that it was impossible to browse due to people trying to get in and out - and aren't people so b y rude these days! Pushing, shoving, barging, excuse me and sorry don't seem to be in the language these days. God knows what it would have been like at the weekends...

I was looking for a few specific items - out of 5 I found one at the 6th attempt - no real interest in helping from any of those I asked. Notably Andark were very helpful finding the info I wanted, as were the Mercury stall when we eventually got served - the free info made up for the waiting as others who should/would have known were only interested in selling me a £30.00 manual so I could look it up!

Likewise with the exception of the RNLI book I didn't notice any show specials on equipment. One item I was looking at varied between £18.95 and £26.99 for the same make.

Not looking at boats too much cut our time there down to around 3 hrs... shame as with travelling it worked out rather expensive day
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Old 14 September 2004, 15:30   #33
Country: Greece
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Originally Posted by SDGANDER
Went yesterday too - dragging better half with me trying to convert her to RIBs from horses...
Good luck have been trying this to mY WIFE since we were students at the Unvercity (20 years ago). It just about in the turning point (I HOPE!! as still not sure)
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Old 22 September 2004, 11:20   #34
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Originally Posted by Mark Halliday
Nice one by Andark. I must visit them. One reason for going is to get a new waterproof jacket. Always found their show offers to be good.
Not only were their prices good, but they get a gold star for having an inverter on their stand so when the power failed (as it seemed to with some regularity) they could still keep at least one of their credit card machines running so people could pay!

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