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Old 13 September 2004, 08:03   #1
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Does nobody want me to buy!

I enjoyed a good day at the Southampton Boat Show yesterday. A good day out.


Almost no RIB stand seemed keen on talking to me. Most made no effort to sell their products, even ask if we needed help etc. Revenger completely ignored me, the stand was empty apart from me. I pottered about their stand for over 10 mins .... was glanced at by two people in their cabin and still ignored. I guess they profiled me and decided I was not a potential buyer - yes I was dressed very scruffy and left my watch at home, but I did have £2k of camera hanging off my shoulder and so it could be a hint I may be a potential customer. Similarly the Rib-X stand ignored me completely and once again the had an empty stand. All in all, poor, and I left with bitter opinions of those brands ... and others. 2 years ago the same happened to me when I went to the RIBTEC stand wanting to buy and replace my old RIBTEC .... I was so unimpressed with them, and I was very impressed with the way Tornado treated us, and their product (despite loving my RIBTEC 585).... I bought a Tornado and have been very happy with it.

Its a shame few sales people seem to have a passion anymore, and want to sell their goods. All I can say to Revenger is - I am in the running to replace our boat and guess what, you have blown it!
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Old 13 September 2004, 08:13   #2
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Was like that last year when i went, had a rubbish time and no one would talk to me.. But i guess that most of the people there aren't looking to buy a new boat, or sunseeker
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Old 13 September 2004, 08:16   #3
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Hi Andy,

We went yesterday too and found much the same. We looked at a Ring and did get two chaps willing to talk about it and inviting us to step on board and have a closer look (not that we're thinking of changing our boat but it's nice to have a nose!). But our nosing around Revenger, Tornado, Rib-X and XS-Ribs (Barnet Marine) produced no response - as you say, either stand was empty or salesman preferred to view you from his cosy cabin! The Ring was down on the pontoon so no cosy cabin to hide in!

We did get an impressive amount of attention from the other stalls we were interested in (Jabsco/Rule, McMurdo, Andark, Compass Marine, Ravenspring, Lodestar and, of course, ICOM with Superradioman himself, Jon Brooks - although I was disappointed that he wasn't wearing his underpants over his trousers!).

It was a good day out, IMHO, made even more enjoyable by meeting up with some old friends.
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Old 13 September 2004, 08:37   #4
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i went yesterday , and thought it was ok, spoke to Colin from rib-x in between him having a flurry of customers, Lee Fairweather was busy also, did not see Jon Brooks but spoke to his assistant very helpful also the guys at Silva re my radio problems wich will be sorted soon i hope, all the boatstands i went to were very informative and helpful , maybe it was just the time of day , as was peeing down am going again this week prob tues or weds with my son to have a real good look around and check out a couple of sportsboats
regards Tim
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Old 13 September 2004, 08:40   #5
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It is nice when a salesperson actually tries to sell to you. I recently went to buy a new suitcase and walked out with two all because the saleswoman was good at her job. I Don’t know what to do with two suitcases I barely have enough cloths to fill one.

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Old 13 September 2004, 09:15   #6
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Whilst I didn't attempt to talk to any of the RIB sales people yesterday the only stand I saw where they seemed to be obviously engaging with customers was Ribcraft who were out of the way of things in the new bit of the showground whose names escapes me.

Contrast that with the quick wittedness or desperation of the girl promoting credit cards as we walked out about 4.30pm. "Gents would you like a free gift?", No thanks I've got plenty of credit cards, "Its dinner with me!". Needless to say I didn't take her up on her offer!
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Old 13 September 2004, 09:31   #7
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I thought the offer of a full set of water proofs for only £60, made by a salesman from Andark ..... as I walked past Andark in the rain in only my T-shirt and shorts was on the ball!!! However I declined and got wet!

I have to say the Tornado stand was covered in sales people and they jumped on most people who showed the slightest interest. What did you do louise to upset them?

Next year I power dress!!
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Old 13 September 2004, 09:45   #8
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Nice one by Andark. I must visit them. One reason for going is to get a new waterproof jacket. Always found their show offers to be good.
Mark H
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" Douglas Adams
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Old 13 September 2004, 09:50   #9
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Originally Posted by Andy
What did you do louise to upset them?
Maybe it was my growling!!!

Or maybe it was the scruffy old geezer I had tagging along with me!!
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Old 13 September 2004, 09:52   #10
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Originally Posted by Andy
Next year I power dress!!
Wouldn't bother, Andy - sales people these days pay scant regard to that sort of thing. I was wearing T-shirt, jeans and a £9.99 Casio digital watch when I went in to order a new Range Rover last year and I was grovelled over profusely, I can assure you!

To be fair to the Revenger guys, if they had to go and talk to every punter who came on their stand to poke their tubes, 99.9% of whom have no intention of buying one, it would become a very tedious show for them. And let's face it, if you're really serious about spending that amount of money, you're hardly likely to stand around waiting to be approached and then storm off in a petulant huff just because you thought they didn't like your clothes. I engaged the Revenger guys in conversation at Ribex and they were charming and very enthusiastic about their boats. Furthermore, I had a follow-up phone call from them inviting me down to the South coast to test one.

I'm also in the market for a 3.1m inflatable or one of Avon's Rib-Lite fold-up RIBs and a 10hp engine. I approached most of the suppliers of same on Saturday at Southampton and was also met with enthusiasm and willingness to promote their products. I find in the case of engines, it always pays to hunt out the engineers, rather than the salesmen - they actually know what they're talking about and converse with a refreshing absence of bullshit
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Old 13 September 2004, 10:05   #11
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Originally Posted by Phil Davies
I'm also in the market for a 3.1m inflatable or one of Avon's Rib-Lite fold-up RIBs and a 10hp engine. I approached most of the suppliers of same on Saturday at Southampton and was also met with enthusiasm and willingness to promote their products.
Phil, I see you're in the market for a little one to go with your little one! Did you have a look at Lodestar (Roche Marine)?

We're also looking for a small inflatable to enable us to go ashore in less accessible places. We were very impressed by the NSA 220 Ultralight and had an excellent explanation/demo by the MD (JJ Roche). It's the lightest we've found for what we want. I don't think the NSA 220 Ultralight would suit what you want but there are other ranges which might. He's doing a modest discount for orders taken this week for delivery next year (e.g. July!) and won't take any money from you until then (just a credit card print). Find them here .
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Old 13 September 2004, 10:16   #12
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Originally Posted by Mark Halliday
Nice one by Andark. I must visit them. One reason for going is to get a new waterproof jacket. Always found their show offers to be good.
Can I recommend Seateach who are in the Chandelry "tent" by the main entrance. I bought a new Musto jacket there which was around 10% cheaper than anyone else in the show, incl Andark.
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Old 13 September 2004, 10:17   #13
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Originally Posted by Louise
Phil, I see you're in the market for a little one to go with your little one! Did you have a look at Lodestar (Roche Marine)?
Yes, it appears I'm destined to a life with a little one No, I didn't see Lodestar at the show, but I was very taken with the 3.1m Avon Rib-lite which kind of has the advantages of an inflatable but with the handling advantages of a RIB. It only weighs 43kgs and the transom folds down and it can be packed small enough to put in an estate car with the back seat folded down or lashed onto the roofrack. It is only rated for a 10hp, however, due to the folding transom - a 15 would have been preferable. I basically want a portable boat for wildfowling in the winter so the hard deck would be better for carrying dogs and heavy equipment than an air floor. It would also double up as a fun little run around for using in Wales to save me trailering the Searider 320 miles and back
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Old 13 September 2004, 10:35   #14
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Well said Phil.

Being a Salesman I have to agree with everything Phil said. We guys meet thousands of tyre kickers every year and one cannot help but become a little tired of answering the same question 6 million times when one knows nothing will come of it. One gets to recognise a buyer a mile off, however, the odd one does slip through the net. I would agree that such events tend to bring forth people like me who enjoy tyre kicking and infact do it as a hobby, however, when I'm in true buying mode I make it obvious "Hi, I'm interested in one of these, can you help", this usually works you should try it sometime.
Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
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Old 13 September 2004, 10:54   #15
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Hi MeMe & Phil

I understand what you're saying about 'tyre-kickers' - my parents have run their own 'retail sector' business for the past 35 years - but talking to the customers is exactly what the salespeople are paid to do. My parents can also spot with 99% accuracy the time waster from the serious potential purchaser, but they make a point of greeting everyone who enters their shop and asking if they are happy to browse or would they like some assistance. It only takes a few seconds and ensures everyone leaves feeling happy and may return in the future. The salesman from Ocean Quay RIBs used that very line whilst we were 'tyre-kicking' a RIBeye.
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Old 13 September 2004, 11:25   #16
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The chap on the RIB-X stand approached me and asked if he could help me, but I was playing with the power trim on the display boat!

I thought a number of the salesmen were quite miserable and I tried to have a look on a smallish 30ft? Grand Banks style thing. The salesmen said I could only come on with an adult ( I am 17) or if I could show him a winning lottery ticket! I told him I would love to see the boat in the solent and blitz it past in my RIB this thing only did 27 knots!

I did however get a bargain from Nautequipe marine supplies - a teleflex speedo and pickup kit for 35 quid.
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Old 13 September 2004, 11:30   #17
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Originally Posted by ADS
I did however get a bargain from Nautequipe marine supplies - a teleflex speedo and pickup kit for 35 quid.
Well done, sonny!
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Old 13 September 2004, 12:05   #18
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Tyre Kicking

What if anything does this actually tell the person doing the kicking?

Theres a tyre there it isnt an illusion?

Yes my foot is still attached to my body

I am able to discern that, that tyre is 2 psi below the previous tyre I kicked.

Please explain its always mystified me.
New boat is here, very happy!
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Old 13 September 2004, 12:24   #19
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Originally Posted by Simon B
What if anything does this actually tell the person doing the kicking?

Theres a tyre there it isnt an illusion?

Yes my foot is still attached to my body

I am able to discern that, that tyre is 2 psi below the previous tyre I kicked.

Please explain its always mystified me.
Time wasters!

We ask every one who comes in to our shop if we can help them?
90% are "just browsing"
If only I stocked browsing!

It a pain but if you do not ask you will miss the ones how knead help but will knot ask!

Nick "can I help you, do you know your way around the shop, have you been B4?" Hearne
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Old 13 September 2004, 12:29   #20
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Originally Posted by Alan
Can I recommend Seateach
Thanks Alan
Seateach are only a mile from me at home. I know them well and am a lot poorer for that privilage. They are also very good for electronics, especially if you get the on Friday afternoon when the get back from the pub!
Mark H
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" Douglas Adams
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