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Old 23 June 2014, 21:24   #1
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Donating a Rib

Folks, which one of you on here started the rib 4 macmillan project and how one should go about it? (can someone please introduce me to him/her?)

From donation purposes prospective, I am keen to know whether selling a rib on ebay and donating the money to the chosen charity is a more sensible way or following some of the guys who did such fantastic project like rib 4 macmillan?
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Old 23 June 2014, 22:05   #2
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I am not sure if whisper has been involved but his avatar is rib 4 macmillan: RIBnet Forums - View Profile: whisper

A friend of mine donated a boat - Sail 4 Cancer for example takes care of all the legal bits (so technically you just sign and leave the keys with them). Having said that, depending on the condition of the rib doing a project like what the guys did on here for Macmillan may increase the value of the rib donated...
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Old 23 June 2014, 22:45   #3
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Originally Posted by London_RIB View Post
I am not sure if whisper has been involved but his avatar is rib 4 macmillan: RIBnet Forums - View Profile: whisper
whisper was indeed the man behind the "mac rib" - although he wasn't the source of the original craft (who is anonymous).

From donation purposes prospective, I am keen to know whether selling a rib on ebay and donating the money to the chosen charity is a more sensible way or following some of the guys who did such fantastic project like rib 4 macmillan?
kind of depends what you are trying to do. If you have a 'surplus' rib and just want to turn it into cash for charity then ebay is probably the simplest (least hassle) option. If renovating ribs is your "thing" then you could try to replicate the process whisper etc went through - but I think you might find that so soon after the macrib there isn't quite the same generosity, and without someone like biff to host (and indeed guide from an expertise perspective) that you might struggle to maintain momentum.

You'd only make more money for a charity if you can get expensive items donated, have plentiful free labour and the time and knowledge to market the finished article etc. Otherwise you might be as well donating your time direct to the charity! The chances of success will depend on who the charity are - too local and you alienate help from further afield - too large and people may question if a RIB project is really going to make an impact.

A friend of mine donated a boat - Sail 4 Cancer for example takes care of all the legal bits (so technically you just sign and leave the keys with them).
Depending on condition your local sailing club, sea scout or sea cadet group might be interested either to add to their fleet or as a project for revival.
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Old 23 June 2014, 23:16   #4
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Originally Posted by Vandad View Post
Folks, which one of you on here started the rib 4 macmillan project and how one should go about it? (can someone please introduce me to him/her?)

From donation purposes prospective, I am keen to know whether selling a rib on ebay and donating the money to the chosen charity is a more sensible way or following some of the guys who did such fantastic project like rib 4 macmillan?
Dude give me a call any time, I'll either talk you through it or host it for you if its the right foundation.

Well done you for even considering it

Alex 07778 555884
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