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Old 21 April 2010, 21:48   #1
Country: UK - England
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Don't say 'I told you so'.....

Well, I'm afraid I've gone against all your good advice and am regretting it. As time was creeping on and I wanted to make sure my little boat was all ok for the Pembrokeshire trip, I took her to Samspeed for a service. I didn't want to take a whole day off work to travel somewhere more competitive, and as I kind of had a deadline in mind it didn't really seem fair to keep asking people for help.

This was the week before Easter, the first thing he said was 'I hope you don't expect it done in time for the holiday ?' OK, fair enough if they are busy, I didn't, but I was hoping for it back in time for the May bank holiday.

They started looking at it last week, and it's all bad news. The water pump has melted, and apparently everything was put back together really badly (obviously I didn't admit to that, but was a bit surprised, it was only a few bolts so don't know what I did wrong!); and there's a problem with the engine mountings which all need replacing and require the whole lot to be taken apart.

The latest is they can't get hold of a replacement water pump, I don't know if that's to do with the lack of flights as it's Mercury so American, or just that it's so old. He's going to replace that and then let me know what else is wrong with it so I can decide whether to get the mountings replaced as thats going to be a huge job.

The moral of the story is probably that I should have thought about this earlier, but it's just a bit depressing at the moment - so apologies for not getting back to people about trailers, plans etc.

So, I might not get to Pembrokeshire as I think I'd prefer to do it properly another time, which is a real shame as I was looking forward to it. If they can get the water pump sorted he did say it could be used with care, but it would continue to get worse. It's not a normal bracket, it's a slightly odd system with sort of rubber bolts through the transom which he said were failing.

If this is something anyone's heard of and thinks there might be a cheaper option do let me know as I'm not that clear on what he's planning to do.

Sorry, bit of a rant, I know it's all my fault but just wanted to share!
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Old 21 April 2010, 22:46   #2
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Old 22 April 2010, 07:33   #3
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Hi Shaz - bummer - but it makes sense to get it done and get it done properly no point in breaking down half way out to Skomer

We are often down there so happy to meet up whenever

Fingers crossed the bill isn't a biggy

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Old 22 April 2010, 09:03   #4
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Originally Posted by Shaz View Post
They started looking at it last week, and it's all bad news. The water pump has melted, and apparently everything was put back together really badly (obviously I didn't admit to that, but was a bit surprised, it was only a few bolts so don't know what I did wrong!);
Melted pump? I assume you haven't run it dry? I got to agree with you, there's not a lot to go wrong in there, if yours is anything like mine, the case is spigoted, so in theory can't fail to get it to line up properly...... The only possible problem might be if the impeller went in with the blades "leading" rather than trailing.

Originally Posted by Shaz View Post
and there's a problem with the engine mountings which all need replacing and require the whole lot to be taken apart.
Errrr 4 bolts. Granted the top two will need the powerhead removed to get access. And how shot are they? My Museum had the bototm pair shot, but it didn't stop the engine from working - those mounts are cleverly designed so that even if the rubber / steel joint fails, they won't let go, just won't reduce the vibrations as much, and will creak a bit when you open the throttle.

Originally Posted by Shaz View Post
The latest is they can't get hold of a replacement water pump,
Try Mitchells in Glasgow - they have (had) 3 on the shelf assuming it's a similar pump to mine. (sorry don't have time to cross check microfiches)
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Old 22 April 2010, 22:34   #5
Country: UK - England
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Cheers guys... it's sounding a bit more promising today, he's done the water pump (must've been volcano related); and said the mountings are on their way out but useable with care, so I'm still going to try for Pembs and hopefully get a second opinion as to whether to take it all apart again. Sounds like I just have to be a bit gentle with it which I was sort of trying to be anyway really !

I haven't intentionally run it dry, but the old owner may have, and I did try starting it on muffs a couple of times when I knew it wasn't quite right (had just a trickle of water the previous time) so could well be user error.

Somewhat worried about the bill, but should find out tomorrow... just need to tidy up the hull then !
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