15 June 2004, 16:22
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<<it seems to me that those of us who have been open about our involvement with the RNLI have actually been very positive about the independents>>
Have to agree there!
And yes, Mr. Brooks, - tis my round indeed, pints of Beamish will be provided (it is 40c cheaper than the other stuff!!!)
One who is not called Ewan - might I be seeing you on 28th July in exhalted company?
15 June 2004, 18:12
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Support The RNLI
I think the RNLI should be supported and i do support them, i am an offshore member and also contribute thoughout the year. I have done this for years as did my late Mum even though she never went to sea. If you take the time to read about the History of the RNLI and some of the thousands of rescues they have carried out you will see that they are Hero's who risk their lives to help others.They deserve our support and we should be proud of the RNLI they represent what is best about our Country. By all means support other services if you wish but never forget the RNLI.
15 June 2004, 18:24
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Originally Posted by Allen
Not necessarily JK. Think rationally - it depends on what you have to do with that £1200. Your NHS gets through millions of pounds a day. Is it well funded?
The budget of the NHS has absolutely no bearing on this. Why do you keep changing the subject?
I suspect that any of the independent lifeboat organisations would describe half a million pounds a year as "very well funded indeed"!
15 June 2004, 19:37
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
I suspect that any of the independent lifeboat organisations would describe half a million pounds a year as "very well funded indeed"!
How many stations have to share that "half million"?
Its all got to go - make me an offer...............
Skype - alexgreig
15 June 2004, 20:40
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That's per station!
Actually I was exaggerating. The actual figure is only about £430,000 . . .
15 June 2004, 20:55
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
That's per station!
Actually I was exaggerating. The actual figure is only about £430,000 . . .
OK, and to keep the discussion balanced, that figure would typically cover a station with up to three boats (ALB, ILB and/or D-class), yes? And where there's a Severn Class stationed, that must eat into the runing costs in a serious way. So you can't really compare this "average" figure of an RNLI station to running a RIB equipped volunteer service.
15 June 2004, 21:19
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85 replies, 2,650 viewings - can we change the subject, please?
15 June 2004, 21:24
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Originally Posted by Richard B
OK, and to keep the discussion balanced, that figure would typically cover a station with up to three boats (ALB, ILB and/or D-class), yes? And where there's a Severn Class stationed, that must eat into the runing costs in a serious way. So you can't really compare this "average" figure of an RNLI station to running a RIB equipped volunteer service.
Well, a substantial proportion of the RNLI is a "RIB equipped volunteer service", but I accept the point about the running costs of all weather boats.
Perhaps if the independents were better funded they might be able to run some larger and more capable lifeboats!
15 June 2004, 21:45
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
Perhaps if the independents were better funded they might be able to run some larger and more capable lifeboats! 
Surely there's a very good ALB coverage, and it's the ILB coverage that the independents provide. Look at the Solent - RNLI ALBs at Yarmouth, Calshot and Bembridge with inshore coverage provided courtesy of the independents at Cowes, Hamble, Ryde, Gosport&Fareham and on the south side at Freshwater. Exactly where are the larger and more capable lifeboats needed?
16 June 2004, 07:33
Country: UK - England
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trouble is that some but not all , have very different approach to training and crew qualifications ie in house training
the RNLI and the RLSS have a very good training syllabus recognised throughout the world the independants ( not all) try to emulate the RNLI/RLSS
and some acheive a very high standard others do not , so if you want to give money to to an indie have a chat with the training coxswain to see how they operate then make up your mind, some indies are very capable others are downright dangerous .my money is staying with RNLI and the RLSS
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
16 June 2004, 07:48
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Originally Posted by tim griffin
are downright dangerous .my money is staying with RNLI and the RLSS
Oh - care to expand Tim. I find that hard to believe.
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
16 June 2004, 07:59
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I'd be interested too! Which of the non RNLI "Declared Rescue Facilities" would you describe as dangerous, and why? (Sounds like some weird boating Blind Date question!  )
16 June 2004, 08:31
Country: UK - England
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I am with Tim here.
As I said in my other post, I have recieved very bad advice from an independant rescue craft. As this experience was 8 years ago, I won't give the name, infact I am not sure exactly who it was now.
To recap, we had been dismasted in mid solent, clear of the channels and any immediate danger. Sea state was slight to moderate, wind was F7 gusting F9 from the south. There were 9 crew on board, no injuries, and we were dealing with the situation easily.
1 rescue boat closed to within about 5 feet of us on the side where the mast had fallen. Bear in mind that we had dropped around 1000 sq ft of sail, 200m of line, 15m of ally mast (in 3 sections) and a large amount of s/s rigging wire and rod in the water, which we were lifting to the surface. It took what seemed like 10 mins to tell them that we did not need them, and that the were not helping by being where they were. Also their best advice was that we stared our engine. Think what would have happened if it was knocked into gear and we wound that lot (including them) round the prop! Someone with less sea miles under their bet tham us, may well have follwed their advice and wound up in deep S**t.
I stick to my original remark. Support ALL the rescue services that you can.
And, JK, some need it more than others, but as Tim says, check wether they should be there be there in the first place.
Mark H
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" Douglas Adams
16 June 2004, 09:05
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It's a pity that the details have been lost in the mist of time!
It would be interesting to know what sort of "rescue service" this was, as there seems to be a variety of groups out there from dinghy fleet rescue RIBs to independent lifeboats with the same status as the RNLI.
16 June 2004, 09:24
Country: UK - England
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It was one of the established Solent rescue boats, not a club boat. That I am sure of.
It would be verry unfair of me to name the name I think it was. We had 2 in attendance, and what I cant really remember is which one went and which one stayed. I was a tad busy at the time, it took around 1 hr of hard work to clear up and secure the mess.
One of the two had a RIB tied up on the outer pontoon inside the mole at RIBEX. Were they the good ones or the bad...............? I couldn't say.
Mark H
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" Douglas Adams
16 June 2004, 15:30
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
The budget of the NHS has absolutely no bearing on this. Why do you keep changing the subject?
I thought the subject was funding - not capability
16 June 2004, 19:21
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Amean/Pronto/Rumbo
Make: Solent Rib Princess
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Originally Posted by The Jackeens
Oh - care to expand Tim. I find that hard to believe.
i am not going to name them but ones that use young kids(under 18's) as crew leave alot to be desired, talking to brother inlaw re this thread (training coxsain at ATLANTIC COLLEGE POOLE) so info is from him that the Coastguard asked RNLI to raise their own standards so they could get rid of some of the dodgy ones independants that is RNLI have very high standards of training Glen and Dan at Cowes ILC ensure this and the RNLI now have a filter system where
before crews attend any training course they must reach a required standard
of ability as it is a waste of time putting people through courses that are not ready , as the instructors mentioned it is very hard to debrief someone who is not ready to pass the course as they are volunteers so filter system now in place long term benifit is to save money and yes people do fail these courses, so the RNLI are trying to streamline things and be more efficient
also driving the cost of training down if you want to give cash to an independant ILB talk to the training coxswain to get a feel,
if they sound ok
give them your cash if you don,t like the sound of them dont.
in principle helping the Independents out as well is not a bad thing
but talk to them first and you will soon see if they are good or not so good
also they are always looking out for new crew so if you really want to help them join them. i think GAFFIRS is your nearest one talk to Ken Pink
very knowledgeable bloke
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
16 June 2004, 19:31
Country: UK - England
Town: Newport IoW
Boat name: Amean/Pronto/Rumbo
Make: Solent Rib Princess
Length: 7m +
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Posts: 1,861
bugger forgot to add
new MCA directive on the table at the moment re using recreational craft as rescue boats Ken Pink is part of that working group along with MCA RLSS RYA
and RNLI it seems in the future that some of these independent ILB'S will not be able to conform to this ruling as there craft will be deemed unsuitable they will have to be of type approved ie commercial and above spec like the RNLI boats
regards tim
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
09 October 2005, 19:16
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Originally Posted by Alan
Ever controversial eh JK?!
I subscribe to RNLI with regular DD payment and frankly for the national coverage I think its a worthy cause. BUT you are absolutely right there are a large number of independent rescue organisations who a JUST as professional, JUST as important and JUST as committed. They deserve our support too.
One you've missed from your list is Caister Volunteer Lifeboat:
"Caister men never turn back!"
I also have a dd payment and im also in the local coastguard team, i dont think it serves any purpose telling ppl not to give money to rnli they are the biggest sea rescue service in the uk, imagine if ppl stopped giving to them, and they had to reduce the fleet! over 7500 ppl saved last year, how many times did the independants launch? they do a good job the independants and need to be supported but they dont come close to providing the cover of the rnli, the chances are if you were in trouble it would be an rnli boat that comes out to you, most of the independants arent all weather capable, to slag the rnli off is just stupid they freely admit via there own website what it costs to run daily and its 325 grand a day, for every pound 80p is on rescue service 17p on fundrasing and 3p on support, i wonder if any organisation can run at better than 3p in the pound! imagine if they could pick and choose who they rescued ...... oh your the guy slagin us off.....mmmmmm.
09 October 2005, 21:31
RIBnet admin team
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I have served as a trustee of a similar sized charity to the RNLI and investment in the stock market of some of the reserves is generally accepted as the correct, prudent way of managing funds. As this is standard practice across the sector failing to do so could be considered miss management of the funds (if a lower risk, lower return option was used instead) so its just nonsense to suggest that the RNLI should not have managed their portfolio in this way.
The Poole building is an investment. Am I the only person on here who thinks it is actually money well spent? Most large charities actually have ridiculously impractical offices in locations which the vast majority of their volunteers members will never visit, are worth many millions and
Someone asked why the fire service and ambulance service were run nationally not by volunteers - originally they were. When the "public" demand/expectation grew and response times had to be shortened to save lives - there was a shift towards it becoming a full time job in most parts of the country and therefore too expensive for the voluntary sector.
If there was a local independent I would give money to them (if I start using Loch Lomond I will - one thats missing off your list). But why would I give money to support the solent organisations if I never go there - thats the advantage the RNLI fundraising has.
The question why the independents don't join forces with the RNLI hasn't got a definitive answer - just conjecture - however perhaps it might be worth suggesting to the RNLI top brass that they could financially support independent organisations with similar objectives?
Finally JK - this must be one of your hottest topics ever. A few RNLI people have obviously contributed - but I think it would be nice to get the official views of the organisation - why don't you extract the juicy bits and send a letter to the Chief Exec and Chairman inviting them to respond - either directly on RibNet or on paper...
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