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Old 05 October 2006, 09:11   #141
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I'm talking corporate stuff conferences etc for a large number of people not just a one night stop for a couple of people
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Old 05 October 2006, 18:57   #142
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Originally Posted by pressman
I'm talking corporate stuff conferences etc for a large number of people not just a one night stop for a couple of people
I asked earlier if you could prove your statement, you said you could so why don't you?
The fact is I know you can't. There has never been a time where crew training at the college has given way to a corporate booking. I know because I have tried booking it for my company on several occasions and every time I have had their policy quoted to me.

To JK:
No I don't need counseling nor am I a member of the RNLI other than annual DD donations, nor am I a copper or thought police.
However I am angry at this thread, seeing as my Grandfather gave his life as a lifeboatman. The RNLI is only in existance because of donations and is not as rich as you think. To divert any finance away from the RNLI is a ridiculous idea.
Why did you not pick on diverting money away from other charities where the money goes abroad and not to the UK
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Old 05 October 2006, 19:03   #143
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Originally Posted by pressman
If you look at my profile you will see that i am ex RNLI. I was a Cox/Mechanic and resigned 1 month ago. I cannot enter into any further discussion.....YET!!
Were you at Calshot?
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Old 05 October 2006, 19:21   #144
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Originally Posted by Coach
However I am angry at this thread, seeing as my Grandfather gave his life as a lifeboatman.
OK, so your passion is understandable, but without wanting to cause any offence you are possibly not an entirely impartial commentator.
The RNLI is only in existance because of donations and is not as rich as you think. To divert any finance away from the RNLI is a ridiculous idea.
Looks like we'll just have to agree to disagree.

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Old 05 October 2006, 19:46   #145
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life's too short...

Chill Coach!

A 'cat among the pigeons' thread like this can get us all thinking about the little enterprises out there. If you tend to support emergency services as a rule then the wider efforts shouldn't be a problem. There's room for all and by the sound of it need for all (& then some) especially in the incredibly busy Solent Area.

If you're in trouble you might take a lifeline even from the gArfish!!!!

Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 05 October 2006, 21:13   #146
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As a crew member with Hornsea Inshore Rescue....

Nice one JK - I'm pleased we have such a lively debate going on - thank you to all contributors !

To those of you involved in the various lifeboat rescue services nationally - Hello & thank you for your continued selfless commitment to the ever unforgiving cause.

As a member of an Independant Service, I know how strapped we are for cash, and how hard we work with our limited resources and I've popped of and had a brew before writing anything on this thread, to ensure the content of my comment is both appropriate and gracious... cos there are a number of comments going back over the years of this thread that have 'got my goat as it were' & from my own personal point of view there are a few things that for me are very important to clarify.;

Agreed - The RNLI is arguably the world leading maritime rescue & emergency service. Certainly at Hornsea Inshore Rescue service we base our standards on those of the RNLI, MCA & RYA, and where we have specific operational cause to do so, we look at other appropriate world leading agencies like the RLSS, RAF etc. We also trawl the media accross the world for new innovations, idea's and prototypes etc and do our best to keep up with developments to do what we to as well as possibly can.

Agreed - In some quarters there is the feeling of us & them, amateurs and professionals - But I would urge us all to strongly dispell such attitudes. I defy anyone to show the professionalism of the RNLI crews above that of any of the independant services is not simply an issue that is resolved by equal monies... As for competance, I can only speak for my own service. But we have a coxswain with Humber pilots, who has several years experience as an instructor with HOTA prior to this, see we have a fisherman with 25 years commercial experience at sea, a former royal navy submariner & diving instructor with 18 years service, a qualified lifeguard, BCU canoeing instructor etc etc etc. A tremendous wealth of experience and expertease that is shared freely and professionally throughout the crew.

Agreed - There are probably differing standards between different stations up & down the country.

Agreed - It would be nice if we could all do the courses and have access to the same level of training that RNLI crews benefit from, it would add to our knowledge and invaluably benefit our operational capability, helping us go to the assistance of others.

And with all of that in mind, I think JK is spot on with the spirit of this thread. The RNLI, will forever receive millions of small donations from the millions of tourists that visit our coasts every year, they will continue to benefit legacy's left in peoples wills donating enough to buy the next all weather lifeboat, they will continue to have very professional & successful fundraising activities, etc etc. And rightly so. The RNLI is one of our nations most popular & enduring charitable organisations. Like the Royal British Legion, the RNLI epitimises the embodiment of absolute bravery and sacrifice, from an unquestionably distinguished history of glorious successes with moments in time marked with terrible loss. If you are in the RNLI and you support the RNLI, I take my hat off to you all in absolute gratitude for your ongoing commitment.

I dont know why the independants have sprung up in various places around the country, each has their own absolutely credible story. I only know the story of HIRS. I do know each will be because someone in a community at sometime has recognised because of their own experience, that the need exists and they had enough about them to stand in the gap, make the sacrifice and against all of the odds, work tirelessly to achieve the operational capabilities we can all benefit from today... And I know that the RNLI is not going to be affected if a small percentage of people divert their financial contributions to the independants, so that we all might enjoy the benefits of providing a continually improving service that benefits all sea farers everywhere around our coasts.

So if you feel it appropriate, and you currently give financially to the RNLI, please consider whether your contribution to the RNLI is best placed with an organisation whose standards are already pretty complete, whose crews are already fully equiped with the best gear money can buy and who are backed up by a truly amazing organisation. But please consider whether it might be more appropriate to send it to your nearest independant, that is still working to develop, still trying to fund the best equipment, still trying to train its crews to the highest possible standards, without the financial muscle to do so.

And please, please support any action to keep the volunteer maritime rescue services from coming under government control. They could never do it as well as we do. Can you imagine a rescue service with the operational efficiency of the CSA?

Thanks JK - visit HIRS anytime !
The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice that which we are for what we could become. (& then get the RIB out !)
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Old 05 October 2006, 21:34   #147
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Try this link
and then you can make your own minds up about how much the RNLI need our dosh
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Old 05 October 2006, 21:51   #148
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Outstanding post

Good post Stormchild. being relatively new to this forum I was not aware of the original post. I suggest the title of the original post was/is somewhat inflamatory and has invited the negative reponses. My father was responsible for Airsea rescue out of RN Culdros, Cornwall for many years and if he read "Dont' support the RNLI" he would turn in his grave. Many people, including myself, may feel this way. When I first read it the hair stood up on the back of my neck. Of course there is need for all services and I believe if you use local waters then it is right to support the local independant rescue services AS WELL AS the RNLI. If you want to pitch in a tenner per year then give half to each as it is a very small price to pay for the combined services.
Regards, to all
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
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Old 06 October 2006, 08:52   #149
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Have the RNLI ever taken over an Independent rescue service after assessing that their is a genuine need for cover in that area.
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 06 October 2006, 09:17   #150
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Surely, anyone who can afford to run 200+ hp petrol engines has the resources to support both the RNLI and any local lifeboat too.

If not, then an hour's cruise at 5 knots less than your usual cruising speed would surely save enough to make a worthwhile contribution to any lifeboat.
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Old 06 October 2006, 10:07   #151
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Originally Posted by tim griffin
Have the RNLI ever taken over an Independent rescue service after assessing that their is a genuine need for cover in that area.
The only one that springs to mind is Clovelly, North Devon - but that's slightly different as the RNLI previously abandoned their station, which the locals then formed their own group to cover, until the RNLI saw the error of their ways a few years back.

Certainly the RNLI have never shown much interest in covering esturine waters, hence the fact that all the Severn rescue services are independant (SARA and Portishead LB Trust) as are a fair few around the Bristol Channel.

Don't forget that a huge proportion of the RNLI's money goes on self serving beaurocracy, flash new headquarters and their own fundraising structure.
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Old 06 October 2006, 14:16   #152
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Originally Posted by havener
The only one that springs to mind is Clovelly, North Devon - but that's slightly different as the RNLI previously abandoned their station, which the locals then formed their own group to cover, until the RNLI saw the error of their ways a few years back.
Isn't this the way that most independant services appeared? Either the RNLI left the area as they believed there was sufficient overlapping cover, or the RNLI were never there as they felt there was sufficient overlapping cover?

All the independants seem to be about local people not being comfortable with the coverage provided by the RNLI... filling a percieved gap, so to speak.

Regards, WMM
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Old 06 October 2006, 15:26   #153
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I was advised about ten years ago, by my wife's late grandfather, not to give to the RNLI because they were then so over-funded that their charitable status was in danger of being compromised!

He was, by the way, an ex full-time RNLI Mechanic with two silver medals and some vellum to his name!

Don't know whether this is still the case, but I ignored him anyway and still pay my "offshore" membership by DD
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Old 06 October 2006, 15:26   #154
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Originally Posted by tim griffin
Have the RNLI ever taken over an Independent rescue service after assessing that their is a genuine need for cover in that area.
Wise men have something to say
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Old 06 October 2006, 16:18   #155
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[Don't forget that a huge proportion of the RNLI's money goes on self serving beaurocracy, flash new headquarters and their own fundraising structure. [/QUOTE]

Tell that to the lives Lymington RNLI have saved this year! And that is just one station. As some of you have pointed out the collage saves the RNLI a huge amount of cash on acomadation alone and provides every crew member with specialist training in first aid, sea survival, and RYA training from Leval2 - Yachtmaster

I do support the independents but they can't do this

I think that some independents do a great job such as Cowes, Freshwater Hamble etc Some I feel should review the way they opperate.
We are lucky enough to have the best kit available to us but the money will not last forever.

One more thing the leisure boating community make up less than 10% of the annual RNLI income.
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Old 06 October 2006, 20:37   #156
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Originally Posted by simonnud
I do support the independents but they can't do this
I agree a very good job was done, but why could a good independent not do this to. We train with India Juliet every six weeks so are just as trained as the RNLI in helicopter lifts.

I am not knocking the RNLI as use to be a crewmember once, just wodering your theory behind your comment.

Simon Hawkins
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Old 07 October 2006, 20:50   #157
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Eh ? Hows that then ?

Agreed. I cant help but feel biggoted statements like the last but one arnt helpful. Why couldnt an independant achieve the same result ? It proves my previous comment - 'I defy anyone to show the professionalism of the RNLI crews above that of any of the independant services is not simply an issue that is resolved by equal monies... ' Fair enough - a force eight and pretty severe sea's is a challenging environment. But independants arnt just 'well meaning community busy bodies' that have too much spare time on their hands. And the fact that we do the same job, with what is often a lower spec of equipment - is a demonstration of the commitment and determination of independant crews.
Fund us to the same levels as the RNLI and I guarantee you it will be a case of 'spot the difference'.... because then not only will we perform to the same levels - as we pretty much do now, but we'll look something like with our new shiny kit as well !
The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice that which we are for what we could become. (& then get the RIB out !)
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Old 09 October 2006, 08:02   #158
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I may not of explained myself very well I am not questioning the skill and dedication of an independant just the equipment they have to hand.

In closing I would say support who you can but please don't support the RNLI because you think they have too much money.
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Old 09 October 2006, 10:26   #159
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I'm sorry but I just do not believe that this thread is still running. Please can we get to the points (below) and then forget all the arguing.

1. We have the best lifesaving service in the world in the RNLI.
2. We have the best independent lifesaving volunteers in the world.
3. Both require funding in order to avoid either of the services deteriorating.
4. It is in OUR interest to make sure that the relevant local service is maintained.
5. In order to do that simply look around you, understand who is likely to be involved in assisting you/other coastal users and then fund one, the other or both!

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Old 09 October 2006, 22:31   #160
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Originally Posted by Windchill View Post
I was advised about ten years ago, by my wife's late grandfather, not to give to the RNLI because they were then so over-funded that their charitable status was in danger of being compromised!

He was, by the way, an ex full-time RNLI Mechanic with two silver medals and some vellum to his name!

Don't know whether this is still the case, but I ignored him anyway and still pay my "offshore" membership by DD
If this were still the case then perhaps the RNLI could kill 2 birds with one stone and make a sizeable donation to the independents and everyones happy
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