28 November 2006, 06:15
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As a parent this is terribly sad
There is good and bad everywhere shame a young lad of 14 looks to have paid with his life - for having a laugh and being stupid a young lad dose not deserve to die
28 November 2006, 07:01
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Jesus “H” Christ, there aren’t half a lot of sanctimonious people on here aren’t there? (Yeah, yeah..I know "Pot" " Kettle"..  )
I’ll tell you something, I didn’t know this boy, or his parents, so truthfully I don’t actually care if he lives or dies as it really means nothing to me. That’s not to say I don’t feel sympathy with his parents, if indeed they were not responsible for turning him into a thief.
Lots of speculation… “ the boy fell into a wrong crowd”…. “he was probably going to return it” Etc. How on Earth can anyone know what was going to happen? He may well have just borrowed it as a prank, or he may have intended to steal it and burn it out of maliciousness. I don’t know and I’m pretty confident no one else on here knows either.
Nos’s reaction is pretty understandable, especially when as he says, he has had to deal with teenage scrotes damaging his property and making his life miserable, I’m confident that if I was unlucky enough to have suffered the same crap, I would think “serves the little fecka right!”
28 November 2006, 08:51
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
It's amazing how you obviously know what I mean better than I do isn't it...
Point out to me where I said he deserved to die please?
If you do incredibly stupid things they catch up with you. FACT.
You act as though I'd said 'Paedophile' in Paulsgrove.
I don't think I need to point that out as you have made it quite clear what your opinions are.
It is evident from your posts that you don't possess a great deal of intelligence and certainly very little compassion, so I'm not going to exhange any further posts with you on this matter and will leave you to your rantings.
28 November 2006, 09:30
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caught the end of southeren news last night, where they were showing footage of the sea and land area, but one thing did strike me, at the end, the new's crew did not bring the distraught family of the missing boy into the picture, and the boy who lived made no comment and much the same for his family, this struck me that perhaps the family's were known to the locals and the boys had been known troublemakers, as no comment is rare in these circumstances, if this were to be so my simpathy would also be minimal, time will tell
28 November 2006, 16:47
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Originally Posted by timw
I don't think I need to point that out as you have made it quite clear what your opinions are.
It is evident from your posts that you don't possess a great deal of intelligence and certainly very little compassion, so I'm not going to exhange any further posts with you on this matter and will leave you to your rantings.
Damn, I was looking forward to replying to your personal insults.
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28 November 2006, 16:51
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I think its very sad, i am sure the facts will become known , then we can all judge
I do think he was a little stupid at that time of day
Boatless - better get down the pub and drown my sorrows
29 November 2006, 07:37
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I am curious to why the Coastguard helicopter wasn't launched when the boys first got on their mobile. The helicopter could have been no more than 2 miles away from the boys. Was it too windy, not a 24hr service or too expensive cheaper to send the inshoreLB?
If these boys were on the phone for 45 mins before getting swamped, helicopter was within 2miles probaly less, lifeboat station ILB & AWB within 2 miles. You couldn't get much better cover. What went wrong (other than them nicking a boat in the first place)?
29 November 2006, 08:27
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Originally Posted by steedthrust
I am curious to why the Coastguard helicopter wasn't launched when the boys first got on their mobile. The helicopter could have been no more than 2 miles away from the boys. Was it too windy, not a 24hr service or too expensive cheaper to send the inshoreLB?
If these boys were on the phone for 45 mins before getting swamped, helicopter was within 2miles probaly less, lifeboat station ILB & AWB within 2 miles. You couldn't get much better cover. What went wrong (other than them nicking a boat in the first place)?
I suppose because they weren't in distress at that point, the story said they were laughing and joking on the phone or something? Helicopters are expensive things and I know the SAR helicopter here doesn't launch unless specifically requested to.
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
Sent from my Computer, using a keyboard and mouse
29 November 2006, 12:43
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At that time of night - in those conditions - 2 boys in a rowing boat at sea were an accident about to happen.
29 November 2006, 14:58
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Looks like the kid died - they found his jacket only.
Seems he snook out of bed to do this 'terrible deed' , met up with his mate and drowned. I really doubt they were going to trash the boat all considering.
I really feel for everybody who knew this adventurous kid.
29 November 2006, 21:31
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Not too sure how to reply
To all of you who feel outrage towards these young kids - Shame.
To all of you who feel sympathy for these kids - possibly misplaced.
To all of you who feel sympathy for those who knew them- Kind.
We were all young once, and most of us probably did something that cost someone else money or time, and most of us probably snuck out of the house during the late hours to cause some sort of mischief. To say they got what they deserved is harsh. To pass judgement on these kids without knowing anything about them is absolute stupidity. These kids took a rowboat, and utilized it. We will never know their intentions, so guessing is pointless. These kids took a risk (a stupid risk) in the name of fun. Call me a stupid yank if ya want, but this is what kids do, it's part of the learning curve of life. If they bashed holes in it so no one could use it, or sliced holes in the tubes of someones RIB, I would say that it was a pointless, malicious act and they deserve death, but when kids do stuff like that there is usually no consequences because there is little risk involved, and they are rarely caught. So lets put it too rest by saying to the loved ones, We are sorry to hear about your loss.
"Ribbed, for her pleasure"
29 November 2006, 21:53
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Couldn't agree more - maybe not all Yanks are stupid after all......
29 November 2006, 22:05
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Couldn't agree more - maybe not all Yanks are stupid after all......
Getting mushy on me? Don't, were still assholes..
"Ribbed, for her pleasure"
29 November 2006, 22:14
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Originally Posted by Jimmy_Beam
Getting mushy on me? Don't, were still assholes.. 
Well you said it - if they had nicked the boat in the USA they would never have drowned - they would have been shot first.....
30 November 2006, 00:20
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Couldn't agree more - maybe not all Yanks are stupid after all......
Cod, from you, I'll take that as an off handed compliment... confidentially I'll let you in on a little secret, we are selectively stupid, it serves our master plan of world domination! Why just look at what we are doing in Iraq...
30 November 2006, 00:21
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Well you said it - if they had nicked the boat in the USA they would never have drowned - they would have been shot first.....
Shot twice... then drowned...
30 November 2006, 01:39
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As the father of two teen-aged boys, I am having trouble finding the words to express my disgust with some of you. You know nothing about this boy, other than he was apparently out too late and up to a prank. That you find his death at age 14 suitable punishment for this nautical joy ride is deplorable.
If you are parents, I hope that you never find yourselves in the situation this kid's parents find themselves in now. Shame on you.
Even if this kid was a terror, that doesn't excuse you. Any child's death is cause for great sadness.
I hope that at least some of your callousness comes from the false bravado that only the internet and anonimity breeds...
30 November 2006, 01:54
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Originally Posted by pathalla
Shot twice... then drowned...
Consider my post about being shot twice retracted, I initially read the first post (Cods) and the article indicating the authorities thought the missing child had made it to land, apparently that is not the case. Consequently, a post meant in jest is inappropriate under the circumstances. Stoo is correct, a loss of a child is a terrible thing for the family, I cannot imagine having to deal with the same. Stealing a boat does not justify a death. Boats can be replaced. I think most males do impulsive things in their teens, probably due in part to naivete and hormones, who among us had common sense at that age? Tell me you did and I will call you a liar. My sympathies to the family...
30 November 2006, 02:12
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Pat, I was most certainly not addressing my comments at you or the others who are posting "in jest" which is understandable. But a number of these people are serious, and that's what I am taking exception with!
30 November 2006, 02:22
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Originally Posted by Stoo
Pat, I was most certainly not addressing my comments at you or the others who are posting "in jest" which is understandable. But a number of these people are serious, and that's what I am taking exception with!
Stoo... Your post was accurate and in retrospect my post WAS in my opinion callous, unkind and insensitive. The parents and family of this child and the people who knew him have got to be sick at heart over this, and I'll have no part of joking over the death of a child, no worse thing a person can experience in life as I see it. Boats don't mean jack shit as compared to children, as a matter of fact, the driving factor in my project (boat) was my daughter, the kids, they get so excited out on the boat, it just makes it all good...
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