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Old 26 November 2006, 18:14   #1
Country: UK - Wales
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Don't take the sea for granted


Alright I know they shouldn't have nicked the boat in the first place but they prob thought it was just a lark and they weren't doing any harm. Looks like one of the poor boys paid very highly - with his life!!!
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Old 26 November 2006, 20:18   #2
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Most unfortunate... Hopefully he'll be found safe and sound...
Pump it up and RIDE!

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Old 26 November 2006, 21:20   #3
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"The MCA spokesperson said: "Two boys made a 999 call at about 2am this morning saying they had pinched a boat, were out in Portland Harbour, and were just having a laugh and were quite happy. They were laughing and joking."

That's the actions of a pair of thieving chav scum-calling 999 to bait the police.14 year old chavs out at 2am thieving don't deserve sympathy when their own stupidity kills them.

Don't think for a minute they wouldn't have taken yours or my boat had they been able to.
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Old 26 November 2006, 21:37   #4
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Didn't you ever do anything silly when you were that age? I don't know if they were actually baiting the Police or were actually scared but didn't want to admit it.

Then again if they were of the same mentality as most joyriders they get all they deserve!!!
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Old 26 November 2006, 21:43   #5
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
Didn't you ever do anything silly when you were that age? I don't know if they were actually baiting the Police or were actually scared but didn't want to admit it.

Then again if they were of the same mentality as most joyriders they get all they deserve!!!
Of course I did. I had enough respect for other people's property not to go out stealing at 2am though-and my parents didn't let me out at 2am aged 14.
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Old 26 November 2006, 22:20   #6
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Ahh I didn't notice the 2am bit - not many decent kids are around at that time of night in the middle of winter - camping out in the middle of summer fair enough.
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Old 26 November 2006, 22:28   #7
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mmm... still a bit harsh to basically say they deserve to die. Perhaps a photo of the missing boy would remind you that its a human being we are talking about.

(picture from MCGA press release).

There is a small chance that he has actually made it ashore and is freezing to death somewhere terrified of having the shit kicked out of him by (1) the vigilante boating community or (2) his parents who possibly believed he was tucked up safely in bed.
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Old 27 November 2006, 03:51   #8
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
mmm... still a bit harsh to basically say they deserve to die.
That's not what I said though.

Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
There is a small chance that he has actually made it ashore and is freezing to death somewhere terrified of having the shit kicked out of him by (1) the vigilante boating community or (2) his parents who possibly believed he was tucked up safely in bed.
Tough. We're talking about the same kind of chav scum kids that got pissed and mobbed and dragged a bloke out of his car-then kicked the shit out of him and destroyed his car while filming it.This happened 100 yards from my house a couple of weeks ago.

They can take the consequences of their actions.
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Old 27 November 2006, 08:47   #9
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Nos - I think you were pretty close to saying that...although your stopped short...but codders said:

"they get all they deserve!!!"

I also think its a bit of a leap (unless you know the victims, which I presume you don't) to assume that they are quite at the same level of depravity as dragging someone from a car and kicking the shit out of them.

They nicked the boat - and I am not trying to defend that. I would have been quite happy to see them get a custodial sentence, and or huge fine to pay for the search and rescue opperation etc.
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Old 27 November 2006, 10:58   #10
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
I would have been quite happy to see them get a custodial sentence, and or huge fine to pay for the search and rescue opperation etc.
So would we all but that would be sensible.....
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Old 27 November 2006, 13:11   #11
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Your visious comments about the likely death of a child, however the cause, are deplorable.
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Old 27 November 2006, 13:38   #12
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Isn't it strange the way the media report things - if a 19 yr old beats up an old lady they are a thug/chav/yob young man - if a 19yr old gets attacked they are a poor innocent teenager.

I saw a case recently where a "young girl" was raped - makes you thing of a 12 yr old - she was actually 26 - if the 24 yr old had attacked a pensioner there is no way the press would describe her as a young girl.

We just don't know in this case what the 14 yr old was like. He may have been good as gold - just a lark or a prank that went wrong - on the other hand he could well have been the scum of the Earth.

Just because someone is 14 does NOT always make them an innocent child. On the other hand pinching a rowing boat doesn't exactly justify a death penalty either.
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Old 27 November 2006, 16:49   #13
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His death was the consequence of his own actions. Sorry, Tough sh*t.
perhaps this incident has marginally improved the gene pool in the South of England.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
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Old 27 November 2006, 18:10   #14
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It seems a little harsh to rush to judge a boy of 14, he may well have been mislead or fallen in with the wrong crowd, peer pressure at that age can be very strong. Although it looks unlikely I hope he is found safe and well and I my sympathies are with his parents

Originally Posted by Limey Linda View Post
perhaps this incident has marginally improved the gene pool in the South of England.
You'd need to fill Portland Harbour before you noticed any effect
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Old 27 November 2006, 18:26   #15
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Originally Posted by timw View Post

Your visious comments about the likely death of a child, however the cause, are deplorable.

My comments are about the probable death of thieving scum that were doing something incredibly stupid. You do stupid things and eventually they catch up with you-sooner or later. In this case it was sooner.

It makes very little difference if he was mislead or had fallen in with the wrong crowd. He was still doing it. Having been burgled twice,had bricks thrown through the windscreen of my old camper and a truck by pissed teenagers and lost a couple of bikes to teenage joyriders (which they then dumped in a river)I have very little sympathy with ratboy and his cronies. If they die by their own stupidity then tough.
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Old 27 November 2006, 22:01   #16
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This boy pinched a rowing boat.

He is now probably dead.

You know absolutely nothing about him but continue to make these appalling remarks about his death being deserved.

Your idiotic and thoughtless remarks beggar belief.
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Old 27 November 2006, 22:31   #17
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Missing Boy

Hi guys, time to reflect and consider where this is going...

We were all 14 and I for one am luck to be alive from my days on Motorbikes.
I hope that he is found alive and well but the sea does not give back to many and not at these temperatures.

Everyone feels for parents in this situation and other people have been hurt with silly antics or worse from young lads who are too young to know the difference.
Respect is whats missing and that can take many guises. WHo will throw that stone... not me I have four boys from 7-16 and all I can do is hope and pray for the best.

I hope the lad makes and thanks for the pic as it brings it home. I am sure the first person meant no harm to the lad but has obviously being hurt before.

I will cast no stone...
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Old 28 November 2006, 02:38   #18
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Originally Posted by timw View Post
This boy pinched a rowing boat.

He is now probably dead.

You know absolutely nothing about him but continue to make these appalling remarks about his death being deserved.

Your idiotic and thoughtless remarks beggar belief.

It's amazing how you obviously know what I mean better than I do isn't it...

Point out to me where I said he deserved to die please?

If you do incredibly stupid things they catch up with you. FACT.

You act as though I'd said 'Paedophile' in Paulsgrove.
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Old 28 November 2006, 05:58   #19
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At a time like this a 'chat' may affect some people far more than we could or would ever want to imagine, please remember this is a public forum. RIP
Big waves, small boat ;)
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Old 28 November 2006, 06:00   #20
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I'm sure the kids (that's what they are) were going to return the boat, I doubt if they were going to sell it.

If it was my tender I'd prefer the boat to vanish and the kids to survive whatever..

Someone loves these kids to bits.

If the lad was part of your family you would have a different view - trust me.

Empathy is a word some of you should consider.
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