22 March 2008, 07:56
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Dsc Mmsi
So what is a DSC MMSI
Jon H
Landlocked in Northampton
22 March 2008, 08:00
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Hi Jon,
The MMSI number is a 9 digit number that you programme into your DSC radio.
This is then the ID of that boat.
The MMSI number is issued as part of your ships radio licence.
This licence is obtained via Ofcom.
All the best
22 March 2008, 08:03
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
Hi Jon,
The MMSI number is a 9 digit number that you programme into your DSC radio.
This is then the ID of that boat.
The MMSI number is issued as part of your ships radio licence.
This licence is obtained via Ofcom.
All the best
Thanks for the very rapid reply
Jon H
Landlocked in Northampton
22 March 2008, 08:05
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
Hi Jon,
The MMSI number is a 9 digit number that you programme into your DSC radio.
This is then the ID of that boat.
The MMSI number is issued as part of your ships radio licence.
This licence is obtained via Ofcom.
All the best
So that is the MMSI what is the DSC part?
SO I guess I need to go on a VHF course and then buy a radio
DO you need the license before you can buy one?
Jon H
Landlocked in Northampton
22 March 2008, 08:12
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MMSI = Maritime Mobile Service Identity
This is the 9 digit number that identifies you as Jon stated above
DSC = Digital Selective Calling
This is the system that uses the MMSI. It uses channel 70 on your VHF (which is why you never ever use Channel 70 for anything  )
You don't need to have a licence to buy a VHF, however you can only use if for emergencies in that case.
I would recommend doing a VHF course, it isnt a long course, but it's very informative for those you have never really used a VHF before (and it is a requirement to have a licence, or under the direct supervision of someone who has a licence to operate one normally)
22 March 2008, 08:19
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Originally Posted by Jon H
So that is the MMSI what is the DSC part?
SO I guess I need to go on a VHF course and then buy a radio
DO you need the license before you can buy one?
Answer 1....As above.
Answer 2...Yes, just done mine and well worth it.
Answer 3....No, but then when you switch it on and to stop that "whats that button do" i would do Answer 2!!
22 March 2008, 08:38
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Originally Posted by ch5120
Answer 1....As above.
Answer 2...Yes, just done mine and well worth it.
Answer 3....No, but then when you switch it on and to stop that "whats that button do" i would do Answer 2!!
Message recieved loud and clear
Jon H
Landlocked in Northampton
22 March 2008, 09:36
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Just to add another set of letters the course you need to take is the SRC (Short Range Certificate), it covers all you will need to get started and be legal with Marine VHF (Very High Frequency) Radio and DSC.
The course is one day.
22 March 2008, 10:21
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And another set of letters!
DSC is part of GMDSS, the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System!
22 March 2008, 13:31
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by TonyC
You don't need to have a licence to buy a VHF, however you can only use if for emergencies in that case.
Be very very careful here, this statement is NOT 100% correct and IMHO could be very confusing.
You have to have a ships radio licence to legally fit a VHF radio to your vessel. You also need the SRC (Short Range Cert) to use the radio.
Whilst no one has ever fallen foul of the law using a radio in an emergency you ARE breaking the law if you have a VHF fitted to your boat and you do not have a ships radio licence.
There would be two offences here:-
1, having the equipment available for use with no licence.
2, using the equipment with no licence.
The Ships Radio Licence is free when you apply on line and really no reason not to have one. You will not get an MMSI number without a licence.
Both the Ships Radio Licence and the SRC are requirements under international maritime law.
If I can be of any further help please PM or mail me.
22 March 2008, 13:32
Country: UK - England
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Make: Ribcraft Seasafari
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Originally Posted by BassBoy
And another set of letters!
DSC is part of GMDSS, the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System!
Which is part of SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea)
22 March 2008, 16:42
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
Which is part of SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea)
And can be gained by going to an RYA TC (Training Centre), with authority delegated from the MCA.
So, to recap, to get an MMSI you need a license from OFCOM, and to learn DSC and VHF you need an SRC -including GMDSS (it's not all PTT these days) - which is part of SOLAS and you can get this from a course with a TC recognised by the RYA who have been approved by the MCA. On this, you will look at a SART and EPIRB. OK?
22 March 2008, 17:07
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If memory serves me.............SOLAS and therefore GMDSS is promulgated by the IMO (International Maritime Organisation) formerly IMCO!
Life is just one big TLA (three letter acronym)!!!!
22 March 2008, 17:39
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
Whilst no one has ever fallen foul of the law using a radio in an emergency you ARE breaking the law if you have a VHF fitted to your boat and you do not have a ships radio licence.
Is that actually true Jon? Since when has possesion of a VHF been an offence? Using it without a licence yes, but possesion ?
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22 March 2008, 17:40
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Pete, I Believe Jon is talking about the legality os the Ships Radio Licence not SRC.
22 March 2008, 17:49
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Originally Posted by ashbypower
Pete, I Believe Jon is talking about the legality os the Ships Radio Licence not SRC. 
Ah, just done a quick Google and he is correct, Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 refers:
"It is an offence to install or use..."
Looks like I will have to do a course with Jimbo, my current licence was typed on a manual typewriter
Ribnet is best viewed on a computer of some sort
22 March 2008, 18:53
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Originally Posted by Pete7
Ah, just done a quick Google and he is correct, Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 refers:
"It is an offence to install or use..."
Looks like I will have to do a course with Jimbo, my current licence was typed on a manual typewriter
Ah but Pete technically you were correct. Ownership without a license is not illegal per se - but it is illegal to have installed on a vessel!
23 March 2008, 18:02
Country: UK - England
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As I mentioned the offence is having the equipment available for use so installed for fixed units.
Having a hand held with no licence would be an offence no matter what as it would always be available for use.
Also offences under the WT Act are classed as absolute offences so saying "I did not know" is no get out.
23 March 2008, 19:12
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
As I mentioned the offence is having the equipment available for use so installed for fixed units.
Having a hand held with no licence would be an offence no matter what as it would always be available for use.
Also offences under the WT Act are classed as absolute offences so saying "I did not know" is no get out.
Thanks all of you,
I would never have found all this out on my own
Jon H
Landlocked in Northampton
23 March 2008, 22:28
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Micki Dee Bee
Make: Ribcraft Seasafari
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No problem, anytime.
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