Originally Posted by ShinyShoe
Because the water has magical properties and will turn you on your back and float you there till help arrives? 
Hey sorry
Yes i am always wearing my life jacket here in Belgium and on the Norhtsea bcoz most of the time i like to push it hard and ofcourse our conditions are also different! SO YES I AM IN FAVOUR OF WEARING LIFE JACKETS.
What i wanted to point out is that the weather in Croatia (in summer time) is quiet nice and warm and IF you are on the rib with more persons that can drive the boat, you can obviously think of not wearing a life jacket. I have my life jackets always with me though, ALWAYS. Why? Bcoz the largest waves i have been driving in are those in Croatia!! So yes you are right to be sure the life jackets are in good order in case the weather changes!! But a whole day in the burning sun with a life jacket on, will create a nice tan on your body (lol). And maybe thr dolphins around can save your life too!!!!
So please, yes make sure the life jackets are present!! As well as an anchor bcoz most shorelines are stoney ones!!! and some sun protection lotion is maybe (no surely) much more needed.....bcoz the sun will kill you probably before you get drowned.
So thx for pointing out we at Ribnet are responsible sailors (ribbers)