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Old 29 November 2008, 17:51   #41
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
themi find it hard to believe that if you were genuinely interested in spending upwards of £30K on a boat that you would be in such a rush that you couldn't hang around the stand for long enough to get attention.
I actually visited the stand 4 times during the course of my visit to the show
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Old 29 November 2008, 18:16   #42
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Originally Posted by Scoobysnax View Post
I actually visited the stand 4 times during the course of my visit to the show
yes but over the course of the day lots of people come to look. If you are seriously intending to buy then you go beyond visiting the stand - and talk to the people. I have manned stands in other business sectors and its not uncommon for a serious buyer to come along when you are busy with another (often time wasting) client or on the phone. They normally slip me a business card, so I can track them down later in the day... and either I interupt the timewaster or thank them and call them back straight away. I have done the same myself when in buying mode. Admitedly that is in a business to business sense - rather than busines to consumer - but at the end of the day if you want to be seen as a serious buyer by a boat builder at a boat show - you need to show them you are not just one of the masses.
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Old 29 November 2008, 22:27   #43
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Polwart / Scooby

I was looking for a new 6.5m RIB 3 years ago at the Southampton show and went by the stand of a very well know UK builder. Several times I tried to talk to the guy there but he was not intrested, he said take a brochure, come back later. The thing was I did not need a brochure I had one through the post already I needed a salesman. I did come back later, twice more in fact before I got annoyed and said *** them.

Im' not going to name them because I have a lot of respect for their boats and they are also pretty well thought of on here, however on that particular day I had a whole burning in my pocket and was ready to lay down a deposit if the right deal could have been struck. We went for a different brand.

Exactly one year later a friend of mine had exactly the same experience with exactly the same stand. That company could have had 2 more training centres/charter companies using their boats. This story is often retold to my team in staff training sessions, however its a bit more detailed.

Im sure my business misses some oppurtunities, we try to follow up every lead but I know we miss a few. Frustrating though when you have £25K to spend and they don't want your money.
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Old 30 November 2008, 08:12   #44
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Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce View Post
Polwart / Scooby

I was looking for a new 6.5m RIB 3 years ago at the Southampton show and went by the stand of a very well know UK builder. Several times I tried to talk to the guy there but he was not intrested, he said take a brochure, come back later. The thing was I did not need a brochure I had one through the post already I needed a salesman. I did come back later, twice more in fact before I got annoyed and said *** them.

Im' not going to name them because I have a lot of respect for their boats and they are also pretty well thought of on here, however on that particular day I had a whole burning in my pocket and was ready to lay down a deposit if the right deal could have been struck. We went for a different brand.

Exactly one year later a friend of mine had exactly the same experience with exactly the same stand. That company could have had 2 more training centres/charter companies using their boats. This story is often retold to my team in staff training sessions, however its a bit more detailed.

Im sure my business misses some oppurtunities, we try to follow up every lead but I know we miss a few. Frustrating though when you have £25K to spend and they don't want your money.
We had a great day at the show, but what you say is true.... We were not approached by any salesman from any stand, in fact I loitered on one of the stands so much the salesman gave me the "stare" oh well.
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Old 30 November 2008, 08:33   #45
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Originally Posted by Tony View Post
We had a great day at the show, but what you say is true.... We were not approached by any salesman from any stand, in fact I loitered on one of the stands so much the salesman gave me the "stare" oh well.
I am really confused about this issue every stand I went on too where I wanted info I simply walked up to the sales man smiled said hello and introduced myself. Then we talked (in one case for about an hour with Tom on the Rib Int Stand).I have visions of shy RIBnetters lurking in the shadows waiting for someone to approach them and ask them if they need assistance.
Chris Stevens

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Old 30 November 2008, 12:05   #46
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In my years of selling all sorts of stuff I always worked on the theory that everyone is a customer , if not now then in the future. You hear stories of kids who lust after cars / boats & then one day they will have the money. You just cant tell who has a load of cash to spend , or who hasn't . You have to acknowledge everyone and find some time to then be able to make a judgement. I went to several boat shows / outlets looking before I decided on my 1st boat.

I went to one boat dealer . It was a cold wet Tuesday morning - pulled up in a new car suited up as I was on work time -to me showing I had money to spend - nothing - no-one even tried to make eye contact - end result was I will never go back !

Other example - Ribex last year - was looking at cabin Ribs - one make - fantastic - made time, helpful explained all , went for a test etc . Other one didn't want to give me a test drive as otherwise the boat would not be 'on display' for people to see! You can see by what I have now what I ended up with , & though not a new boat from the makers they have still been 1st rate , and will be the first place I call when I come to replace - A good experience is worth a furtune in free PR !

N0 excuses if you job relies on selling the stuff - if you are on the phone you can always give a nod to anyone waiting
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Old 30 November 2008, 12:17   #47
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Originally Posted by Blackroady View Post
A good experience is worth a fortune in free PR !

I'd reverse that-a bad experience is going to cost a fortune in lost sales but you'll never be able to pin it down.

I was a 'salesman' for 2 years for a bike shop selling budget (ie not the shiniest new models) bikes that didn't have a particularly good reputation due to the previous owner. Once I could convince people to come through the door I had no problem selling to them. Getting them through the door in the 1st place was the hardest part though...
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Old 30 November 2008, 12:31   #48
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I'm of the crowed that hates sale's folk. In fact if I'm looking at something and a sale's comes over and doesn't leave after I've said "I'm just looking at the moment" I do a cool sharp harp!
I like to look, be able to read all info I want to know (and then be able to ask), BE ABLE TO READ THE FULL PRICE INC VAT in B&W, pay for the thing and walk away with out anyone trying to do add on sales.
And I used to work selling second hand cars, I was my worst kind of customer
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Old 30 November 2008, 13:00   #49
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You can never 'sell' to a salesman / ex salesman ! We are bastards !
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Old 30 November 2008, 13:02   #50
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Originally Posted by Blackroady View Post
You can never 'sell' to a salesman / ex salesman ! We are bastards !
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Old 01 December 2008, 18:50   #51
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And the best salesman at the show was...

... the guy on the Ciao Bella Scooters stand selling reconditioned Lambrettas and Vespas. We has a long chat with him at the end on Saturday night and he had done a roaring trade. He very nearly managed to sell us a scooter and I'm not a particular fan. He was an absolute enthusiast!

Also had a long chat at the Kos photography stand - Outstanding photos and very tempting.

But it was quiet, we had a good leisurely time, talked to quite a few folk and stall staff all seemed very happy to engage in conversations. Kid's enjoyed the Andark dive experience. I much enjoyed the quiet aspect but did fear we wouldn't see it next year. So pleased to hear that some of the trade felt it was good quality.

Nevertheless, like last year, being able to get a seat at the Guinness bar at Earls Court felt strange.
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