12 April 2005, 19:09
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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:eh: Wot colour tubes???
Having new tubes made and wondering whether to change from the current orange scheme to black...fyi boat hull is black with orange hard bow cone (Osprey) and console / pods are orange with black cushions and hatches etc
What disadvantages are there to the darker colour?
Does it fade faster? I was hoping they might hide dirt / wear n tear better
I know that they will tend to heat up more: Are over pressure relief valves a must?
Any other thoughts (or colour scheme suggestions) appreciated!
12 April 2005, 20:10
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Marko pressure relief valves are essential on black tubes and I wouldn't risk not having them. They work well most of the time but did have one leak very slowly.
The other problem with dark tubes and obviously black is they are going to get very hot in the summer. How hot, well you won't be siting on them in the summer and that was off the North Antrim coast. Dread to think what it will be like the CI.
Difficult to know what to choose if the GRP is orange, how about a grey colour, won't fade like orange and is a much cooler tube colour in the sun.
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12 April 2005, 21:19
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why not have black tubes with pr valves and orange wear/seating patches
12 April 2005, 21:51
Country: UK - England
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If the tubes are going to be replaced why not go the full hog and have the GRP painted in two pack, that way you could choose any colour scheme ?
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13 April 2005, 06:58
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Thanks for the feedback guys...The point about the heat retention properties of black hypalon is a good one!
I don't really have anything against orange (which, afterall, would just be replacing like for like): However, I had thought that the black ribs I'd seen looked smart and that black might be more dirt / fade resistant? Is this the case, or does it show dirt and fade in UV just like other colours?
I suspect that the answer, as for all tubes, is regular use of cleaning and protection products, preferably allied to the use of a cover, but any more info. on this subject would be gratefully received! (new tubes are a big investment  )
13 April 2005, 07:50
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The colour that looks new for the longest is definitely grey. It doesn't fade, and doesn't show the dirt!
I reckon grey tubes would look really good on your boat
13 April 2005, 07:55
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
The colour that looks new for the longest is definitely grey. It doesn't fade, and doesn't show the dirt!
I reckon grey tubes would look really good on your boat
Yeh grey everything  it works for me  Des
13 April 2005, 08:03
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by markco
I don't really have anything against orange (which, afterall, would just be replacing like for like): However, I had thought that the black ribs I'd seen looked smart and that black might be more dirt / fade resistant? Is this the case, or does it show dirt and fade in UV just like other colours?
Black doesn't seem to fade like blues, yellow or orange, but light or dark grey is my preference.
I suspect that the answer, as for all tubes, is regular use of cleaning and protection products, preferably allied to the use of a cover, but any more info. on this subject would be gratefully received!
Don't get a black boat cover, temperature underneath on a hot summers day will be scortching to the deteriment of the boat tubes, fuel etc. Bembridge do a nice light grey cover for £165 if you haven't go one already.
(new tubes are a big investment )
Yep which is why I think you might want to consider painting the boat when the tubes are off giving you any choice you like for tubes and hull colours. Most of the west country tube manfacturers have paterns for XR tubes as I have purchased the XR18 mould and been discussing options with them.
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13 April 2005, 09:59
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Personally I think blue tubes with an orange hull look cracking!! Black tubes although they won't show up grease/oil marks they will show up salt and footprints etc making it very hard to keep your RIB looking top-notch all the time.
As regards which colour looks newest for longest and fades the least, the answer is any colour in PU (polyurethane) tubes, IMHO. They retain their colour & shine better and also mark less easily.
Here's a good link for colour choice, although it's of Tornados it gives a good idea:
Steve G
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13 April 2005, 10:09
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Originally Posted by swginn
Personally I think blue tubes with an orange hull look cracking!!
Why thank you kind sir
I could not make up my mind so got some samples of the materials and that helped was going to be green and orange now blue and orange.
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13 April 2005, 11:34
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grey,orange or yellow if you go for black you will probably regret it on a hot summers day, blue would look good too.
13 April 2005, 11:39
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If I had my choice of colour I'd have to got for contrasting colours like, Black hull, yellow tubes with a wide black rubbing strip and some rather neatly cut wear patches AKA, Avon style. Looks well cool  .
13 April 2005, 11:50
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You'd be better off wit black toobs with yellow patches. yellow and red fade sooner! It is my understanding that black, dark grey and dark blue stay looking good for quite a surprisingly long time! Bit like me really!
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13 April 2005, 16:57
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Go Blue!
Hi Marko, Go blue with pressure release valves. Blue Tubes & orange hull loks smart. We have just launched our new excaliber rib yesterday for seceret trials and have blue tubes with off white hull. Looks good too!
Best of luck with whatever
13 April 2005, 22:06
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Thanks all - Final vote???
Oh wow! Cheers again for so much good feedback...
Bearing in mind that hull, seat covers and hatches are black, hard bow cone, inner hull and seat pods orange and deck is grey, I think that I've narrowed it down to the following choices:
1- Grey tubes (with black wear patches) to key into deck and seat/hull colours and generally go all Viking - Not sure whether to go light or dark grey tho'...
2- Blue Tubes (again with black wear patches) as blue seems to be practical, not so prosaic - there's a word you probably don't get on RIB forums everyday  - as grey and more the colour of the moment. This is also a consideration as we may subsequently sell the boat!
Your votes please!
14 April 2005, 08:00
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I would say that blue tubes may slightly look the better and also may have more appeal to a buyer it shows the dirt less also, Trust me i know i have navy blue tubes on my osprey  , Ok the hull colour is differant (white) but navy blue also goes with orange, black and grey.
14 April 2005, 11:38
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I like the Avon blue, but isn't that difficult to get or something?
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