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Old 01 March 2020, 16:49   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Northwich
Make: Elling
Length: 3m +
Engine: Orca 9.8 4 stroke
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 166
Elling kb 350

Forgot to mention when I pick the boat and engine up the person I bought it from put the engine in my car wrong way up telling me that was the correct way, now I know he did not have a clue and me not knowing anything about it I just took his word, a 2 hour drive home went to take it out of the boot and there was a smell of petrol and also oil had leaked out.
Found the Manuel saying how it should be put down panic ump my new engine looked on the internet for a solution found a solution on utube not to panic 1st check oil level it was low so bought some more oil and topped it up 2nd See if any oil had got into the cylinders or carb so out came the spark plugs and check them they were ok said to pulled the starting cord about 10 time to check any oil was in the cylinders if there was it would have come out of spark plug holes, they were dry good news so back in with the plugs.
Now to see if it would start with no problems put it in a bin of water connected the fuel line opened the air valve pumped petrol into the carb pulled the choke out and pulled the starting rope about 4 times no start pumped it again and hay presto it started with a lot of smoke pushed the choke in after about 5 mins it was fine with no smoke and the engine sounded good relief and happiness :yay

Hear we go get started and show some photos of my trailer its an Extreme 350kg Bunker trailer I picked up from Stratford Boats and Outboards, before buying it I emailed in with the specification of the Elling kb 350 to see if it was any good and was told it was, so hopefully I will only need to do a few adjustment.
This week will be pumping the boat up and putting it on the trailer with the engine on will post how I got on with photos
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