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Old 10 April 2011, 19:49   #1
Country: UK - England
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engine cutting out

we launched the the little rib today as the weather was so nice, only to to find that the engine keeps cutting out. it started ok at first with some fast idle on, but every time i take the fast idle off the engine cuts out.
the engine is a 15hp tohatsu 4 stroke about 2 years old. i was surprised as it was only serviced about 5 weeks ago and i used it about 2 weeks ago.
i have checked fuel, vent, fuel filter, loose wires etc and i upped the idle (which will keep it running but alot faster than usual idle, and it sounds like its hunting a fair bit).

any further suggestions or ideas on what may be the cause or solution would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 10 April 2011, 20:30   #2
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Originally Posted by georgieboy View Post
we launched the the little rib today as the weather was so nice, only to to find that the engine keeps cutting out. it started ok at first with some fast idle on, but every time i take the fast idle off the engine cuts out.
the engine is a 15hp tohatsu 4 stroke about 2 years old. i was surprised as it was only serviced about 5 weeks ago and i used it about 2 weeks ago.
i have checked fuel, vent, fuel filter, loose wires etc and i upped the idle (which will keep it running but alot faster than usual idle, and it sounds like its hunting a fair bit).

any further suggestions or ideas on what may be the cause or solution would be greatly appreciated.
Generally if the engine dies at low idle it is due to dirty pilot jet within the carb. You may be able to buy one of these carb cleaning sprays and whilst the engine is running try and spray it into the carb so MAYBE it will clean the jets.

Don't be surprised if even after just 5 weeks of servicing the engine you have this problem. maybe whoever who serviced your engine thought the engine "LOOKS OK!" so no need to clean the carb, or maybe you have left dirty fuel in the carb which has blocked the jets.

Another trip to your local marine engineer will sort this out! if you don't fancy DIY!
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Old 10 April 2011, 20:35   #3
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Make sure the choke's coming off too. That puzzled me once on an outboard.
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Old 10 April 2011, 21:09   #4
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: m.j
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thanks for the replies

there is a possibility of dirty fuel in the carb as i didnt use the engine all winter but i did drain the fuel out of the carb before i left it for 4 months or so. i guess some could of been left behind.

what spray should i use? and where do i spray it into the carb?
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