17 April 2009, 07:20
Country: UK - Wales
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Boat name: V-ONE
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Equipment on the RIB
Hi All
This is a list of equipment I have ready for the new RIB, not saying everyone should have all this equipment but you may pick up some useful bits from it. Ill post some pictures through the week.
Anyone else got any good ideas of kit to carry?
Front Locker
1 x 10kg Danforth Anchor, 10m 6mm Chain, 50m 10mm Warp
1 x 6kg Danforth Anchor, 6m 6mm Chain, 50m 10mm Warp
1 x Drogue, 10m 6mm Warp
2 x 10m Warps
2 x 5m Warps
2 x RIB Fenders
6 x Small Fenders
1 x Anchor Day Shape Ball
On Deck
1 x 6 Man ISO Liferaft
Console with Large Hatch
1 x 160 Litre Fuel Tank
1 x Fuel Water Separator
1 x Garmin 550s
1 x Icom 505 with Hailer/Fog Horn
2 x Compass
1 x Tool Kit inc knife
2 x Optima Batteries
1 x Torch
1 x Search Light
4 x Head Torches
1 x Diving Knife
2 x Fog Horn
1 x Emergency Aerial
Aft Locker
2 x Extending Paddles
1 x Boat Hook
1 x Tow Line Bag & 15m Tow Line with Bridle
5 x Manual Life Jackets 2 With Life Lines
5 x Auto Life Jackets all autos with day night signal flares
6 x TPAs
2 x 1 kg Fire Extinguishers
1 x Cat C First Aid Kit
12 x Litres of Water
1 x Collapsible Bucket
1 x Spare Prop
Safety Box 1
10 x Red Pinpoint Flares
3 x Orange Smoke Flares
7 X Red Rocket Flares
1 x Torch
1 x Knife
2 x Solas Card
Safety Box 2
Mini 1st Aid Kit
2 x Tourniquets
4 x Israeli Bandages
4 x Airways
1 x Tub of Wet Wipes
1 x Roll of cling film
1 x Pack of Sanitary Towels
Mars Bars & Kendal mint Cake
1 x Handheld VHF Radio
1 x Fog Horn
1 x 3000gph Bilge Pump
1 x 3000gph Auto Bilge Pump
1 x Whale Hand Bilge Pump
A Frame
LED Nav Lights
Echomax Radar Reflector with light
2 x Life Rings
1 x V Tronix Masthead Whip Aerials
Helmsmen & Navigator
Personal EPIRB Each
Knife Each
Day Night Signal Flare Each
Handheld VHF Each
17 April 2009, 08:12
Country: UK - England
Town: swanwick/hamble
Boat name: stormchaser
Make: custom rib
Length: 8m +
Engine: inboard/diesel
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 3,848
i hope you have enough free board at the transom to cope with all that weight, i had this conversation with the mca re coding and they're totally oblivious that they're making the boats unseaworthy by making us load all this kit on for coding, not saying yours is not seaworthy but you will be carrying around at least 2 extra people in weight every time you go out, i'm all for safety but it works both ways, in all the years i've been ribbing i've know of only one rib that has sunk without trace, ribs are the safest things in the water yet the mca still generalize the coding rules, the anchors they make us carry will also hold a yacht of the same waterline length and they are at best twice as heavy at worst three or four times as heavy, there you go got my blood pressure up again, think i'll have another cuppa!
17 April 2009, 08:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
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Posts: 8,875
There are two pieces of equipment missing from your list that I can see.
1x RN Air/sea Rescue Merlin flying above you at all times.
1x RNLI Severn class in close proximity at all times.
Add those two and you should be ok, but you can never be TOO safe.
Well done Jono for highlighting how woefully under-equipped most of us are in the safety dept. I'm off today to buy all of that stuff and a bigger boat.
17 April 2009, 08:40
Country: UK - England
Town: Gosport
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Jono, some questions,
Why two Danforth anchors, and the rope size looks a little thin for a coded boat unless the rules have changed it used to be 12mm. How do you fly the anchor day shape ball? photo please.
Why so many red flares and no white? I would have thought the normal coastal pack would do.
Do you know how to use a tourniquet? dangerous piece of kit which you can do more harm than good with. Why 4 x airways? who is using them?
Why some many knives, you could start a small war with all that lot. Why a personal EPIRB each? do you really need them on a rib used for coastal passages.
You need some more fire extinguishers.
Why 10 life jackets? but only 12 litres of water? thought the recommendation was 2 litres for each person on board.
Some good items listed though but probably a bit OTT unless you are corssing the Atlantic.
Ribnet is best viewed on a computer of some sort
17 April 2009, 08:56
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 8,875
Yeah, 6mm chain? Is that correct?
I use 10mm, I tried 12mm, but it nearly killed me hauling it all back onboard. Spittle123 got that with the 6.5m.
17 April 2009, 08:56
Country: UK - England
Town: Up Norf
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I believe Jono has completed the RNLI's new first aid course which includes the use of tourniquet. Its dangerous in the wrong hands but in the right nads its a lifesaver, better to lose a limb then be dead. The Israeli bandages are an excellent bit of kit too. Where did you get yours from Jono as our Dr on station is trying to find out?
17 April 2009, 09:39
Country: UK - England
Town: wells
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Engine: 60 / 15hp
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Posts: 56
Jeezzz, reminds me of the parrafin man, he had everthing. Perhaps he's a mobile Chandlery!!
17 April 2009, 09:52
Country: UK - England
Town: Ipswich
Boat name: Jammy Dodger
Make: Avon Adventure 7.20
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Posts: 365
Do I need all the equiptment on my dads yacht tender?? an avon 2.80 rover RIB lite?? has a 4hp yamaha!! haha
17 April 2009, 10:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Up Norf
Make: Avon SR4,Tremlett 23
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An anchor would be good, second thought just take some rope and use the engine!
17 April 2009, 10:40
RIBnet supporter
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Yeah, 6mm chain? Is that correct?
I use 10mm, I tried 12mm, but it nearly killed me hauling it all back onboard. Spittle123 got that with the 6.5m. 
You can borrow some of mine i've got plenty
17 April 2009, 11:14
Country: UK - England
Town: swanwick/hamble
Boat name: stormchaser
Make: custom rib
Length: 8m +
Engine: inboard/diesel
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 3,848
i didn't post so everybody could take the piss out of him, we should be taking it out of the mca, they're the ones that make us look like fools, what about bailer trunks on ribs, dont see any on hardboats that are coded, why drill a bloody great hole in a good hull and put a bit of canvas over it, and when you're boats swamped and dead in the water they dont work anyway, you've started me off again, time for a cuppa
17 April 2009, 13:39
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
Make: Vipermax 5.8, SR4.7
Length: 5m +
Engine: 150 Opti, F50EFi
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Posts: 6,299
Getting through a lot of tea today, Biff...
17 April 2009, 16:11
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by Jono Garton
Hi All
This is a list of equipment I have ready for the new RIB, not saying everyone should have all this equipment but you may pick up some useful bits from it. Ill post some pictures through the week.
Anyone else got any good ideas of kit to carry?
Front Locker
1 x 10kg Danforth Anchor, 10m 6mm Chain, 50m 10mm Warp
1 x 6kg Danforth Anchor, 6m 6mm Chain, 50m 10mm Warp
1 x Drogue, 10m 6mm Warp
2 x 10m Warps
2 x 5m Warps
2 x RIB Fenders
6 x Small Fenders
1 x Anchor Day Shape Ball
On Deck
1 x 6 Man ISO Liferaft
Console with Large Hatch
1 x 160 Litre Fuel Tank
1 x Fuel Water Separator
1 x Garmin 550s
1 x Icom 505 with Hailer/Fog Horn
2 x Compass
1 x Tool Kit inc knife
2 x Optima Batteries
1 x Torch
1 x Search Light
4 x Head Torches
1 x Diving Knife
2 x Fog Horn
1 x Emergency Aerial
Aft Locker
2 x Extending Paddles
1 x Boat Hook
1 x Tow Line Bag & 15m Tow Line with Bridle
5 x Manual Life Jackets 2 With Life Lines
5 x Auto Life Jackets all autos with day night signal flares
6 x TPAs
2 x 1 kg Fire Extinguishers
1 x Cat C First Aid Kit
12 x Litres of Water
1 x Collapsible Bucket
1 x Spare Prop
Safety Box 1
10 x Red Pinpoint Flares
3 x Orange Smoke Flares
7 X Red Rocket Flares
1 x Torch
1 x Knife
2 x Solas Card
Safety Box 2
Mini 1st Aid Kit
2 x Tourniquets
4 x Israeli Bandages
4 x Airways
1 x Tub of Wet Wipes
1 x Roll of cling film
1 x Pack of Sanitary Towels
Mars Bars & Kendal mint Cake
1 x Handheld VHF Radio
1 x Fog Horn
1 x 3000gph Bilge Pump
1 x 3000gph Auto Bilge Pump
1 x Whale Hand Bilge Pump
A Frame
LED Nav Lights
Echomax Radar Reflector with light
2 x Life Rings
1 x V Tronix Masthead Whip Aerials
Helmsmen & Navigator
Personal EPIRB Each
Knife Each
Day Night Signal Flare Each
Handheld VHF Each
Any room for you on board Jono????
17 April 2009, 18:19
Country: UK - England
Town: Newcastle Staffs
Boat name: blue it
Make: ribcraft 7.5
Length: 7m +
Engine: suzuki df225
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Posts: 507
The mca havent asked for all this kit, this was the list Amy said he has to carry before she will let him take his new baby son on board.  Congratulations.
Top banana
17 April 2009, 18:59
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 249
Originally Posted by Jono Garton
Anyone else got any good ideas of kit to carry?
Clamshell and foot / hand pump for the tubes
Originally Posted by Jono Garton
1 x Pack of Sanitary Towels
Yes, I hear that wave action can bring on the menstrual cycle
17 April 2009, 19:28
Country: UK - England
Town: Southport
Boat name: Qudos
Make: 5.4 Searider
Length: 5m +
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Posts: 3,930
Originally Posted by Top banana
The mca havent asked for all this kit, this was the list Amy said he has to carry before she will let him take his new baby son on board.  Congratulations. 
Has Jono just become a daddy?
Congrats Jono. I know I'm not on your favourite list at the moment (sorry again) but hope mum and baby are doing well
18 April 2009, 12:48
Country: UK - Wales
Town: N Wales Chester
Boat name: Mr Smith
Make: Humber
Length: 6m +
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Posts: 5,238
Congratulations Jono, hope mother and baby doing well.
What age will the nipper get the ICC? You could go for a record, good for promoting the courses!!!
18 April 2009, 14:01
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Pete7
Why some many knives, you could start a small war with all that lot. Why a personal EPIRB each? do you really need them on a rib used for coastal passages.
I'd imagine you'd blunt a few cutting through the BS, take the knife out of your Toolkit and stick a spark plug in it's place, opti juice fuel delivery system---tossers toob perhaps?
Are the Israeli bandages used in case you have to perform an emergency circumcision?
18 April 2009, 16:36
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Pwllheli-North Wales
Boat name: V-ONE
Make: Highfield
Length: 8m +
Engine: Honda 250hp
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,367
Originally Posted by Pete7
Jono, some questions,
Why two Danforth anchors, and the rope size looks a little thin for a coded boat unless the rules have changed it used to be 12mm. How do you fly the anchor day shape ball? photo please.
Why so many red flares and no white? I would have thought the normal coastal pack would do.
Do you know how to use a tourniquet? dangerous piece of kit which you can do more harm than good with. Why 4 x airways? who is using them?
Why some many knives, you could start a small war with all that lot. Why a personal EPIRB each? do you really need them on a rib used for coastal passages.
You need some more fire extinguishers.
Why 10 life jackets? but only 12 litres of water? thought the recommendation was 2 litres for each person on board.
Some good items listed though but probably a bit OTT unless you are corssing the Atlantic.
Hi Pete
-Two Danforths for Coding
-Anchor Ball on top of the console
-I believe 10mm Warp is fine
-Red Flares because I have plenty
-No Whites as if I bake down in front of a tanker I have no issue in letting a red one off.
-Yes I am trained to use tourniquets & 4 various size air ways
-Plenty of knifes - cus having saved someones life once because they got trapped under a boat I just like them.
-Personal EPIRBS are just great and each professional member should have one as they are so cheep, 2 guys lost their lives up here if they have personal epirbs they would still be around now.
-10 Lifejackets as we are coded for 6
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