14 April 2011, 23:59
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 26
Essential kit
Having just ordered my new boat (Futura III) i am keen to get on the water and enjoy it. I am interested to know what you would consider to be the essentials with regard to your boats inventory. Tools, safety equipment, or anything that you would not wish to be without. I appreciate that the list will vary dependant upon the boat and environment, however I am certain that your opinions could be very useful when it comes to packing for my first trip........
15 April 2011, 05:53
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Cardigan
Boat name: Poor Life Choices
Make: Gemini
Length: 5m +
Engine: 50HP Tohatsu 2 Strok
MMSI: 235085232
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Posts: 166
Smoke flare, anchor, ski goggles, dry suit, life jacket and a pub at recovery site.
15 April 2011, 06:40
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Alderney
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We do a grab bag that contains a few items that experience has shown us can be well worth carrying...
First aid kit including eye wash capsules (also good for rinsing wounds),
Signal mirror,
Foil blanket,
Waterproof notepad.
The foil blankets are fairly useless, but they are so small and light that it makes sense to have them in there. I also carry a few glow sticks, good torch, in-line fuel filter, resuscitation mask, and a couple of red hand flares in mine.
On my person I have a handheld VHF, handheld GPS and would like to have a PLB.
15 April 2011, 06:46
Country: Germany
Town: Hamburg
Boat name: Der Delphin
Make: Parker
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Posts: 171
Thanks for an opportunity to rethink the stocklist. Was a bit surprised what actually is on board.
My area is river Elbe and German Bight/Helgoland. If I should pick only one entry from the list, it'll be a good Plan B. Kit I'd drop first would be all electronics.
Plan B
1st aid kit incl these metallic blankets that keep warm
Gaffa tape, lotsa it
3l water
Sun cream
Chocolate bars
Updated paper charts
Fixed dsc vhf
IP67 waterproof handheld vhf
gps chart plotter
fixed steering compass
handheld bearing compass
stop watch
tide tables
Weather report
MMSI of MRCC programmed in dsc
Voyage planning, laminated
elbe radar and radio / german bight radar and radio vhf channels printed and lamimated
complete tool kit, eg a pre-equipped for car mechanics
marine spray
spare lubricants
green soap (in case of oil spill)
7.5kg anchor
7m chain
55m anchor warp plus 35m extension
moorings (1each fore and aft, 2 springs)
spare bulbs for nav lights
spare fuses
spare fuel filter
Distress flares and torches
3D LED maglite
2C maglite
Spare batteries for maglites
50l spare diesel
Gecko helmets w/ full face visor
Spare Life jacket
Sharp knife
air pump for toobs
spare dry and warm clothing
Sent from my iPhone using Rib.net
15 April 2011, 13:02
Country: UK - England
Town: Northampton
Make: RibTec
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 506
Well here is a list of what I carry on my 5.35
Spare 2 stroke oil
2 x flares ( 1 smoke 1 pinpoint)
spare key
first aid kit.
chocky bars
dry cloth/towel.
10mm spanner
13mm spanner
adjustable spanner
spare plugs
Life Jackets
also keep some resin and hardener about.
15 April 2011, 14:07
Country: UK - England
Town: Up Norf
Make: Avon SR4,Tremlett 23
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Essential things would be:
anchor and decent length of warp.
Nice things to have are a tool kit containing a couple of shifters, screwdrivers and WD40 etc.
15 April 2011, 16:42
Country: UK - England
Town: Basingstoke
Boat name: True Spirit
Make: Ribeye 785 Sport
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yamaha 250
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Posts: 22
all the above , plus boat hook , fire extinguisher, complete tool box, spare fuel, bucket.
15 April 2011, 18:49
Country: UK - England
Town: Cornwall
Length: 5m +
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 49
As well as all of the above. Take a spare kill cord. If you go over the side wearing it at least the crew can start up to position the boat for easy recovery.
15 April 2011, 19:22
Country: UK - England
Town: New Milton
Boat name: Jianna
Make: Osprey
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200 E-TEC
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Posts: 1,940
Originally Posted by Kraken999
As well as all of the above. Take a spare kill cord. If you go over the side wearing it at least the crew can start up to position the boat for easy recovery.
Or get an Etec 
Dust creation specialist
15 April 2011, 21:11
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Dinard, Brittany
Boat name: Into the Red
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 7m +
Engine: Evinrude E-tec 250HO
MMSI: 235 076 114
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Posts: 1,957
Originally Posted by Ian M
Or get an Etec  
Is the special etec ignition system common across other brands or is it only an Evinrude feature?
15 April 2011, 21:43
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Jersey
Boat name: Archangel
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 6m +
Engine: ETec 225
MMSI: 235063789
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Posts: 1,005
I have an ETec and always carry a spare kill cord.
My essentials:
Reliable VHF - check it works by calling the CG before you leave.
Anchor with 15 metres of chain and 100m of rope. Don't forget to bouy your anchor.
Lifejackets for everyone on board
Sponson repair kit and pump
Radar reflector
Whistle / air horn and torch
Paddles and boat hook
Change of clothing and footwear
Towels (I carry three or four)
Spare two-stroke oil
Pilot guide
Crew (wife will do at a push)
15 April 2011, 21:56
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Dinard, Brittany
Boat name: Into the Red
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 7m +
Engine: Evinrude E-tec 250HO
MMSI: 235 076 114
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,957
Originally Posted by GJ0KYZ
I have an ETec and always carry a spare kill cord.
Same, but still, with an etec it's a non-essential for restarting. In an emergency if one of us went overboard whilst driving, the other would not piss about getting the spare out when all he need do is turn the key.
Originally Posted by GJ0KYZ
Sponson repair kit and pump
We've discussed this before on here, and you all seemed to reckon the Barton clamseal was a good idea, and following that we bought one and had occasion to use it last year on the tender. It proved very, very good. Linky.
Originally Posted by GJ0KYZ
Towels (I carry three or four)
Us too. We essentially have a locker dedicated to old rags. Old boxers are the best, useful for everthing
Originally Posted by dnv
Chocolate bars
Every boat should have ships rations and chocolate is definitely the best. Not only will it save your life if you are seriously stranded, but it is also a fantastic morale booster when you have children on board. + it keeps fat old men happy whilst I blat along
15 April 2011, 22:12
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Jersey
Boat name: Archangel
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 6m +
Engine: ETec 225
MMSI: 235063789
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 1,005
Originally Posted by gotchiguy
Same, but still, with an etec it's a non-essential for restarting. In an emergency if one of us went overboard whilst driving, the other would not piss about getting the spare out when all he need do is turn the key.
How does that work then? Are you saying the chord stops an ETec but is not necessary to restart it? If so, I've leant something this evening...!!
15 April 2011, 22:14
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Dinard, Brittany
Boat name: Into the Red
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 7m +
Engine: Evinrude E-tec 250HO
MMSI: 235 076 114
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Posts: 1,957
Originally Posted by GJ0KYZ
How does that work then? Are you saying the chord stops an ETec but is not necessary to restart it? If so, I've leant something this evening...!!
Assuming that you have the black square thing to start it then yes. I'm not sure if the remote mounted barrels have this feature but our black square certainly does. No need to clip the clip in to start
15 April 2011, 22:15
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Dinard, Brittany
Boat name: Into the Red
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 7m +
Engine: Evinrude E-tec 250HO
MMSI: 235 076 114
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Posts: 1,957
Originally Posted by gotchiguy
black square
The thing that wot the killcord is attached to.
15 April 2011, 22:17
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Jersey
Boat name: Archangel
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 6m +
Engine: ETec 225
MMSI: 235063789
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Posts: 1,005
Originally Posted by gotchiguy
Assuming that you have the black square thing to start it then yes. I'm not sure if the remote mounted barrels have this feature but our black square certainly does. No need to clip the clip in to start 
Is there no end to the ingenuity of man or womenkind? I'll try that out tomorrow when I take some birdwatcher down the Minquiers.
15 April 2011, 22:20
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: Jersey
Boat name: Archangel
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 6m +
Engine: ETec 225
MMSI: 235063789
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 1,005
By the way, if anyone is thinking of buying a yacht and is drawing up a list of essentials then put a set of lazyjacks as your number one item. They were invented by the Chinese two million years ago and are more useful than paper and gunpowder combined.
15 April 2011, 22:23
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Make: Arctic 28/FC470
Length: 8m +
Engine: twin 225Opti/50hp 2t
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Posts: 3,030
Kill cord not required for Mercury either, just flick the switch back up where the kill cord attaches.
15 April 2011, 22:43
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Dinard, Brittany
Boat name: Into the Red
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 7m +
Engine: Evinrude E-tec 250HO
MMSI: 235 076 114
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,957
Originally Posted by GJ0KYZ
Is there no end to the ingenuity of man or womenkind? I'll try that out tomorrow when I take some birdwatcher down the Minquiers.
Hmmm.... Well we call it a safety feature but really me reckons its dodgy design. That design is 20 yrs old and I reckon it was made for the time when many didn't use killcords but the safety orgs were pressing for them. The mercury system is much better because you are have to do something to activate the engine wheras with the evinrude/johnny system, you can do it without thinking and there may be unforeseen consequences.....
16 April 2011, 10:00
Country: UK - England
Town: Northampton
Make: RibTec
Length: 5m +
Engine: Outbaord mariner 75
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Posts: 506
Yep My mariner remote kill is just a lanyard and a big old switch on the bottom of the remote.
If you loose the lanyard/kill tether then you just flick the switch back in to its run position and your away.
Simple... I like simple.
K.I.S = keep it simple.
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