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Old 07 February 2017, 01:45   #1
MustRib's Avatar
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Exporting/Moving to USA

Just wondered if anyone here has had any experience
moving their RIB to the USA from the UK?
(Not for sale but for personal use).
I had concerns specifically about the spec on the Tohatsu 90C that its
fitted with and any sort of emissions standard that has to be met.
Also - as I don't have any supporting original paperwork with it, how much
of an issue that may be?
I would deflate the tubes and put it into a 20 foot sea container,
along with some personal effects etc.
Bit of a long shot but someone may have done this before?
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Old 07 February 2017, 03:12   #2
Country: USA
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Shipped my RIB over here to San Diego, but without an engine (bought a nice Suzuki 90Df locally ) Just had to have it inspected at the DMV (Department of motor vehicles) to get my annual tags. As long as its only for personal use, it's not a big deal. Try some of the big US boat forums to get an insight into any emission codes and good luck. I shipped mine on a cradle on a RORO ferry and was cheaper than a cargo container. But as you said, you may want to include other personal items.
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Old 07 February 2017, 03:41   #3
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Thanks for the reply...
Did you get hit for duty on importing it?
Did you have original paperwork etc ?

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Old 07 February 2017, 19:29   #4
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I shipped a boat (not a RIB) from UK to USA when we went to live there. It was an American made boat, which I purchased in the UK, but because it was US made, there was no duty to pay. Beyond that, I had to visit Customs at the Port of Palm Beach annually to buy a tag and pay a small fee. I believe you may have to pay duty on a UK built vessel.
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Old 07 February 2017, 19:59   #5
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Silly question but why not just sell it and buy another over there, from what I've seen the choice and price of US boats is extremely good.

I had a mate go to an awful amount of trouble bringing a boat from the UK to here in Australia, once here he found it was far than suitable to the rougher conditions we get. He's still stuck with the boat that he's been trying to sell for three years.

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Old 07 February 2017, 23:01   #6
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Originally Posted by jonp View Post
Silly question but why not just sell it and buy another over there, from what I've seen the choice and price of US boats is extremely good.

I had a mate go to an awful amount of trouble bringing a boat from the UK to here in Australia, once here he found it was far than suitable to the rougher conditions we get. He's still stuck with the boat that he's been trying to sell for three years.

Actually ...I don't think thats the case
Decent Ribs fetch good money in the USA.
With the US Dollar so strong, they cost more than in the UK, with less choice.
I have to think about what my boat would fetch in the UK market if I tried to sell it,
how far that money would go to purchasing a similar spec'd / size boat in the Pacific North West,
against possible import duty, and cost of a sea container that I could also
use to move personal effects.
The current Rib would be more than suitable for the locations and
conditions I have been out and about in over in the USA.
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Old 07 February 2017, 23:04   #7
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Originally Posted by Binty_Bexter View Post
I shipped a boat (not a RIB) from UK to USA when we went to live there. It was an American made boat, which I purchased in the UK, but because it was US made, there was no duty to pay. Beyond that, I had to visit Customs at the Port of Palm Beach annually to buy a tag and pay a small fee. I believe you may have to pay duty on a UK built vessel.
Thanks ... This isn't a US made boat sadly or that would make it easy,
and it has had several owners, so no original supporting paperwork.
I think I may need to have it valued here, to provide some sort of
starting point for the calculation of duty. Just wondered if anyone has had to do that.
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Old 08 February 2017, 02:58   #8
Country: USA
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I had to clear customs and border protection at the port.
Some info here that maybe of use.

And for the engine, regulations here
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Old 08 February 2017, 03:09   #9
Country: USA
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Originally Posted by MustRib View Post
Actually ...I don't think thats the case
Decent Ribs fetch good money in the USA.
With the US Dollar so strong, they cost more than in the UK, with less choice.
I have to think about what my boat would fetch in the UK market if I tried to sell it,
how far that money would go to purchasing a similar spec'd / size boat in the Pacific North West,
against possible import duty, and cost of a sea container that I could also
use to move personal effects.
The current Rib would be more than suitable for the locations and
conditions I have been out and about in over in the USA.
Totally agree there ! There are a large number of smaller "tender" type inflatables, (but not much use as a primary boat ) At the other end of the scale are the "Big bucks" models, like the raider ribs , that are just way out of range for most people. You just don't get that many mid range 5-6 meter ribs around here (well at least not California)
I moved mine here as it was cheaper shipping; from Southampton, than it was for shipping a new Ribcraft from the factory in Boston to San Diego !
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Old 08 February 2017, 04:32   #10
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Originally Posted by limeydal View Post
I had to clear customs and border protection at the port.
Some info here that maybe of use.

And for the engine, regulations here
brilliant - thanks for the pointers
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Old 08 February 2017, 08:26   #11
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Silly question, but if it's your boat & you are moving there, why would duty be payable, is it not just another "possession" if you ship out your bed, furniture, jewellery do you have to pay duty on those too? Are boats a special case? I would have thought that duty would only become due if you sold it in the states. If you paid duty & then moved back to the UK, do you claim the duty back when you export it again?
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Old 08 February 2017, 08:53   #12
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agreed PD...seems like it would fall under the same category
as your other personal effects, but the notes that I got sent by limeydal
do show that a boat being imported for private use has a duty
rate of 1% for powerboats or 2.4% for inflatable boats.
As I understand it - you can bring in personal effects (if your moving there)
without duty being payable as long as they are over 1 year old.

Just out of interest I looked up importing a USA boat for private use
into the UK and the import duty would be 1.7% plus 20% VAT
on the value of the boat - so for a 6000 pound value boat,
it would be 102 pounds duty and 1220.40 pounds in VAT.

Seems like neither USA or UK consider a recreational boat a personal effect.
At least I don't have to pay VAT importing into the USA.
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Old 08 February 2017, 09:08   #13
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Can you claim the VAT back on it if you are exporting it to the states?
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Old 08 February 2017, 09:20   #14
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post
Can you claim the VAT back on it if you are exporting it to the states?
I guess you would need the original bill of sale (which I don't have).
But not sure of the situation if the boat has been used in the UK
for a lengthy period of time, as opposed to being new.
Moot point as I must be the third or fourth owner and the original paperwork
is long gone. I bought it from a private individual so no VAT Charged
on the sale to me that I could reclaim.
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Old 08 February 2017, 09:31   #15
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does lead onto some more practical details I suppose.
I wouldn't get the trailer into a 20' sea container I expect,
will be too long with the draw bar etc. and not sure it would be legal in the USA.
I think I would need a wheeled cradle, flog the Rollercoaster in the UK
and use the money pick up a trailer over in the US.
Would have to deflate tubes to fit the boat inside the container,
purge the under deck fuel tank. Everything else on the boat should be OK.
The VHF doesn't share the exact same channels I believe?
But the AIS and plotter (with appropriate charts loaded) should all work fine.
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Old 08 February 2017, 09:41   #16
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Originally Posted by MustRib View Post
does lead onto some more practical details I suppose.

I wouldn't get the trailer into a 20' sea container I expect,

will be too long with the draw bar etc. and not sure it would be legal in the USA.

I think I would need a wheeled cradle, flog the Rollercoaster in the UK

and use the money pick up a trailer over in the US.

Would have to deflate tubes to fit the boat inside the container,

purge the under deck fuel tank. Everything else on the boat should be OK.

The VHF doesn't share the exact same channels I believe?

But the AIS and plotter (with appropriate charts loaded) should all work fine.

Can you keep the boat as a U.K. Registered vessel? My mate has a yacht in Mexico that he bought from an American & it is now British registered. You would be able to keep your mmsi number, otherwise you might have issues with the AIS /VHF. Your vhf will probably have the facility to switch to US channels.
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Old 08 February 2017, 10:05   #17
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I think its normally a year up to a maximum of three years if its a yacht?
Not really sure - maybe someone on here knows.
I am sure its also linked in to your own immigration status as well.
If your a permanent resident, I am pretty sure you would need a
permit from the DMV and a registration number to operate it.
Your UK boat insurance would need adjusting, or not be valid.
And to get the boat to the USA - as its not a yacht and can't be sailed,
so am sure to send it over in a container - would require some
sort of pre-clearance in the USA before departure from the UK.
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Old 08 February 2017, 10:08   #18
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Are you emigrating lock stock & barrel or is it a temp thing?
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Old 08 February 2017, 17:01   #19
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lock stock and two smoking barrels
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Old 08 February 2017, 17:12   #20
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Best of luck Andy,don't forget to take your PLB !
It looks massive on the trailer,but tiny in a big sea!
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